Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Crossfit log for Wednesday, August 24th

Made it to the gym today.

Warm up was simple (Reza's back) 30 air squats, 10 hip rotations, 10 arm rotations, 30 air squats (had practiced a few double unders before hand).

Skills, we worked on handstands and handstand walk (not) and rolls (aka somersault). I did surprisingly well except the handstand walk part.

Then to the WOD:
3 rounds:
30 second L-Sit
5 ring dips
10 pull-ups (strict)
15 push-ups (hand release)
1 min rest

The L-Sit I did in 1 10 second and 4 5 second stretches. The first round (which I was using 35lbs dumbbells on the floor to grip),
I was impressed that I managed 5 ring dips. (3+quick break + 2)
The pull ups, I figured I could do 5 on my own, I should be able to handle 10 with the purple (medium) band. But the 9th and 10th were really tough, and this was just round 1.
Push up were okay, after the ring dips, getting the 15 done was hard near the end.

Round 2 sucked. After over a minute of trying to get my feet off the ground, I gave up on the L-sit.
Ring dips were really tough, did 2, then break then 1, 1 and 1 with breaks in between.
Pull ups were 4, break, 2, break, 2, break, 1 break 1. Ugh.
Push-ups, just took more time.

Round three, went to the L-Sit between to boxes, this way I didn't need to get my feet above my hips, which is bad form, but at least I did it (20 seconds break 10 seconds) which was better than round 2!
I could only do 1 dip, so I opted for the scaled option: regular triceps dips using a box. Way easier.
Pull-ups, switched to green (large) band, and zipped through 10. (maybe I should've just added a black band, oh well).
Push through the push-ups and done!


I didn't like this workout, I felt it hammered the triceps too much. Really didn't like the L-sit.

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