Thursday, 26 November 2015

Crossfit log for Thursday, November 26th

Yesterday I spent a very long time at the physiotherapist, I had pulled my quadratus lumborum, or QL on my right side, which is a lateral stabilizer, which was giving me grief when pulling from the floor.   That didn't take too long so he had time to work on my shoulders and hopefully help my overhead squat stabilization.

He said the the QL was the more likely culprit for the problems stabilizing overhead, but he did the work anyway, there were plenty of knots to needle.  Plus he did some compression and torsion on my rib cage to improve my thoracic mobility. 

It was an intense session and instead of hot packs, I went home and soaked in an epsom salt bath for half an hour.

So today, I went to morning Crossfit for the first time in nearly two weeks. 

Felt really good to be back, despite the dead lifts in the WOD.

Started with Pause Push press, deeper drive, pause at the bottom for a 3 count and then explode up into a push press for 4 doubles, I did 135#, and 3 sets at 155#.  Felt great.

Then close grip bench,  worked with Kamil and just did 115#, wasn't interested in push on this one.

The WOD was crafted by Coach Connor, a 21-15-9 triplet of my least favorite exercises:
- deadlift at 225#/155# 
- lateral burpees over bar
- box jumps 30"/24"

I scaled the dead lifts to 135#, no interest in hurting my recently fixed back. Burpees suck.  Did 3 box jumps at 30" nearly wrecked on the 4th.  24" from there on in.

Took me  15:13 to finish.  Meh.  First day back, wasn't out to impress anyone.

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