No computer is making it hard to update. Phone is okay, but a bit frustrating to type long posts.
Hurt my back this morning doing sumo dead lifts. I had never done these as strength work, I guess I underestimated them.
Going for a massage in 45 minutes.
Wednesday, 30 May 2012
Monday, 28 May 2012
Crossfit log for Monday, May 28th
Last December I wrote:Fight Gone Bad this am. Took my own advice from last time and went lighter to try and make the engine the limiter and not muscle fatigue
Did much better, a lot less stopping, but the wall balls and sumo dead lift high pulls in the last round sadly didn't go unbroken.
Scored 250. Using 55# bar (for the push press and sumo dead lift high pull) and 14# med ball. Happy with that.
Last time at prescribed (Rx) weight 75# bar and 20# med ball, score was 182.
I'll call it a success.
Fight Gone Bad:
3 rounds 5 minute (1 min at each station) 1 minute rest between rounds.
-wallball 20# med ball (1 rep = 1 point)
-sumo dead lift high pull 75# bar (1 rep = 1 point)
-box jumps 24" box (1 rep = 1 point)
-push press (1 rep = 1 point)
-row (1 cal = 1 point)
Love seeing progress. Did Fight Gone bad again today.
Score was 234, Rx baby! All the way!
First time I did this was October 1st, scored 176, in December I tried Rx and got the 182 mentioned above. And last time was 250 but with only 55# on the bar. (I wish I'd known that, I would've pushed harder to try and match 250 at Rx).
Feelin' good.
Saturday, 26 May 2012
Crossfit log for Saturday, May 26th
Today I went to the new box in town, Crossfit Forits, for the free WOD, since Physics was closed.
The day after the fire, I ran into Crossfit Games competitor Nat Connors, at Walmart of all places. We chatted a bit and she said she was going to the free WOD, so I said I'd join her.
It was good. Mostly beginners and one or two experienced crossfitter that had brought friends to try it.
It was a 20 min AMRAP,
5 chest to bar pull ups
10 wall balls 20#
15 kettle bell swings 24kg
I paced myself to 8 rounds plus 3 pull up. Not bad.
Nat had brought some toys for the kids
The day after the fire, I ran into Crossfit Games competitor Nat Connors, at Walmart of all places. We chatted a bit and she said she was going to the free WOD, so I said I'd join her.
It was good. Mostly beginners and one or two experienced crossfitter that had brought friends to try it.
It was a 20 min AMRAP,
5 chest to bar pull ups
10 wall balls 20#
15 kettle bell swings 24kg
I paced myself to 8 rounds plus 3 pull up. Not bad.
Nat had brought some toys for the kids
Friday, 25 May 2012
Crossfit log for Friday, May 25th
It was a team WOD. 100 combined ground to overhead, one team member works at a time, but every minute both team members do 5 burpees.
Was teamed up with a new girl, Alice. She was solid, did 65#, I choose 85#.
We went 26:09
It was hard. Started sobbing in the parking lot during my recovery. Exhaustion and the realization of the magnitude of the disaster was too much I guess.
Tomorrow will be better
It was a team WOD. 100 combined ground to overhead, one team member works at a time, but every minute both team members do 5 burpees.
Was teamed up with a new girl, Alice. She was solid, did 65#, I choose 85#.
We went 26:09
It was hard. Started sobbing in the parking lot during my recovery. Exhaustion and the realization of the magnitude of the disaster was too much I guess.
Tomorrow will be better
Thursday, 24 May 2012
Luckiest man in the world
This has been a trying week.
Times of adversity really put things into perspective.
We have in our neighborhood, a world class medical facility for children that treated Dexter's croup with care and professionalism.
He's doing much better. I'm very lucky.
When our kitchen burned yesterday, and our neighbours came running to make sure no one was in the house, thankfully, Kiza and the kids were playing outside with the neighborhood kids.
No one was was hurt. I'm very lucky.
Last month Sheamus died peacefully in our presence, surrounded by love and sorrow.
He didn't die in the panicked terror of a fire. I'm very lucky.
Thanks to the outpouring of support from our friends we have all the essentials and a temporary roof over our heads. I'm very lucky.
We have a comprehensive insurance policy.
Right now, everyone is safe and sound and the rebuilding can begin. I'm very lucky.
Times of adversity really put things into perspective.
We have in our neighborhood, a world class medical facility for children that treated Dexter's croup with care and professionalism.
He's doing much better. I'm very lucky.
When our kitchen burned yesterday, and our neighbours came running to make sure no one was in the house, thankfully, Kiza and the kids were playing outside with the neighborhood kids.
No one was was hurt. I'm very lucky.
Last month Sheamus died peacefully in our presence, surrounded by love and sorrow.
He didn't die in the panicked terror of a fire. I'm very lucky.
Thanks to the outpouring of support from our friends we have all the essentials and a temporary roof over our heads. I'm very lucky.
We have a comprehensive insurance policy.
Right now, everyone is safe and sound and the rebuilding can begin. I'm very lucky.
Wednesday, 23 May 2012
Missed my date with Fran
Last Saturday I did another team WOD with Crossfit legend in the making Nat Connors. Once again she pushed me harder than I've ever been pushed before.
I like to think I held my own. I even tore off my shirt, I was so warm, something, being extremely self-conscious about my body, I've never done before. I didn't care. I had to keep up, I had to give my all.
The workout was alternating team effort, like a tag team, each member does the same workout, but one at a time.
4 rounds for time (30 min cap):
- 10 ground to overhead (however you want to do it, clean and press, clean and jerk, snatch, whatever) 105lbs, sprint 50m
- 10 toe-to-bar (hanging from a pull up bar), sprint 50m
- 10 dead lifts 175lbs, sprint 50m
After 2 rounds, I was dying. She is so fast on the toe-to-bar and the dead lifts I hardly had any break. I didn't even have time to add the 35lbs plates to the bar while she was doing the toe-to-bar/sprint, to be ready for the dead lifts.
I don't know what our time was, but near the end of round 3 we were in the 17 minute range, so between 5 and 6 minutes per round, so I'm guess we finished under 25 minutes. I was wiped. But I felt awesome. It was the kind of workout that worked everything.
That feeling, plus an early morning session where I was the only attendee, and I got some one-on-one time with my coach, Isabelle, and made some real progress on my shoulder press, I was thinking I was ready to try Fran again. The thing is, you don't know when Fran is going to pop up.
When Dexter got sick this week I wasn't able to go to Crossfit at all, which is a mixed blessing, you don't get the workout, but you get fresh muscles for the next time. Fran would've been great for tomorrow morning.
Sadly, they did Fran yesterday! Argh! Missed, by "that" much. Oh well. Last time was early April, I'm sure she'll show up again soon enough.
Now I just have to deal with my jittery withdrawal symptoms of no Crossfit for 4 whole days!
I like to think I held my own. I even tore off my shirt, I was so warm, something, being extremely self-conscious about my body, I've never done before. I didn't care. I had to keep up, I had to give my all.
The workout was alternating team effort, like a tag team, each member does the same workout, but one at a time.
4 rounds for time (30 min cap):
- 10 ground to overhead (however you want to do it, clean and press, clean and jerk, snatch, whatever) 105lbs, sprint 50m
- 10 toe-to-bar (hanging from a pull up bar), sprint 50m
- 10 dead lifts 175lbs, sprint 50m
After 2 rounds, I was dying. She is so fast on the toe-to-bar and the dead lifts I hardly had any break. I didn't even have time to add the 35lbs plates to the bar while she was doing the toe-to-bar/sprint, to be ready for the dead lifts.
I don't know what our time was, but near the end of round 3 we were in the 17 minute range, so between 5 and 6 minutes per round, so I'm guess we finished under 25 minutes. I was wiped. But I felt awesome. It was the kind of workout that worked everything.
That feeling, plus an early morning session where I was the only attendee, and I got some one-on-one time with my coach, Isabelle, and made some real progress on my shoulder press, I was thinking I was ready to try Fran again. The thing is, you don't know when Fran is going to pop up.
When Dexter got sick this week I wasn't able to go to Crossfit at all, which is a mixed blessing, you don't get the workout, but you get fresh muscles for the next time. Fran would've been great for tomorrow morning.
Sadly, they did Fran yesterday! Argh! Missed, by "that" much. Oh well. Last time was early April, I'm sure she'll show up again soon enough.
Now I just have to deal with my jittery withdrawal symptoms of no Crossfit for 4 whole days!
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
My father's hands
We are at the children's hospital and I'm holding Dexter, trying to get him to sleep. He's working too hard to breathe, and the epinephrine masks aren't lasting the required two hours for him to get discharged.
He's not in crisis mode but the staff her are taking it seriously enough to have admitted him over night.
As I gently rub his arm to coax his fluttering eyelids to close I notice that it isn't my hand oscillating along his tiny arm, it's my father's.
I don't know when it happened, but at some point in the last, oh I don't know, twenty years, my hands turned into my father's, fewer scars, fewer stains, marred by much less hard work, but they look the same. The same bony wrinkly knuckles, the same reddish hairs and freckles. The tip of my pinky even turns inward the same way his does. It's scary and reassuring at the same time.
I wonder if he was ever as worried about me as I am now about Dexter, or when Delilah had her MRI, or when Clarisse had her kidney infection, or Caleb first developed asthma. I put on a brave face, but so often I'm scared out if my wits, I'm left wondering if he did the same.
I'll have to ask him about it next time I see him.
Dexter is on the mend. He's sleeping soundly now. His breathing easier. My worry has subsided for now. Another crisis averted.
Maybe that was his trick, take it one crisis at a time.
He's not in crisis mode but the staff her are taking it seriously enough to have admitted him over night.
As I gently rub his arm to coax his fluttering eyelids to close I notice that it isn't my hand oscillating along his tiny arm, it's my father's.
I don't know when it happened, but at some point in the last, oh I don't know, twenty years, my hands turned into my father's, fewer scars, fewer stains, marred by much less hard work, but they look the same. The same bony wrinkly knuckles, the same reddish hairs and freckles. The tip of my pinky even turns inward the same way his does. It's scary and reassuring at the same time.
I wonder if he was ever as worried about me as I am now about Dexter, or when Delilah had her MRI, or when Clarisse had her kidney infection, or Caleb first developed asthma. I put on a brave face, but so often I'm scared out if my wits, I'm left wondering if he did the same.
I'll have to ask him about it next time I see him.
Dexter is on the mend. He's sleeping soundly now. His breathing easier. My worry has subsided for now. Another crisis averted.
Maybe that was his trick, take it one crisis at a time.
Saturday, 19 May 2012
Crossfit log for Saturday, May 19th
Today was BEASTMODE!
I wasn't going to go, but after qualifying for Regionals with L'Usine Crossfit Ottawa Team, poor Nat Connors was complaining that no one would want to partner with her in the Saturday Team WOD.
So I took one for the team. I love teaming up with Nat, I never ever work as hard as with her, and today was no exception. We did Women's Rx (red) for her benefit, and it was at the limits of my capabilities.
What a workout.
4 rounds one team member works at a time.
-10 ground to over head 105#, sprint 60m (each member in turn)
-10 toes to bar, sprint 60m (no wimping out with knees to elbows on Nat's team!)
-10 dead lifts 175#, sprint 60m (Nat is really fast at these so not much break for me)
By round three I was thinking I bit off more than I could chew, but systematically, I pushed through, with Nat yelling at me the whole way to hurry! Two in a row, don't stop, don't think about it just do it!!! It was nuts. But I worked harder than ever before.
Halo in place for 2 days!
I wasn't going to go, but after qualifying for Regionals with L'Usine Crossfit Ottawa Team, poor Nat Connors was complaining that no one would want to partner with her in the Saturday Team WOD.
So I took one for the team. I love teaming up with Nat, I never ever work as hard as with her, and today was no exception. We did Women's Rx (red) for her benefit, and it was at the limits of my capabilities.
What a workout.
4 rounds one team member works at a time.
-10 ground to over head 105#, sprint 60m (each member in turn)
-10 toes to bar, sprint 60m (no wimping out with knees to elbows on Nat's team!)
-10 dead lifts 175#, sprint 60m (Nat is really fast at these so not much break for me)
By round three I was thinking I bit off more than I could chew, but systematically, I pushed through, with Nat yelling at me the whole way to hurry! Two in a row, don't stop, don't think about it just do it!!! It was nuts. But I worked harder than ever before.
Halo in place for 2 days!
Friday, 18 May 2012
Crossfit log for Friday, May 18th
Yesterday I didn't like the WOD much at all.
5 Rounds
10 Pushups
15 wallballs (14lbs)
20 Double unders
300m Run with 35lb Plate
I knew wall balls were coming, it had been too long. I like wall balls. The push ups were actually not too bad. I guess I'm improving, double unders also went surprisingly well.
But running while holding a bumper plate, not fun, as a runner, it really screwed my form. The others suffered too, but not as much I think. I ended up dropping to 25# after round 2.
5 Rounds
10 Pushups
15 wallballs (14lbs)
20 Double unders
300m Run with 35lb Plate
I knew wall balls were coming, it had been too long. I like wall balls. The push ups were actually not too bad. I guess I'm improving, double unders also went surprisingly well.
But running while holding a bumper plate, not fun, as a runner, it really screwed my form. The others suffered too, but not as much I think. I ended up dropping to 25# after round 2.
Thursday, 17 May 2012
Crossfit log for Thursday, May 17th
Interesting morning at Crossfit, the first time I've had one on one coaching since my "on-ramp" sessions.
We tried to get a hold of Kamil, as he was the only registrant for the 6:30 class, if he could make 5:30, we be two and Isabelle, wouldn't have to have a 6:30 class, but alas, he wasn't checking his Facebook at 5am!
We did strict press, and the one-on-one really paid off, I wasn't going heavy, since it was higher rep, 10-8-6-6, and even then I stayed at 65# the whole time, but we really worked my form and body position. It was a break through. By the end it was feeling easier, than the beginning, despite the fatigue, thanks to improved form and position.
The WOD would've been much MUCH better with company. It was a rough one to motivate on your own.
10 min AMRAP
-5 burpee pull ups
-10 one arm kettle bell swings (5 each arm).
The first two rounds I did 10 burpee pull ups, because that was what the "red" workout called for, (10 burpee pull ups, 10 kettle bell snatches). My right shoulder was giving me grief on the snatches, so went heavierbut just did the swings.
I managed 6 rounds plus 2 burpee pull ups, plus the 10 extra I did the first two rounds. Happy with that.
We tried to get a hold of Kamil, as he was the only registrant for the 6:30 class, if he could make 5:30, we be two and Isabelle, wouldn't have to have a 6:30 class, but alas, he wasn't checking his Facebook at 5am!
We did strict press, and the one-on-one really paid off, I wasn't going heavy, since it was higher rep, 10-8-6-6, and even then I stayed at 65# the whole time, but we really worked my form and body position. It was a break through. By the end it was feeling easier, than the beginning, despite the fatigue, thanks to improved form and position.
The WOD would've been much MUCH better with company. It was a rough one to motivate on your own.
10 min AMRAP
-5 burpee pull ups
-10 one arm kettle bell swings (5 each arm).
The first two rounds I did 10 burpee pull ups, because that was what the "red" workout called for, (10 burpee pull ups, 10 kettle bell snatches). My right shoulder was giving me grief on the snatches, so went heavierbut just did the swings.
I managed 6 rounds plus 2 burpee pull ups, plus the 10 extra I did the first two rounds. Happy with that.
Wednesday, 16 May 2012
Crossfit log for Wednesday, May 16th
Today was Diane.
I can't do Diane (I'm sure Kiza will be glad to hear that) 21-15-9 of hand stand push ups and 225lbs dead lifts. I can't even do 1 hand stand push up, and 225# is awful close to my 1 rep max.
So I did scaled (blue) which was 10-10-10-5-5-5 (same number of reps, just broken down differently) of push ups with toes on a 36 inch box, 185# dead lifts.
The push ups were surprisingly easy, the dead lifts were challenging. Finished in 9:06
No strength work, but we did weighted planks to cash out. 3 rounds of 45sec with 15sec to set up your partner, so 0:45 on, 1:30 off. I did 70# the first round, 80# the second, tried 80 again the third but couldn't hold it, so at 30 sec she took the 35# plate off leaving 45# for the final 15 seconds. I was surprise I managed 80# on the second round. It was hard, but felt good afterwards.
I can't do Diane (I'm sure Kiza will be glad to hear that) 21-15-9 of hand stand push ups and 225lbs dead lifts. I can't even do 1 hand stand push up, and 225# is awful close to my 1 rep max.
So I did scaled (blue) which was 10-10-10-5-5-5 (same number of reps, just broken down differently) of push ups with toes on a 36 inch box, 185# dead lifts.
The push ups were surprisingly easy, the dead lifts were challenging. Finished in 9:06
No strength work, but we did weighted planks to cash out. 3 rounds of 45sec with 15sec to set up your partner, so 0:45 on, 1:30 off. I did 70# the first round, 80# the second, tried 80 again the third but couldn't hold it, so at 30 sec she took the 35# plate off leaving 45# for the final 15 seconds. I was surprise I managed 80# on the second round. It was hard, but felt good afterwards.
Tuesday, 15 May 2012
Crossfit log for Tuesday, May 15th
Back squats. I kinda expected that. Hadn't done any squats in a while.
4 sets of 5 - 4 - 3 - 3
Did well, not sure what my 1 rep max is, but Kamil had done 185# for 3 reps before. Since we were working together we aimed for that. Planned to get to 185# for the first set of 3, then try for heavier. So warmed up to 135# and did the first working set at 155# x 5, then 165# x 4, so the decision was either 175# then 185#, or jump to 185# and aim for 190# or 195# for the last one.
So we jumped to 185#, and Kamil had to drop the bar on the last one. I wasn't quick enough to get in there an brace him. I made my set then we decided to stay at 185#. We both independently toyed with the idea of going heavier and try for a 1 rep max, but we were running out of time and Kamil wanted another crack at 185# x 3, so that's what we did and we both made it.
The WOD. Rx was doing overhead squats, we all tried but only a few of us had a reasonable overhead squat, so the rest of us did blue, front squat, but heavier.
4 rounds for time:
115# front squat (The board said 95#-135#, so 115# was in the middle) (Rx was overhead squats, 95#)
10 pull ups
20 double unders (Red was 30)
Hardest part was the double unders, and cleaning the bar for the front squats. But I did okay, 7:32
I was always first off the pull up bar but last to finish the damn double unders! But I did manage to string together 12 at one point, a new PR!
Halo secured for the day!
4 sets of 5 - 4 - 3 - 3
Did well, not sure what my 1 rep max is, but Kamil had done 185# for 3 reps before. Since we were working together we aimed for that. Planned to get to 185# for the first set of 3, then try for heavier. So warmed up to 135# and did the first working set at 155# x 5, then 165# x 4, so the decision was either 175# then 185#, or jump to 185# and aim for 190# or 195# for the last one.
So we jumped to 185#, and Kamil had to drop the bar on the last one. I wasn't quick enough to get in there an brace him. I made my set then we decided to stay at 185#. We both independently toyed with the idea of going heavier and try for a 1 rep max, but we were running out of time and Kamil wanted another crack at 185# x 3, so that's what we did and we both made it.
The WOD. Rx was doing overhead squats, we all tried but only a few of us had a reasonable overhead squat, so the rest of us did blue, front squat, but heavier.
4 rounds for time:
115# front squat (The board said 95#-135#, so 115# was in the middle) (Rx was overhead squats, 95#)
10 pull ups
20 double unders (Red was 30)
Hardest part was the double unders, and cleaning the bar for the front squats. But I did okay, 7:32
I was always first off the pull up bar but last to finish the damn double unders! But I did manage to string together 12 at one point, a new PR!
Halo secured for the day!
Monday, 14 May 2012
Crossfit log for Monday, May 14th
Three days break were nice.
Push press was a bit better on fresh shoulders.
WOD: 2 parts
3 rounds,
-300m run
-15/10/5 Push press 85# (Scale blue was 95#, so went a bit lighter)
-15/10/5 knees to elbows
15 hang cleans 85#
Push press was a bit better on fresh shoulders.
WOD: 2 parts
3 rounds,
-300m run
-15/10/5 Push press 85# (Scale blue was 95#, so went a bit lighter)
-15/10/5 knees to elbows
15 hang cleans 85#
Thursday, 10 May 2012
Crossfit log for Thursday, May 10th
Well they can't all be good can they?
Today was rough. The rope climbs took their toll. Traps are still sore from the cleans earlier in the week. And triceps never seem to recover.
At least with the crew all down in Toronto for Regionals I get a 3 day break.
We worked up to WOD weight on the push jerk. Which I can't really do very well, so I did the split jerk instead.
I couldn't go heavier than 95# (which I have push press in a WOD in the past, but I digress)
The WOD was 5 rounds for time
5 push jerks
10 burpees.
Wasn't fun, but it's done. 11:48
Earlier this year they held the Crossfit Open. Anyone in the world can compete. You either validate your workout at a registered Crossfit Gym or submit video of you workout. The open is 5 workouts over 5 weeks. (Open workouts are typically AMRAP, since they are easier to grade and rank the athletes) The top 60 from each region advance to regionals. Here is the workout schedule for regionals (announced in advance because not all regional competitions are on the same day so to make it fair for everyone they revealed the workouts ahead of time for everyone).
Top three men and top three women from each region advance to the Crossfit Games.
There is also a team event, which is either everyone on the team does to WOD, slowest time counts, or relay style. Some exercises are paired, like "partner deadlifts" where two athletes lift the very heavy bar together.
Today was rough. The rope climbs took their toll. Traps are still sore from the cleans earlier in the week. And triceps never seem to recover.
At least with the crew all down in Toronto for Regionals I get a 3 day break.
We worked up to WOD weight on the push jerk. Which I can't really do very well, so I did the split jerk instead.
I couldn't go heavier than 95# (which I have push press in a WOD in the past, but I digress)
The WOD was 5 rounds for time
5 push jerks
10 burpees.
Wasn't fun, but it's done. 11:48
Earlier this year they held the Crossfit Open. Anyone in the world can compete. You either validate your workout at a registered Crossfit Gym or submit video of you workout. The open is 5 workouts over 5 weeks. (Open workouts are typically AMRAP, since they are easier to grade and rank the athletes) The top 60 from each region advance to regionals. Here is the workout schedule for regionals (announced in advance because not all regional competitions are on the same day so to make it fair for everyone they revealed the workouts ahead of time for everyone).

Top three men and top three women from each region advance to the Crossfit Games.
There is also a team event, which is either everyone on the team does to WOD, slowest time counts, or relay style. Some exercises are paired, like "partner deadlifts" where two athletes lift the very heavy bar together.
Wednesday, 9 May 2012
Crossfit log for Wednesday, May 9th
Once again, I was ready to take a break last
night. Even this morning when the alarm went off at 5am, I hesitated. I
never hesitate. But then I shook it off and rolled out of bed. Then
Delilah cried out, she had a nightmare, so I bolted towards her room,
but before I was halfway there, she was quiet. She'd resolved it
herself (I love her independent streak sometimes). So now I was wide
awake and ready to rock and roll.
Good thing too. I PR'd my dead lift today. And didn't lose my back, kept a braced neutral spine up to 245lbs. I am really happy with this. I previous best (235) was done with bad form and a sore back for days. The most I'd ever dead lifted since my epiphany of spine position was 185#. So this is huge.
That being said, I still have a looooong way to go to meet my 2012 goal of double my body weight. I look forward to being in the high 200s. I really look forward to having one of each plate on the bar (45, 35, 25, 15, 10 = 305#) that'll be cool.
WOD was a killer.
The blue had a lot of ring rows and toe to bar, the former I hate, the later I like.
Scaled was 4 rounds of
-10 ring rows,
-20 kb swings,
-10 toe to bar (or something like that), but I chose to do the Rx today.
Rx was 5 rounds:
5 rope climbs, 20 kettle bell swings
4 rope climbs, 20 kettle bell swings
3 rope climbs, 20 kettle bell swings
2 rope climbs, 20 kettle bell swings
1 rope climbs, 20 kettle bell swings
I don't even know what my time was (I'll ask Isabelle), it was really hard, but I'm glad I did it. My shin is bloody from the rope, even with socks on (there was still a scab from last time I did rope climbs when I didn't have socks) so it just got pulled off.
My weight is down under 173#.
Every time I feel tired the night before I end up having an awesome workout. Back at it tomorrow.
ETA: time was 13:16. Not bad at all.
There are variations of workouts on the board. Red marker is Rx (prescribed weight/# of reps/exercises) this is for the top guys and gals, Blue is scaled for the masses, Greens is for beginners. I almost always do blue, sometimes women's blue, occasionally women's red, depending on the skills involved.
Sometime the red workout is requires skills that the masses don't have. Like muscle ups, double unders or in this case: rope climb, so alternate exercises that work similar muscle groups are used. So instead of rope climbs with the kettle bell swings, they did ring rows and toes to bar, these work the arms and the core similar to rope climb.
Since I learned to climb a rope, I try to use that skill when I can.
Good thing too. I PR'd my dead lift today. And didn't lose my back, kept a braced neutral spine up to 245lbs. I am really happy with this. I previous best (235) was done with bad form and a sore back for days. The most I'd ever dead lifted since my epiphany of spine position was 185#. So this is huge.
That being said, I still have a looooong way to go to meet my 2012 goal of double my body weight. I look forward to being in the high 200s. I really look forward to having one of each plate on the bar (45, 35, 25, 15, 10 = 305#) that'll be cool.
WOD was a killer.
The blue had a lot of ring rows and toe to bar, the former I hate, the later I like.
Scaled was 4 rounds of
-10 ring rows,
-20 kb swings,
-10 toe to bar (or something like that), but I chose to do the Rx today.
Rx was 5 rounds:
5 rope climbs, 20 kettle bell swings
4 rope climbs, 20 kettle bell swings
3 rope climbs, 20 kettle bell swings
2 rope climbs, 20 kettle bell swings
1 rope climbs, 20 kettle bell swings
I don't even know what my time was (I'll ask Isabelle), it was really hard, but I'm glad I did it. My shin is bloody from the rope, even with socks on (there was still a scab from last time I did rope climbs when I didn't have socks) so it just got pulled off.
My weight is down under 173#.
Every time I feel tired the night before I end up having an awesome workout. Back at it tomorrow.
ETA: time was 13:16. Not bad at all.
There are variations of workouts on the board. Red marker is Rx (prescribed weight/# of reps/exercises) this is for the top guys and gals, Blue is scaled for the masses, Greens is for beginners. I almost always do blue, sometimes women's blue, occasionally women's red, depending on the skills involved.
Sometime the red workout is requires skills that the masses don't have. Like muscle ups, double unders or in this case: rope climb, so alternate exercises that work similar muscle groups are used. So instead of rope climbs with the kettle bell swings, they did ring rows and toes to bar, these work the arms and the core similar to rope climb.
Since I learned to climb a rope, I try to use that skill when I can.
Tuesday, 8 May 2012
Crossfit log for Tuesday, May 8th
Not bad today. A bit sore still but didn't really affect my workout.
Worked up to comfortable weight on the power clean : 115lbs
WOD was a 5 rounds of :
3 min AMRAP, 3 power cleans, 6 push ups, 9 air squats (over a med ball, butt had to touch)
1 min rest.
Managed 3 full rounds in the 3:00 AMRAP 5 times, for a score of 15
Didn't try for a 4th round, only had between 10 and 20 seconds left on my fastest rounds (round 4 the last squat was at the buzzer), might have gotten a couple of extra cleans in, but they were really rough after the squats.
I was going to go with 95#, but Kamil was doing 115#, so I tried 105#, and it didn't seem much harder than 95#, so I figured I might was well try the 115# (which was the blue scaled for men).
So 15 power cleans at 115# in less than 20 minutes. This tells me I didn't work hard enough on my max clean a couple of weeks ago, if I can do that many power cleans at 115#, there's no way my 1 rep max for a full clean is only 119.8#. I should be able to do 135# if not more.
Worked up to comfortable weight on the power clean : 115lbs
WOD was a 5 rounds of :
3 min AMRAP, 3 power cleans, 6 push ups, 9 air squats (over a med ball, butt had to touch)
1 min rest.
Managed 3 full rounds in the 3:00 AMRAP 5 times, for a score of 15
Didn't try for a 4th round, only had between 10 and 20 seconds left on my fastest rounds (round 4 the last squat was at the buzzer), might have gotten a couple of extra cleans in, but they were really rough after the squats.
I was going to go with 95#, but Kamil was doing 115#, so I tried 105#, and it didn't seem much harder than 95#, so I figured I might was well try the 115# (which was the blue scaled for men).
So 15 power cleans at 115# in less than 20 minutes. This tells me I didn't work hard enough on my max clean a couple of weeks ago, if I can do that many power cleans at 115#, there's no way my 1 rep max for a full clean is only 119.8#. I should be able to do 135# if not more.
Monday, 7 May 2012
Crossfit log for Monday, May 7th
Back at it this week.
Strength was 5x5 back squats
did 115-135-155-155.
WOD was 6 rounds for time 10-10-10-5-5-5 reps each of
-push press 65#
-pull ups
HOLY ABS! Chose the right weight. My shoulder is still giving me trouble. I've been rolling around on a pain ball for days, plus massage on Monday, still a spot that I can't find, or get to.
Strength was 5x5 back squats
did 115-135-155-155.
WOD was 6 rounds for time 10-10-10-5-5-5 reps each of
-push press 65#
-pull ups
HOLY ABS! Chose the right weight. My shoulder is still giving me trouble. I've been rolling around on a pain ball for days, plus massage on Monday, still a spot that I can't find, or get to.
Friday, 4 May 2012
Crossfit log for Friday, May 4th
After my 1 year crossfit-aversary I decide to
step things up a bit (in anticipation of the annual Loon Lake
All-arounder), so this is my second week of 5 straight days of Crossfit.
Actually last week I did 6 days straight since I had gone on the
Yesterday evening I was feeling worn out. I thought to myself, maybe next week I'll take it easy.
Then I went to Crossfit this morning. I had one of the best workouts ever.
We jump straight to the WOD again today and it was nasty 10 rounds for time:
kettle bell swings 20kg 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
burpees 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10
thrusters 65# 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
Men's Rx was 24kg kettle bell and 95# on the thrusters, but there was no way. I figured I would do women's Rx which was 16kg kettle bell and 65# on the bar. But then all the guys were using 20kg bell, so I figured okay, split the difference. One guy was men's Rx, very athletic guy, but relatively new to Crossfit. He dropped the bar to 75# and the kettle bell to 20kg partway through the WOD.
First three rounds were rough, but as the thrusters got harder there were fewer and fewer of them. I don't mind burpees so much if I can just work through them systematically. I find if you use your core and pull your feet as close to your hands as possible it makes it much easier to get up, which is where the biggest energy cost is.
I was done in 14:38. Finished first (a rarity) by 20 seconds. Felt awesome.
Progress. I think I'll aim for one more week of 5 straight, then a week of Mon-Wed-Fri. I like that pattern, 3 @5/week 1@ 3/week
ETA: Post WOD strength work on tired arms :
Stirct Press (Yay! Not!) went with the same bar as the WOD so 65# did 8-6-5-5. Hard but successful.
Yesterday evening I was feeling worn out. I thought to myself, maybe next week I'll take it easy.
Then I went to Crossfit this morning. I had one of the best workouts ever.
We jump straight to the WOD again today and it was nasty 10 rounds for time:
kettle bell swings 20kg 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
burpees 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10
thrusters 65# 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
Men's Rx was 24kg kettle bell and 95# on the thrusters, but there was no way. I figured I would do women's Rx which was 16kg kettle bell and 65# on the bar. But then all the guys were using 20kg bell, so I figured okay, split the difference. One guy was men's Rx, very athletic guy, but relatively new to Crossfit. He dropped the bar to 75# and the kettle bell to 20kg partway through the WOD.
First three rounds were rough, but as the thrusters got harder there were fewer and fewer of them. I don't mind burpees so much if I can just work through them systematically. I find if you use your core and pull your feet as close to your hands as possible it makes it much easier to get up, which is where the biggest energy cost is.
I was done in 14:38. Finished first (a rarity) by 20 seconds. Felt awesome.
Progress. I think I'll aim for one more week of 5 straight, then a week of Mon-Wed-Fri. I like that pattern, 3 @5/week 1@ 3/week
ETA: Post WOD strength work on tired arms :
Stirct Press (Yay! Not!) went with the same bar as the WOD so 65# did 8-6-5-5. Hard but successful.
Thursday, 3 May 2012
Crossfit log for Thursday, May 3rd
As if my triceps weren't sore enough
After doing some barbell lunges for strength work: 3 sets of 16 (8 each leg) @ 75#
WOD was 1/2 Chelsea
Every minute on the minute until failure (minimum 15 minutes - Chelsea is 30 minutes).
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 air squats.
Made it to 5 rounds. So the next 10 minutes became just an AMRAP. Made 13 rounds total, so not too shabby, but the push ups killed me.
After doing some barbell lunges for strength work: 3 sets of 16 (8 each leg) @ 75#
WOD was 1/2 Chelsea
Every minute on the minute until failure (minimum 15 minutes - Chelsea is 30 minutes).
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 air squats.
Made it to 5 rounds. So the next 10 minutes became just an AMRAP. Made 13 rounds total, so not too shabby, but the push ups killed me.
Wednesday, 2 May 2012
Crossfit log for Wednesday, May 2nd
Today was a rough one again.
No strength work, just a brutal 8 round WOD
Farmer run 50m 2x20kg kettle bells
Run 160m
5 hand stand push ups (scaled with toes on a 30" box)
8 ring dips (scaled with toes on floor)
Ring dips really slowed me down. Took me 21:08
No strength work, just a brutal 8 round WOD
Farmer run 50m 2x20kg kettle bells
Run 160m
5 hand stand push ups (scaled with toes on a 30" box)
8 ring dips (scaled with toes on floor)
Ring dips really slowed me down. Took me 21:08
Ran at lunch for 25 min (before doing some stretching on my hams and glutes)
5km progressively faster (started at 6:00/km and upped by 0.3km/h every 2:00 finishing at 4:27/km)
Tuesday, 1 May 2012
Crossfit log for Tuesday, May 1st
Another interesting workout today.
Strength was clean and jerk working up to 75% of max. Which I have no idea what my max is so I went with 95#.
Once you found you weight: 3 reps clean, 3 reps jerk
WOD: Every minute on the minutes for 13 minutes
1x - 1 clean, 3 jerks
1x - 3 cleans, 1 jerk
1x - 1 clean, 3 jerks
1x - 3 cleans, 1 jerk
4x - 1 rope climb, 3 burpees
2x - AMRAP burpees (for score)
1x - plank
1x - rest
1x - plank
First plank sucked ENORMOUSLY!
Cleans were solid, jerks not so much.
Once again, overhead work sucked. Interestingly 75# sucked just as much as 85# and 95#, so it's not a strength issue, its either form, or mobility issues.
Rope climb was awesome. Made up for last time.
Strength was clean and jerk working up to 75% of max. Which I have no idea what my max is so I went with 95#.
Once you found you weight: 3 reps clean, 3 reps jerk
WOD: Every minute on the minutes for 13 minutes
1x - 1 clean, 3 jerks
1x - 3 cleans, 1 jerk
1x - 1 clean, 3 jerks
1x - 3 cleans, 1 jerk
4x - 1 rope climb, 3 burpees
2x - AMRAP burpees (for score)
1x - plank
1x - rest
1x - plank
First plank sucked ENORMOUSLY!
Cleans were solid, jerks not so much.
Once again, overhead work sucked. Interestingly 75# sucked just as much as 85# and 95#, so it's not a strength issue, its either form, or mobility issues.
Rope climb was awesome. Made up for last time.
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