Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Crossfit log for Tuesday, September 20th: an exercise in frustration!

Got up early to go to l'Usine this morning. I have two classes left, so I figured why not use one now while I wait for my final On Ramp session at Physics.

Got out of the house a couple of minutes later than I needed to, so I walked fast, but alas, the two buses I could've taken zoomed by before I got to the bus stop.

And thanks to the new services from OC Transpo, it was a good 15 minutes before the next bus came along. I get to the Rideau Center and it's almost 7:45, the bus I needed to catch left 5 minutes ago.

So I hope on another bus that takes me to Terrace de la Chaudiere station where my bus stops, closer to the gym. But before crossing the bridge at Lebreton, the operator just sits at the light for THREE CYCLES! I was not happy.

Get to Terrace Station, and the bus has already gone, quick look at the maps, and calls to the info line and it's 7:05 and the next bus is in 11 minute. CRAP!

There is no way I'm missing this workout because of stupid public transportation, not again. Not after dragging my butt out of bed at 5:30 after only 6 hours sleep (if that)!

So I ran. With three bags, I ran the 3km in 15 to 20 minutes. When I got there I was warmed up. They'd already started 14 minutes earlier, so I jumped in.

"What are we doing?" I said. "What aren't we doing?" was the reply from Reza.

Here's the WOD.
100 burpees (really?)
90 double-unders (tried doubles, did singles)
80 squat jumps (really??)
70 double-unders (did singles)
60 box jumps (come on!)
50 double-unders (did singles)
40 burpee thrusters (what sicko invented these?)
30 double-unders (Reza made me do 3x singles, grrrr so 90!)
20 jump over the box (this is just stupid!)
Run to stop sign & back (approx 550m).


Lots of sweat.

Also, I ran 4.73km at lunch. To Pretoria bridge and back.

24:27 (5:10/km on trashed legs).

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