Today we did Jackie. I like named WODs I can do Rx.
Jackie is Row 1000m, 50 thrusters (45#) and 30 pull-ups. I particularly like WODs I can do Rx that have pull-ups in them.
time I did Jackie, back on October 7th, I went 15:09. I had trouble
with the kipping pull-ups that day, and we had done strength work before
the WOD.
I was hoping for a big PB, but my back still isn't
100%, and I could feel it during the row. Thruster are rough no matter
how little weight you use, that full range of motion, from deep squat to
over head press just gets to you, especially have rowing 1000m!
Pull-ups were solid, did 10, 10, 5, 5 with very little break between.
13:55, not huge, but a PB by over a minute. I'll take it. Rack
position was pretty good for the thrusters, need to work on keeping the
core tight throughout.
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