Friday, 28 February 2014

Crossfit Open log for Friday, February 28th - 14.1

The 2014 Crossfit Open workout 14.1 was announced last night, and the morning crew took a crack at it today.

10 min AMRAP:
-30 double unders.
-15 snatches 75#

I couldn't find my speed rope this morning.  Last time I used it was at the box, so I had faith I'd find it.  I did, but it was broken.  I managed to tape it up and it held but I think a replacement is in order.

This was way harder than it looks.  Too many misses on the double unders and the clock just bleeds time.  15 snatches is a lot.

We paired up and took turns being the judge and athlete.  I started judging Robbie.  He's newer at it and struggles with both the double unders and snatches, so this was a challenging workout for him.   (Well for everyone, for different reasons but I digress).

He did really well.  Had a couple of runs of unbroken double unders over 10 reps. 

The movement standards for the snatch were very loose, if fact any ground to overhead was valid. You could snatch, power snatch, muscle snatch, clean and jerk, clean and press whatever it took to go from the ground to locked out overhead.  He started with power snatch, but quickly changed to clean and press, and was much faster and it was less taxing.

It took me a number of tries to get the double unders going, cost a lot of time.  10 minutes goes by pretty fast.

I alternated between power snatches and  clean and press depending what got fatigued.

I was 8 reps short of 4 rounds when I expected to make 5.

I may have to try this again on Monday and I think I'll practice my double unders this weekend.

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