Friday, 30 September 2011

Crossfit log for Friday, September 30th

This morning at Physics Crossfit:

Strength: Back Squats 4x10 @ 115#
Got good external rotation in the hips, pushing my knees out as I squatted. Form wasn't perfect, but some elements were really good.

WOD: (with a 12kg kettlebell)
15min AMRAP:
5 kettlebell snatch left side
10 goblet squats with kettlebell
5 kettlebell snatch right side
Run 1 lap (approx. 130m)

Managed 8 rounds, left on the run with 22 seconds left on the clock, got back it was already at zero, so I don't know how far over I was, or if the last run should really count, but meh. Did 8 rounds.

Muscle fatigue wasn't a factor, next time go heavier with the kettlebell.

Ran at lunch.

5.63km in 27:30 (4:53/km) comfortably hard.

Thursday, 29 September 2011

Crossfit log for Thursday, September 29th

Did the "Washboard" at the Y today:
2 rounds of:
12 GHD extensions
1:00 plank
20 sit-ups (no ab mat thankyouverymuch)
20 Mountain climbers (crossfit style!)

Second time around was rough.

Ran on the treadmill for 10 min, then did some mobility exercises on my shoulders.

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Crossfit log for Wednesday, September 28th

Day 2
No strength work today.
Did a weird drill:
Lateral wall walk, bear crawl, jump over bench, more bear crawl, crab walk, jump over bench, more crab walk. 3x.

Jumping was tough, my hams weren't 100% after Monday's dead lifts, so the first couple of jumps I almost didn't make it.

2 rounds of:
Run 2 laps (approx: 260m)
50 double kettle bell swings (one kb in each hand)
25 knees to chest (hanging from a pull-up bar)
25 alternating jumping lunges (sucked)
50 air squats (could really feel it in the hips near the end)

It was tough, but not too tough, I was able to sustain my effort throughout without taking huge breaks. 16:25 not bad.

Everything seems to tie in to strengthening the core, which I'm beginning to realize is even more important than I've always thought.

Yoga at lunch.

Monday, 26 September 2011

Crossfit log for Monday, September 26th

First day of "Foundation" classes at Physics Crossfit.

Got my little black log book, to track my progress. Feels like being in school. We'll see how long that lasts

Warmed up on the rower for 400m then walking with a kettle bell in various positions: over head, at shoulder, "suit-case walk" while holding core tight to prevent wobbling and leaning.

Then did the strength portion: Dead lifts 3x 8-10
Settle on 145# did 10-8-7. Form got sloppy on second set, and Isabelle suggested going down to 135# next time, but I think if I focus more I'll be fine. I'll try again at 145# and if my form suffers again, I'll drop to 135#. promise.

The WOD was body weight only:
3 rounds for time of:
30 ring rows
30 push ups
30 double under

Which didn't seem bad, until I noticed the "3" rounds. Ugh. 2 would've been manageable, for 3 rounds of 20 reps would have been nice. But 3 of 30 was brutal.

Yuck. 18:38

Then we did the ab workout.
12 GHD hip extensions,
1 min plank,
20 ab mat sit ups,
20 mountain climbers (of which I did 4)

My whole body is going to be in agony tomorrow (and likely Wednesday).

Stretched the crap out of everything at lunch. Hopefully that will stave off the DOMS!

Friday, 23 September 2011

Crossfit log for Friday, September 23rd

Missed my first CF class this AM (due to a bed wetting incident, don't worry it wasn't me).

I'm feeling pretty bummed. Only had 1 real workout this week, so I was itching to do something, but thought I really should do some mobility stuff.

So today at lunch I stretched the crap out of my shoulders and hips. This is going to take time.

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Crossfit log for Thursday, September 22nd

Did the final On Ramp session yesterday.

More mobility issues. We saw the press series, should press, push press, push jerk.

I cannot for the life of me, get my straight arms overhead behind the plane of my body without arcing my back. And that's just one example.

It bugs me that my limiter is my mobility/flexibility. I really shouldn't be surprise, much of the trouble I had with my swim was from shoulder mobility.

So the bad news is I'll need to put myself through the wringer to work out these kinks, but the good news is that if I am successful my next triathlon training cycle will benefit tremendously.

The adventure begins.

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Crossfit log for Tuesday, September 20th: an exercise in frustration!

Got up early to go to l'Usine this morning. I have two classes left, so I figured why not use one now while I wait for my final On Ramp session at Physics.

Got out of the house a couple of minutes later than I needed to, so I walked fast, but alas, the two buses I could've taken zoomed by before I got to the bus stop.

And thanks to the new services from OC Transpo, it was a good 15 minutes before the next bus came along. I get to the Rideau Center and it's almost 7:45, the bus I needed to catch left 5 minutes ago.

So I hope on another bus that takes me to Terrace de la Chaudiere station where my bus stops, closer to the gym. But before crossing the bridge at Lebreton, the operator just sits at the light for THREE CYCLES! I was not happy.

Get to Terrace Station, and the bus has already gone, quick look at the maps, and calls to the info line and it's 7:05 and the next bus is in 11 minute. CRAP!

There is no way I'm missing this workout because of stupid public transportation, not again. Not after dragging my butt out of bed at 5:30 after only 6 hours sleep (if that)!

So I ran. With three bags, I ran the 3km in 15 to 20 minutes. When I got there I was warmed up. They'd already started 14 minutes earlier, so I jumped in.

"What are we doing?" I said. "What aren't we doing?" was the reply from Reza.

Here's the WOD.
100 burpees (really?)
90 double-unders (tried doubles, did singles)
80 squat jumps (really??)
70 double-unders (did singles)
60 box jumps (come on!)
50 double-unders (did singles)
40 burpee thrusters (what sicko invented these?)
30 double-unders (Reza made me do 3x singles, grrrr so 90!)
20 jump over the box (this is just stupid!)
Run to stop sign & back (approx 550m).


Lots of sweat.

Also, I ran 4.73km at lunch. To Pretoria bridge and back.

24:27 (5:10/km on trashed legs).

Monday, 19 September 2011

Hard fought Army Run Pace Bunny Report

That was hard.

My training has been more Crossfit than running, and most of my running was geared towards the series of 5km races in the spring and early summer, I mean, I haven't run for much more than 1h without stopping since last year's Army Run. In the weeks leading up to the race, I really wasn't sure I'd be able to pull it off.

As a parent, leaving Delilah and Dexter with our friends Jo-Jo and Andrea was hard enough, but I was so worried about the race that it didn't occupy my mind for very long.

Then somehow, standing in the corral with 20 minutes to go, I knew I would do it. I knew that I would make it happen, even if it hurt, I had it within me to push myself, to make sure I didn't let these people down. Suddenly the nerves were gone. I was calm.

A friend of mine in the military, Ken, and I found each other in the corral and waited for the Howitzer to go off. Fellow RunningMania members Marg and Carla spotted us and came by for hugs. Carla joked that she and Ken, both from Alberta, had to cross the country to meet up for a hug! Then they went to find their corral, and soon, it was time to go.

So it was that, armed with the Coolest Race Shirt Ever (thanks Cynthia), my rabbit ears and good old pace bunny sign from every other Army run (with my splits taped to the back), I took off to the exploding sound of a Howitzer.

Starting with an up hill to the War memorial is never fun, but then you get to enjoy the long steady downhill from Parliament to the Portage bridge which really helps you sort out your pace for the first kilometre.

As we passed the War Museum I kept watching my Garmin, to make sure I was on pace. The paranoia of the pace bunny can get pretty severe. It seemed every time I looked up from my Garmin, Ken was right there in front or beside me. It was around this point, before the 4km turn around that I started making a mental note of the people around me. Besides Ken, there was "Ponytail girl", TEAM guy and the girl I presume he was pacing, yellow shirt sweaty guy and a few others, who would end up staying with me most of the way to the end. It was also around this point that the fasties started coming back the other way, which was very cool and inspiring. I yelled out a couple of time, but mostly my cheers were for the other bunnies, or people I knew.

On the way back I got a shout out from Cynthia, Denise and Al, but somehow missed Kiza.

Bunny paranoia also requires that you verify you splits, because, you know, Garmin isn't 100% accurate and technology has been known to fail. My splits were consistently 15 to 20 seconds ahead, which I figured was good, since the hilly Gatineau side would cost me some time.

Just before crossing the bridge into Quebec, I see this guy standing on concrete divider, cheering us on, and I said "Hey, I know that guy", it was none other than  Dave Grant another one of the RunningMania crew. Gave me a real boost as we headed for the worst of the hills.

It's funny, I didn't really notice the unattractive area of Gatineau the race took us through, it was just the hills. A corner followed by a hill, followed by a corner, followed by a hill, followed by another corner and another hill. "The next one is a heart breaker" I yelled as we turned on to Hotel de Ville and faced a short but steep climb. I was glad when that was behind us.

Even after the hilliest parts, my splits were still 10 seconds ahead. I figured, take it while I can, it'll get harder before the end. As we crossed the bridge back into Ottawa, I was feeling really good, but I didn't want to get too confident, a bit more than half way to go, there was still plenty of time for things to go wrong.

It was around this point that I lost sight of Ken, this worried me briefly, but I had to focus on my job.

So far I had made pretty good use of the water stations, and hadn't even touched my bottle of Gatorade, but at the Foreign Affairs building, after the overpass, I started to notice the heat, and the balance of my water went on my head instead of the ground.

The kilometre markers were coming in rapid succession now, it seemed I hardly had time to look up the expected time for the next split and we were upon it. Thankfully still several seconds ahead.

Coming back from the Governor General's estate, who should show up beside me, David Dazé, preparing for Chicago. His marathon race pace was close enough to my pace that he decide to join me for a while. It was my favourite part of the race. (His too I would guess, because he got a ton of cheers due to bunny proximity!!) We had a pretty good chat along Sussex, which would seem to indicate that I wasn't pushing too hard to hold pace.

We got a shout out from the Jesses and finally, Kiza, who had to cross the median and practically run into on coming runners on my side to get my attention as we crossed paths at the Foreign Affairs building water station.

The hardest part of the race for me came just after the 17km marker. Perhaps it wasn't in the right spot, but for the first time my time was behind the schedule for 17km, by less than 3 seconds, but I had been over 10 seconds ahead. This might not have been so bad, but 17km is just before the long slow steady incline that is MacKenzie between St-Patrick and Rideau. I knew I had to pickup the pace to stay on track, let alone get back to where I was, but this far in to a half marathon on that incline, I had to work so hard, and I felt so slow. For the first time I felt doubt. I complained audibly enough for Dave to come to my rescue. "It gets better up ahead, we'll make it up, no problem". Of course he was right. And that was exactly what I needed to hear. Just hold on over this bump in the road and everything will work it self out. Thanks Dave, I owe you one.

The worst was over, but I was still working hard, there was still plenty of time to fall apart. At Pretoria bridge I didn't even think to look for Jo-Jo so focused was I.

David had put on his final kick with just over 2km to go. I had to remind myself of my job so I didn't try and follow him in!

The last kilometre was rough. David Grant appeared out of nowhere to cheer us in to the finish. Then the crowds carried us. The last few hundred meters were autopilot. The clock said 1:50:45 when I last saw it and Garmin said 1:49:34, so I knew I had done my job. I downed my nearly full Gatoraid bottle and went in search of my kids.

I was happy with my performance. I was under 1:50 chip, which I hadn't been the last two years (1:50:07 and 1:50:28) and knowing that I can pull off a 1:50 half with a few long runs and residual fitness makes me feel proud and confident.

I like this gig. Being "the" 1:50 continous pace bunny of the Army Run is a very cool job indeed. Now I'll have to add 2012 to the back of my shirt before next year. (And hopefully run longer than an hour straight, between now and then)!!!

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Crossfit log for Thursday, September 15th

Session 2 of 3 of the "On ramp"

Not as bad as the squats! Reviewed dead lifts, sumo dead lifts high pull, med ball cleans and GHD sit-ups and hip extensions.

When done right, these moves really tax your hamstrings.

Time to take a break from Crossfit until after the Army Run.

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Crossfit log for Tuesday, September 13th

Wow. Just got my ass handed to me and we didn't even use any weights.

Went to the mandatory "on ramp" session at the new Crossfit gym. I have a lot of work to do, to get more flexible and strengthen my core. Everything in Crossfit depends on the core.

We did simple stuff. Some rowing, a variety of squats, Kettle bell swings, Hollow body rocking, pushups.

Francois is like a Nazi, "Tight core", "Tight core", "Tight core"!

I'm gonna feel it tomorrow.

Monday, 12 September 2011

Crossfit log for Monday, September 12th

Did the recovery workout:

Two rounds of 15 of:
-GHD sit-ups
-GHD hip extensions
-16kg Kettle Bell swings
-Air Squats

it was nice to be able to do the pull-ups.

Only did two rounds, but still 30 reps, then did a bunch of mobility stuff. Ankle, adductors, hips, etc... then I tried to hold a full squat position and it was way better than last time I tried.

Saturday, 10 September 2011

Crossfit log for Saturday, September 10th: The Physics adventure begins.

First WOD at the new Gym: Physics Crossfit.

Really nice facility. There were over 20 people, being the last free class of their opening week so we made 6 teams of 4 and each member had to wait until the person ahead of them had finished an exercise before starting. It was kinda neat. Not your standard Crossfit fare, but then again, at Crossfit you need expect the unexpected.

Of course I didn't get my time in all the confusion, but it was fun nonetheless.

Here is the WOD:

50 double unders (or 100 singles)
20 sit-ups
50 air squats
20 burpee pull ups
30 med ball side toss (15 each side)
Run 300m

I only did 15 burpee pull ups, and realized it during the side tosses, so I went back and found some room at the bar and did the 5 along side my team mate.

It was fun. Really pumped that it's so close. They'll have 6:00am classes, so I could be home before 7:00 to help with the kids and get ready for work.

This is awesome.

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Crossfit log for Thursday, September 8th

This AM's WOD:

for time:
-Run to red slide and back (860m approx.)
- 21 Press (65#)
-Run to red slide and back (860m approx.)
- 21 Push Press (65#)
- Run to red slide and back (via shortcut) (770m approx.)
- 21 Jerk Press (65#)

Press was hard. Push press was easy. Push jerk was near impossible.

Done. Halo in place.

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Crossfit log for Wednesday, September 7th

10 minute squat test

This was hard.

WOD was a fail.

Was going to do the CFE WOD
12:00 AMRAP
12 Front Squats 155#/115#
15 Ring Dips

Kenny at the Y had some rings the other day, and I expected them to be available. Bad assumption. He'd brought them home (as they are his own). Practiced Front Squats, but got frustrated with my poor position made evident by the above mobility WOD.

I did manage a solid 135# front squat, with fairly good racking position, but my feet automatically splay when I squat. Grrrr.

Yesterday's WOD:

1 round for time: Run 15km.

Did 15.5 in 1:22:37

Monday, 5 September 2011

Crossfit log for Monday, September 5th

It's been 3 days and I'm still sore from Fran.

Went to L'Usine anyway, because it's gonna hurt no matter what. Turned out okay.

We did "Death by Clean and Jerk" where you start with 1 rep / minutes and each minute add 1 rep until you can't finish the number of resp within the minute.

I've not really done Clean and Jerk before. Done each separately, but not together. So it was novel, and I got to practice my clean, which I'm actively working on.

Tried 95# again, but it wasn't happening, so dropped to 75# and managed 7 rounds, while the other went on to 8 and 10 rounds I just practised my clean.

Afterwards I tried to practise my kipping pull-ups and I couldn't even get one. My lats are so sore from Fran I just couldn't get it. Crazy!

Friday, 2 September 2011

Crossfit log for Friday, September 2nd: First time Fran

I tried to 95lbs thrusters, I really did. But there was no way.

Even warming up with 75lbs (45lbs bar and 2 15lbs bumpers) I was thinking I wouldn't manage much more. So I added two 10lbs weights to make the 95lbs and I'd try to get through the first round (21 reps) and if I had to, I'd just quickly take off the 10s to a more manageable 75lbs.

We after two reps into the first round, the 10s came off. There was just no way.

Thankfully the kipping pull ups were awesome! 10 in a row. I could never do 10 strict pull-ups in a row!

Felt good to get something right.

Struggled through the thrusters, looking forward to the pull-ups (never ever thought I'd say that!) and managed a 13:22. Not bad for a first attempt.

Yay me!