Friday, 10 April 2015

Crossfit log for Friday, April 10th

Finally felt recovered enough from Tuesday's workout to crawl out of bed this morning.

Wasn't too bad. 

Started with 5 sets of 5 back squats at 52% ???, whatever, that gave me 165#.

As I'm warming up I'm doing pause squats at like 135#, hanging out in the bottom for 5 seconds or so before standing it back up.  This prompt the coach to point out that at this weight, they should be very fast and explosive.  Point taken.

165# was a good choice.

The WOD was 3 rounds for time

- 6 clean and jerk @ 165# (scaled to Grace weight: 135#)
- 6 shuttle runs
- 6 clean and jerk
- 2:00 rest

16:40.  First round took me to 4:25, before the 2:00 rest, second to 10:30ish, so similar around 4 and a half minutes of work for 2 minute rest.  The last round was actually quicker, closer to 4:10, maybe 4:15, I think I started at 12:25.

The run sucked so bad.  I tried 3 different approaches.
-Fast there and back, quick break. Sucked. 
-Sprint  for 3 or 4 strides and coast, quick break, sucked.
-Steady the whole way, sucked.

The clean and jerks got better as I started jerking right off the clean in round 2, instead of cleaning, repositioning then jerking, basically standing the clean turned into the drive for the jerk.  Saved a ton of time.  Wouldn't have been doable at 165# I expect.

Then we did death by handstand push up.  Hope to make 5 minutes.  Made 3. bailed on the round of 4 after 2 reps.

I'd had enough.

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