Friday, 20 November 2015

Crossfit log for Friday, November 20th at Crossfit Bytown

My back is way better midday than in the early morning.  Without Crossfit Bytown I would have had no workouts this week.  Mornings were a non-starter and no access to lunch time YMCA, these guys saved my sanity.

Second workout of the week was harder but I was alone in my class.  There were other athletes working out, but they were the competitive group doing their own thing.

I got to skip the 500m row since I'd already ran 1km to get there.

So after some targeted mobility work we did 5 sets of clean and jerk triples, touch and go, ascending weight.

Started at 135# after warming up with the empty bar and 95#.

Moved up to 145#, 155# and 165#, where I stayed for the last set.  I likely could have gone to 175#, but we still had the WOD to do. Back held out surprisingly well.

Coach Everett watched most of my lifts, and had very little to correct, so yay.  He even thought my jerk was way more than my clean, because it looked very solid at 135# and 145#, I said as it got heavier it was harder to commit to getting as low as I do at this weight.  But that was very motivating.

The WOD was Open WOD 14.1, 10 minute AMRAP of:
- 30 double unders
- 15 ground to overhead, 75#/55#

I had planned to split the difference on the weight at 65#, but I just realized that coach Everett loaded my bar while I changed shoes and he put 75#, the bastard!

So at least I can compare to when I did it during the 2014 Open.  I did 3 rounds + 37, this time I did 3 rounds + 38.  So there's that. 

Double unders when well,  snatches tanked me.

At least I got it done.

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