Thursday, 30 April 2015

Crossfit log for Thursday, April 30th

Somehow it seems I failed to set my alarm last night. I woke at 2 and had trouble falling back to sleep. Luckily once I did fall asleep, I woke again only 10 minutes after my alarm should've gone off.

I think I wish I'd slept through it.

WOD: 2015 Masters Qualifier Event 4 

21-15-9 reps, for time of:
-Deadlift, 225/155 lbs scaled to 185#
-Box Jump, 24/20 in
-Handstand Push-up, scaled to 2 abmats and 15, 12, 9.

Deadlifts were rough, box jumps were good hspu were sad.


Then the horribler part.

7 rounds of
AMRAP 30 secs:
-Row (calories)
-Assault Bike (Calories)
-Double Unders 
Rest 30 secs between each station. .

21 minutes total 30 seconds on 30 seconds off.

The first 4 rounds weren't too bad, got really hard after that. Martin, the new ish guy wasn't resetting the rower or the bike calorie counter. I was sharing the same rower and Kamil was using the same bike. We couldn't figure or how he was getting such a high score so we were both busting our asses trying to match him and falling miserably. It wasn't until it was all over that he told us. We had a really good laugh.

Now I'm tired.

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Mobility log for Wednesday, April 29th

Given all my aches and pains, I thought a mobility session was in order.

Rolled everthing from my T-spine to my calves, hip flexors and lats.

Then I did some couch stretch and hamstring stretch on the wall.

Then I dug into my shoulder, scapula and trap on the left side with the lacrosse ball.

Delicious torture.

Closed things up with some overhead squat work, after a few deep holds in a back squat with 135#.

OHS weren't great, but weren't horrible either.  Still needs work. Need to keep doing these, more regularly.

Crossfit log for Wednesday, April 29th

I couldn't justify not going again today.  So I crawled out of bed ready to face the music.

But man, that was no fun.

Started with more snatch work.  7 doubles at 75%.  Did some at 75#, then a couple at 95#, but it just wasn't happening.

Pulling was hard from the deadlifts on Monday at lunch, and catching was hard from Olympic Lifting class Monday night.  So I bailed.

The WOD had running in it so I spent the time rolling my calf.

WOD was 4 rounds for time
- 400m run
- 15 dumbbell thrusters 35# (scaled to 25#, which was too light)
- 12 chest to bar pull ups  (scaled to 3 sets of 3 *almost)

First run was okay.  Naturally, my mechanics and muscle memory kicked in and I smoked everyone.  But the engine ran out of steam quickly.  I think I need to do some long runs (in the 16km range) to regain my aerobic capacity. My my calf issue is dealt with that is.

Dumbell thrusters were easy at 25#, during warm up 30# seemed heavy and 20# seemed light, but I think 30# would've been fine, even Rx likely.  I went unbroken in every round except the third where I went 10 and 5 after a very short break.

The scaling option for the 12 CTB was whatever you could managed in 3 sets of less.  First round I did 3, 3, 2 as I came off the bar prematurely, I would chain 2 reps then without dropping, I'd reset and do a third, but on the last one, I dropped after the 2 chained for some unknown reason.  I was about to jump back up to finish if off when I realized my 3 sets were done.

Same thing happened on the second round on the second set.  Brain wasn't focused.   The rest I just reset between all reps, it was easier. Likely could've done all 12 that way. Oh well.


Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Olympic Lifting log for Monday, April 27th

Finally scheduled an Olympic Lifting class for Monday evening.

I was expecting a relatively high volume, instructional evening.

Nope.  It was test day.  3 attempts at snatch, 3 attempts at clean and jerks, for max weight.

Oh well.

It was fun.

My plan for snatch was 135#, 145#, 150#

135# was wobbly but a good lift, I failed to get under it at 145#, so I scrapped the 150# and retried 145#, got under it, way cleaner than last week, but I still hit the ground with my back knee.  Being a judged lift, it didn't count. 

I still count it as a success, it was well caught.

For clean and jerk, I orginally planned 185#, 195# and 205#, but I just jerked 205# at lunch, I was pretty sure I'd make that, so if I wanted to go for a PR I should start at 195#, then 205# and try 210#.  That's what I did.

Hit 195#, and 205# well.  Failed to get under the clean at 210#, so no chance to try and jerk it. 

I'm happy with that.  Could've been a lot worse!

Monday, 27 April 2015

Power and Running log for Monday, April 27th

Well running is still out of the question.  I lasted 6 and bit minutes before my right calf started to hurt. Better than the 3 minutes from last week, but still not good.

Started with 5 rep max deadlift, since that's what they did this morning.  Made 315# which is 85% of max.  Happy with that.

Then I tried to run, having used the foam roller on the calves before the dead lifts and the first 3 minutes feeling good, if a bit tight in that one spot. But just after 6:15 it went downhill really fast and I bailed, in pain.

They did Isabel this morning (30 snatches for time), but after the deadlifts I didn't want to be pulling that many times. So I stretched for a bit then decided to do some jerks off the rack. 
95# for warm up, 135# for 2, 155# for 2, 185# for a single, and 205# for a single.

This one went up first try, unlike last time.  I was all set up to go for 215#, but then figured I might be going to Olympic Lifting class this evening, so I better not push it.

Steam room to stretch my calf, shower and gone.  Not too bad, despite the running issues.

Friday, 24 April 2015

Strength log for Friday, April 24th

Wasn't sure what I was going to do at the Y today.

Figured I'd do whatever Dave was doing.  But he wasn't there today.

This week I'd done squats, jerks, cleans and snatches, there wasn't much else to do, except maybe ring work, but I don't feel up to it with my wrist issue.

So I did push press.

Worked up to 185#. 

Felt okay. Not stellar.

Then I did couch stretch for a while before hitting the steam room.

Happy Friday.

Crossfit log for Friday, April 24th

You know that feeling you get when a workout shows up on the board that is totally in you wheelhouse, that you just know you are going to nail.

Yeah, that. 

But then following that up with the feeling when you don't deliver. 

Yeah. That.

After 5 sets of 5 back squats at 60%  or 195# control down, explode up, we did a variation of Jackie

For time:
1000m row
50 overhead squats  45#
30 pull ups

My Jackie time is just north of 10 minutes.  Without the thrusters I should break 10 minutes easily with this.

11:43.  Fuck.

Row was just under 4:00
Did the first 25 OHS unbroken at 6:22, then 10, 10 and 5. Short breaks but when I got to the pull up bar I was already at 9:50.  That took the wind out of my sails, so I struggled through the pull ups with 11, 5, 7, 4, 3.

Don't know why I bothered rushing to get my grips on before the workout.

Got a bad headache behind my left ear.  Might by tied to OHS.  It happened once before during a workout  but I'm not sure if I did OHS that day.

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Olympic Lifting log for Thursday, April 23rd

Well that was a fight.

I somehow managed to snatch 145#, a new split snatch PR.  Last PR was back in november.

My back knee made contact with the floor, and there was almost certainly at least some press out, so likely not Olympic-Weightlifting-good. 

But definitely Crossfit-good.

Did a few sets at 95#, then 115# and 125#.  Struggled at 135#, but landed it.  Decided to go big and put 145#.

First attempt I didn't commit to getting under the bar.  Second attempt, I caught it but off balance and couldn't stand it up.  Decided to give it one final try.

Caught it.  Balanced, partially thanks to my knee on the ground. Stood it up. Done.

That was it.  Called it a day and hit the steam room.

Progress update.

New  Snatch PR. 

Bench: 230# November 19, 2014 (up from 225#)
Dead Lift: 365# September 17, 2014 (up from 355#)
Press: 145# September 9, 2014 (up from 140#)
Back Squat: 315# March 2, 2015 (up from 305#)
Front Squat: 275# February 26, 2015 (up from 265#)
Overhead squat: 145# February 19, 2015 (up from 125#x4)

Power Clean: 195# Nov 25, 2014 (up from 185#)
Power snatch:  140# Dec 5, 2014 (up from 125#)
Push Press: 185# Sept 15, 2014 (up from 175#)
Clean: 205# Dec 13, 2014 (up from 191#)
Jerk: 205#  Dec 13, 2014 (up from 185#)
Snatch: 145# Apr 23, 2015 (up from 135#)
Clean and Jerk: 205# Dec 13, 2014 (up from 175#)

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Strength log for Tuesday, April 21st.

Seems like I forgot to log this workout.

Having done cleans on Monday, and Jerks at Crossfit, I decided to do some pure strength work at the Y at lunch time.

Did back squats, worked up to 285# then peeled off for 3 sets of 5 at 225# (71% of max)

That was it.  Steam room and a quick visit to Kiza at the Blood clinic.

Crossfit log for Wednesday, April 22nd

The days are going by so fast, April is almost over already!

This morning was rough.

7 sets of 2 cleans at 75% of max. Did 165#, a bit more than 75% but I need to push my Olympic lifting this year.

The WOD was worse than Fran

3 rounds for time of
- 21 thrusters @ 95# (scaled to 75#)
- 7 muscle ups/ 7 chest to bar + 7 dips (scaled to pull ups and dips)


Did the thruster in sets of 7.  I might have been able to do this at 95#, but it would have sucked even worse than it actually did.

I did 1 chest to bar pull up and decided that wasn't going to work for me.  So pull ups and dips it was.

3rd round was really rough.  Did the first round in 3:00, second round in almost 5:00 and the last round in around 4:00

Glad that's over.

Then we started a calories row/toes to bar combo of 15-12-9-6

Did the 15, ran out of time rowing for the 12.


Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Crossfit log for Tueday, April 21st

Seems like forever since I went to Crossfit.

Good workout this morning.

Started with split jerks from the rack.  Quite a bit of volume.

Did 3x3 @ 70%, 1x3 @ 75% and 2x3 @ 80%

Did 145#, 155# and 165#.  Worked with Kamil, whose number were 10# heavier for each, but opted to use my weight.

Started to get hard at the end, after all the volume.

The workout was a 16 minute AMRAP partner WOD of :
- 10 power snatch (135#, scaled too much to 95#)
- 400m row
- 80 double unders
- 20 box jump overs

Work with Kamil for this too. 

We hummed and hawed over the weight for the snatches, when he suggested women's Rx, I was all over that.  It was a good weight in as much as it made the workout enjoyable, but we went unbroken for 3 rounds and likely should have done 115#.

So we split everything half and half, except the double unders.  So he did 5 snatches and i did 5, he rowed 200m and I rowed 200m. First round he did 80 double unders unbroken, it made sense.

We did the box jump overs follow-the-leader style which worked really well.

Second round I ended up starting so go to the double unders first and took like 4 or 5 tries to get through 40 reps, then Kamil finished them off.

3 round was like 2nd.   Round 4 I did 6 snatches because I felt bad about the double unders and with like a minute left I started the row and really worked hard to get through my 200m. 

Stupidly, I stopped with 15 seconds to go because I was done my 200m!  Duh.  Poor Kamil then tried to strap into the rower with like 10 seconds to go.  He should've slapped me!

I was spent, that last bit of row nearly killed me.

Monday, 20 April 2015

Olympic lifting log for Monday, April 20th

Cleans today.

Started with short run, but my calf immediately started to hurt.  I gave it 3 minutes to see if it would settle down, and it didn't, so I bailed and went to the lifting platform.

I started with a clean complex: power clean + hang power clean + hang clean.

Did 95#, 115#, 135# and 155#.  At 185# I switched to power clean only.  Tried 205#. Failed.  Tried again, this time this time squat clean. Failed.  Tried a third time, got it.

Happy with that , I had cleaned 205# only once since before Christmas.

Called it a day.

Thursday, 16 April 2015

Crossfit log for Thursday, April 16th

Had to bring Clarisse to Crossfit last night with the kids in tow since Kiza is out of town, so face with either dropping her off and having to load the kids a second time to go get her (granted she could have bussed home) or just staying I opted to stay.

And since I was staying there was no reason not to do the workout too, right?

Plugged the kids into their LeapPadsTM and got to work.

I turned out it was a partner WOD, seems every time I go with Clarisse, that's the case.

It was a rough one.

For time, share the work:
- 50 burpees
- 3 rounds of "DT"  155/105  (scaled to 135# and 75#)
- 40 toes to bar
- 3 round of "DT"
- 50 burpees

"DT" is 12 dead lifts, 9 hang power cleans, 6 push press/jerk

Split the burpees in sets of 5, I did the first round of DT, had to split the jerks to 3 and 3.   I was in trouble by this point.  Clarisse did her round then we split the 3rd.

I did 15 or 16 toes to bar and Clarisse did the rest.

We split all three rounds of "DT" this time, and the burpees, Clarisse did the lion's share. 


Thanks to my calf injury, I was spared the 1 mile post WOD run. Clarisse wasn't so lucky! 

Olympic lifting log for Thursday, April 16th

Oops, I left this on my computer yesterday. I guess I forgot about it. 

Needed a good workout, decided to work on snatch and/or jerks from the rack, depending on whether the the rack was available.

Worked out well.  Dave and his friend were on the good rack, so I started with some power snatch work, planning to do some split snatch and if time allowed jerks.

Power snatch was going well, so I kept it up and hit 135#, 5# off my best. Then decided to switch to jerks since the rack was now free.

Worked up to 185# without problems.  Went of 205#, my current PR,  I just missed, and that must have pissed me off because I caught in the front rack and jerked a second time and caught it.  Like a boss. ;)

I was going to go for a PR  but after that show of mental and physical fortitude, I decided to call it a day and hit the steam room.

Happy with that.

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Running, Strength and mobility log for Wednesday, April 15th

Well that didn't really go as planned.

Started with a run.  30 minutes planned.  Started to feel a tightness in my right calf at 10 minutes. Got worse and worse until I finally bailed.  Hope I didn't to any damage.  It's still tight 3 hours later.

So I went and stretched it and rolled it and it was still tight.  I may have to book a massage.

Decided to salvage the workout by doing some strict press.  5 sets of 5 at 95#.  Not too easy, but felt good.

Taking a break from running.  May pull out my Ronin's with 9mm drop instead of the Universe (4mm drop).

At least this is like the source of my numbness. Once I work through it, should be good to go.

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Strength and mobility log for Tuesday, April 14th

Ugh.  Workout headache.

Worked on overhead squat, a bit wider grip than last time.  Worked much better.  Made it up to 135#.  Ugly though.

Then the headache hit.  Around my left eye.

Switch to clean and jerk at 155#.  Did 4 or 5 reps.  Then moved on to mobility.

Did the couch stretch, hams stretch, pigeon, feet together squats and squat holds.

Better than nothing, which what I'll get for the rest of the week unless I go at lunch, given Kiza's out of town.

Friday, 10 April 2015

Crossfit log for Friday, April 10th

Finally felt recovered enough from Tuesday's workout to crawl out of bed this morning.

Wasn't too bad. 

Started with 5 sets of 5 back squats at 52% ???, whatever, that gave me 165#.

As I'm warming up I'm doing pause squats at like 135#, hanging out in the bottom for 5 seconds or so before standing it back up.  This prompt the coach to point out that at this weight, they should be very fast and explosive.  Point taken.

165# was a good choice.

The WOD was 3 rounds for time

- 6 clean and jerk @ 165# (scaled to Grace weight: 135#)
- 6 shuttle runs
- 6 clean and jerk
- 2:00 rest

16:40.  First round took me to 4:25, before the 2:00 rest, second to 10:30ish, so similar around 4 and a half minutes of work for 2 minute rest.  The last round was actually quicker, closer to 4:10, maybe 4:15, I think I started at 12:25.

The run sucked so bad.  I tried 3 different approaches.
-Fast there and back, quick break. Sucked. 
-Sprint  for 3 or 4 strides and coast, quick break, sucked.
-Steady the whole way, sucked.

The clean and jerks got better as I started jerking right off the clean in round 2, instead of cleaning, repositioning then jerking, basically standing the clean turned into the drive for the jerk.  Saved a ton of time.  Wouldn't have been doable at 165# I expect.

Then we did death by handstand push up.  Hope to make 5 minutes.  Made 3. bailed on the round of 4 after 2 reps.

I'd had enough.

Thursday, 9 April 2015

Running log for Thursday, April 9th

Treadmill running is boring.

My key workouts are designed to keep me occupied for the duration, but my fitness isn't there yet.

But for today's 30 minute snore-fest I decided to try a scaled version of the frog in the pot of water. 

I started at 5.5mph and inscreased by 0.2mph every 2 minutes. The plan was for 30 minutes. First 10 minutes went by quickly. Got a lot harder after that. Bailed at 19:00, resumed for an additional 4 minutes.  Called it quits at 23:00 for 2.3 miles.  Meh. I should really get outside.

Paces: 6:47, 6:33, 6:19, 6:07, 5:55, 5:44, 5:34, 5:24, 5:15, 5:06. 

Stretched and mobilized like crazy afterwards: hams, calves/achilles, couch stretch, the works.

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Running and skills log for Tuesday, April 7th

15 minute run for 1.66 miles.  Most of it at 5:20/km.

Stretched out my calves, aductors and hips.

Set up the rings and went through part of the drills (holds in the top position 3 x 10 seconds, dips: 3 sets of 5, push ups: 3 sets of 5, and rows with sit back x 1)

Did some dead lifts between sets, up to 275# for 3.

Was totally wiped.

Tomorrow's gonna suck. Thursday too.

Crossfit log for Tuesday, April 7th

Wow.  After a week and a half of recovery from bronchitis, I finally got to the box this morning.

That was much harder than I expected.

We started with a jerk/overhead squat combo for 4 sets of 2.

Limited by my OHS, so did 3 sets at 95# and one at 115#.  Jerk was easy, OHS was not. 3rd set was probably the best one.

The WOD was a 10 minute AMRAP of
- 10 shoulder to overhead @ 135#, scaled wisely to 115#
- 10 over the bar buprees, yuck.
- 10 pistols alternating leg (scaled to 15 air squats)

First round I took off like a bullet. Second round I sucked wind, third round was better than the second, but not as good as the first.  Fourth round I made it through 7 push press.

I watched a ton of Crossfit videos during my recovery, so I was itching to go, but man I tanked so quickly.  First day back, had to make it worth it, no?

Part two was a 5 minute AMRAP of sets of 5 pull ups.

Made it to 10 sets of 5, ending with the last two sets as 1 set of 10 reps.

Started doing 5 every 15 seconds, which lasted for 5 sets.  Then I took 30 second, and did two more sets, on 30 seconds instead of 15.  Waited until there was 30 seconds left to bust out the set of 10.

I was so done.

I expect I'll be very sore for a couple of days.

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Strength log for Wednesday, April 1st

Nearly a week ago I came down with bronchitis.  Laid me up pretty good.

Today I felt well enough to go to the gym.  Nothing intense, just lifting. 

I didn't want to require any heavy breathing.

So I did some back squats, worked up to a double at 275#. 

Then I did some push press, up to 185#.

And finally I did a couple of sets of a clean complex, 1 power clean, 1 hang clean.  2 sets of 3 at 95#, and 2 sets of 2 at 135#.

Then I was done.

Spent some time in the steam room, which I think helped my lungs. 

Not sure what to do tomorrow.