Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Crossfit log for Wednesday, December 21st

Today's workout was Fight Gone Bad

I've done this before, but don't have time look it up right now to compare:

3 rounds 5 minute (1 min at each station)
-wallball 20# med ball
-sumo dead lift high pull 75# bar
-box jumps 24" box
-push press

1 rep/1 calorie = 1 point. Score 182.

Should've gone lighter had to stop too much due to muscle fatigue. Even 65# and 14# would've made a big difference. Next time.

Last time score was 176.

Used a 14# med ball.
Box was 22".

It wasn't clear in my post what weight I used on the bar. I'm guessing I would've used 75#, I remember having a hard time on the push press.

So definite improvement. 
Followed that up with 4 rounds of: jack up car, remove summer tire, install winter tire, lower car.

Monday, 19 December 2011

Crossfit log for Monday, December 19th

It only took 8 months, but finally the powers that be put together two exercise I can do well in the same WOD.

Today was 3 sets 21-15-9 of 23" box jumps and pull-ups.

But first we did thruster for strength work, 8-5-4-4-4 did 65#, 75#, 85#, 85#, 95#.

16 straight pull-ups first round. When I got back to the box I was really winded. Had to take a second to make sure I wouldn't wreck.

My heart was pounding by the time I got to the pull-up bar the second time. Managed 6 pull-ups, then 5, and 4.
Last round I did 4 then 5.

Finished in 5:23

This was the first time my heart was the limiter. Felt great. First time I ever finished a WOD first. That felt good too.

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Crossfit log for Wednesday, December 14th

Did squats today, wasn't into it. Managed 125lbs 5 reps back squat, 3 reps front squat.

No issues with my back at all, so I guess the massage really helped, just needed a bit of time to kick in. Shoulders are still a bit achy and stiff.

WOD was a 12 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible):
8 kettle bell snatches (change sides each round). 16kg
8 push-ups
8 ab-mat wall ball sit ups, 8lbs

Managed 5 rounds and got to 7 of 8 sit ups (1 rep away from 6 rounds).

At the gym at lunch I rolled around on a tennis ball around my scapula and found where worst of my shoulder issues are stemming from (trapezius and supraspinatus area). Worked out a lot of kinks and it feels a lot better now.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Crossfit log for Tuesday, December 13th


Massage yesterday afternoon, feel much better. Shoulders are fully functional and lower back is about 99% recovered.

So naturally today's WOD was dead lifts!

12 rounds for time:
5 dead lifts 115#
4x45ft farmer walk 24kg


Figured since I couldn't go heavy on the dead lifts I'd go all out on the farmer walks. Hadn't considered the impact on grip strength! Oops:

The workout called for 80% of max dead lift for weight, and I've done 235lbs before, but since my back is still recovering, I played around a bit to find a weight. I tried as high as 165lbs, but that was too much for that many reps. I almost decide not to do the WOD at all, but then decided to drop the weight all the way down to 95# and started the WOD. I quickly realized I could do more. I asked coach Isabelle to swap out the 25lbs plates for 35s taking it to 115lbs, and that was just right.

Monday, 12 December 2011

Crossfit log for Monday, December 12th

5 rounds for time:
10 wall squats (because I can't do overhead squats)
10 kettle bell swings 20kg
10 wall balls 14lbs
10 hand to toe situps (v-snaps)
10 push press 65lbs


Shoulders are sore from Jackie and the burpees from Wednesday. I thankfully have a massage later today to workout those knots.

Rx called for overhead squats, but I don't have the mobility to do them, so instead of even the front squats, Isabelle insisted I do wall squats, which means no weight, just stand inches from the wall and squat with your hands overhead going as low as you can without touching the wall. It wasn't very low! Well some weren't too bad, but that's the point.

Friday, 9 December 2011

Crossfit log for Friday, December 9th

Today we did Jackie. I like named WODs I can do Rx.

Jackie is Row 1000m, 50 thrusters (45#) and 30 pull-ups. I particularly like WODs I can do Rx that have pull-ups in them.

Last time I did Jackie, back on October 7th, I went 15:09. I had trouble with the kipping pull-ups that day, and we had done strength work before the WOD.

I was hoping for a big PB, but my back still isn't 100%, and I could feel it during the row. Thruster are rough no matter how little weight you use, that full range of motion, from deep squat to over head press just gets to you, especially have rowing 1000m! Pull-ups were solid, did 10, 10, 5, 5 with very little break between.

Went 13:55, not huge, but a PB by over a minute. I'll take it. Rack position was pretty good for the thrusters, need to work on keeping the core tight throughout.

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Crossfit log for Wednesday, December 7th

Yesterday was a good workout today. Still taking it easy on my back.

For strength work we did back squats, focusing on bracing and form.
4 sets of 12-10-8-5 at 95#-115#-125#-135#.

10 rounds of
kettle bell swings 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
Burpees 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10


Used 16kg kettle bell. Could have went heavier, the burpees were the limiter, but I wanted to go easy on my back.

Monday, 5 December 2011

Crossfit log for Thursday, December 1st: The day my back went out

So last Thursday's WOD was a nice one. I saw it on the whiteboard and thought, this will be good.

Like Fran, it was 21-15-9 reps, but 95# power cleans with the pull-ups, instead of thrusters. I'm pretty good doing power cleans, and my pull ups are solid. Power cleans you don't squat to get under the bar, so you have to lift it a bit higher to get under it than a squat clean.

I'm better at hang cleans (start bar hanging at the hips, dip, thrust, shrug, get under the bar, receive on deltoids) as opposed to full cleans (dead lift from ground, thrust, shrug, get under the bar, receive on deltoids), and the WOD gave the option. Good.

Enter Ego. Laura next to me is doing full cleans. I should've let it go and just done my hang cleans. But I didn't.

On the 20th clean, first round, during the first pull, just before the thrust, my back said "That'll be enough of that!" and a pain like I have rarely felt ripped through my lower back. I didn't brace properly and I was done. F#@|<! Spent Thrusday on my back, had a massage Friday, long hot bath Saturday, and by Sunday I was fully function with about 95% range of motion.

I thought I'd be out longer, but with small kids, what choice do you really have? Ice, heat, ibuprofen and as much rest as I could muster and I'm doing pretty good.

I think my recovery has been quick because of Crossfit, all the supporting muscles are actually doing their job and supporting the weakened muscles. I think it's pretty cool.

Crossfit log for Monday, December 5th

So today, I went to the gym with the plan to take it easy. Don't do anything that caused any discomfort. Brace for every movement.

I did okay.

First thing up was bar bell rows. Wasn't sure how that was going to go, but I tried with just the empty bar and it was fine. I really braced and eased in to the movement.

So it was 4 sets of 12-10-8-5 with progressively heavier weight. Started with a couple of 10s on the 45# bar for 65# at 12 reps, and it was good. No discomfort. Added 2 10s for 85# on the set of 10, swapped out the 10s for 25s for 95# at 8 reps and finally added 10s again for 115# on the 5. That last was hard. I had to brace really tight with the core, but it was over quickly.

So okay, a little bit of discomfort, but it was manageable.

Then we did some dead hang, strict pull ups. Haven't tried these in ages. Best I've ever done is 5. We'll I'm still there, but at least I did 3 sets, not sure I could have done that before (actually I did 5, 4 and 5). Felt good, and my back wasn't in the equation at all.

The actual WOD was 4 rounds for time with incrementing reps (10-20-30-40) of:
-Wallball 20#
-ab mat sit ups (wasn't sure I'd be able to do them)
-kettle bell swings 16kg

Went easy. First round was okay, only 10, core was good on the kettle bell swings. After round 2, the kettle bell swings were harder as core was weakened from the sit ups.

Took round three really easy. And round 4 was stop and go.

Finished in 20:16.

I think I managed it nicely.