Today's workout was something of a train wreck.
Strength part was good, strict press superset with strict pull ups
rounds of 5 reps press @ 75#, 85#, 85#, 5 reps pull unassisted. It had
been a while since I've done strict dead hang pull ups. I would have
never been able to to 3 sets of 5 before.
WOD was 12 round on 1:00 of 3 reps of the bear complex.
Bear Complex = 1. Power Clean (from ground), 2. front squat, 3. push press, 4. back squat, 5. push press, back to floor.
no way I can do that at the Rx of 115#, not enough shoulder strength,
even 95 was too much for more than a few rounds. So I opted for 75#
(10# less then women's Rx)
After 3 rounds I couldn't complete 3
reps within the minute, and it just went down hill from there, I think I
may have gotten 12 reps total, it was brutal.
Hindsight being
what it is, I really should stripped the plates off the bar and just did
45# as high intensity as I could manage, the heavier you go the more
it becomes about form and not intensity, I need the intensity. Next
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