So last Thursday's WOD was a nice one. I saw it on the whiteboard and thought, this will be good.
Like Fran, it was 21-15-9 reps, but 95# power cleans with the pull-ups,
instead of thrusters. I'm pretty good doing power cleans, and my pull
ups are solid. Power cleans you don't squat to get under the bar, so
you have to lift it a bit higher to get under it than a squat clean.
better at hang cleans (start bar hanging at the hips, dip, thrust,
shrug, get under the bar, receive on deltoids) as opposed to full cleans
(dead lift from ground, thrust, shrug, get under the bar, receive on
deltoids), and the WOD gave the option. Good.
Enter Ego. Laura next to me is doing full cleans. I should've let it go and just done my hang cleans. But I didn't.
the 20th clean, first round, during the first pull, just before the
thrust, my back said "That'll be enough of that!" and a pain like I have
rarely felt ripped through my lower back. I didn't brace properly and I
was done. F#@|<! Spent Thrusday on my back, had a massage Friday,
long hot bath Saturday, and by Sunday I was fully function with about
95% range of motion.
I thought I'd be out longer, but with small
kids, what choice do you really have? Ice, heat, ibuprofen and as much
rest as I could muster and I'm doing pretty good.
I think my
recovery has been quick because of Crossfit, all the supporting muscles
are actually doing their job and supporting the weakened muscles. I
think it's pretty cool.
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