No run yesterday at lunch. Seems I forgot to back a gym bag to bring to work.
This morning's Crossfit was a busy one. On top of the WOD we did skills work and strength work.
Skills: Snatch balance.
is basically like a push press or maybe more like a push jerk (see
youtube if you are curious), except you start the same as a back squat,
with a wider (snatch width) grip. You dip with hips and knees and drive,
then squat under the bar to receive the load, the stand to finish.
Since I cannot overhead squat this was an exercise in frustration. Did what I could until my shoulders told me to stop.
Strength: Dead lift.
story short, new PR of 245lbs, a small step towards 2x body weight
(360lbs, one of my goals for 2012), back was rounded though, but I did it
WOD: 4 rounds for time
5 ring dips
10 v-snaps (hand to toe/shin sit ups)
15 kettle bell swings 20kg
I just realized I have no idea what my time was.
hmmm. I went hard, finish last, but only by seconds. We were all
pretty close (except Jodie who was in beast mode today, I was just
starting round 4 when she finished!)
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