Monday, 21 November 2011

Crossfit log for Monday, November 21st

Fran really does a number on some major muscle groups.

Traps are a bit sore, lats are really sore, pecs are tight, triceps are tight, delts are sore, biceps are tight, hips are tight.

Always make for an interesting workout, next time.

Back squats went okay. No PRs to be had, wasn't looking for any!

Did 5 sets of 8-5-5-3-3 at 115-135-135-155-155.

I have an issue when I push my knees outward to open my hips, my feet tend to splay (like a duck), which is not ideal. Tight aductors aparently. So focused on that today, and it went well.

The WOD look fairly easy.
3 rounds for time
12 burpee tuck jumps
8 strict press

I went 8:04, and sucked on the presses. I can't push my body through my arms and I can't seem to lock out my elbows. Ever. I'll talk to my RMT about it, see if she has any ideas.

My triceps and shoulders were still trashed from Saturday, so I had to resort to push press by round 2.

I'll go work out the kinks at lunch at the Y.

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