Wednesday, 31 August 2016
Crossfit log for Wednesday, August 31st
Our new dog, Pacha, clearly thought the alarm meant time for a walk.
So I took him out to pee and figured, I was awake now, might as well make something of it.
Warm up was 7minutes of 10 OHS, 10 wall balls and 10 push ups (which became 8 and 7) followed by dynamic stretching.
WOD was okay,
4 rounds for time of:
- 20 abmat sit ups
- 15 chest to bar pull ups
- 10 overhead squat 135#/95#
Regular pull ups thank you. This would be an overhead squat workout for me. I used women's Rx with the plan to go unbroken for the OHS.
Sit-ups are fine, if not annoying, pull ups started as high pull almost CTB but after 2 rounds were just regular old pull ups. That's fine. This was about the OHS.
At 95# I'm pretty good at cycling OHS. Coach Alex commented on my range of motion, looking good. *Glee*
Went unbroken all 4 rounds. Happy with that.
Finished in 16:20
Finished up with 4000m partner row which thankfully became 2000m shared. That wasn't so fun.
Tuesday, 30 August 2016
Crossfit log for Tuesday, August 30th
Pretty wiped after all that.
Monday, 29 August 2016
CrossFit log for Monday, August 29th
Pretty good workout this morning, scaled the crap out of it, but kept moving for the most part
Warm was 25'walking lunges plus 5 push ups, for 5 minutes, followed by dynamic stretching.
The WOD was 5 rounds of
- 15 axle hang power cleans 115#/75#
- 10 handstand push-ups
Did women's weight and scaled the hspu to one smart and started with 7 reps, which became 6, then 5 and 5 and finally 3 plus two regular push-ups.
The clans for hard on the shoulders by rounds 3, where I did 10 and 5, round 4 I managed unbroken, but it cost me. The last round was 9 and 6.
Happy with that.
Finished in 13:31
Thursday, 25 August 2016
Crossfit log for Thursday, August 25th
First 4 days in a row for a long long time. And this one tanked me, left me feeling weak and moderately nauseated.
Warm up was short shuttle runs and kettle bell swings, followed by dynamic stretch routine. We all did wall walks with handstand hold for upside down work. Shoulder were smoked.
The WOD was unusual.
7 rounds
-7 bench 155#/105#
-7 strict pull ups
5 min rest
6 rounds
- 10 push press 135/95#
- 10 kipping pull ups
Kamil and I did women's Rx. Bench went fine. Strict pull ups not so much. Started with a new Rogue blue band (thicker than the older blue and the red bands, but much thinner than the green bands).
Kamil started using my band so I got another one, and he quickly escalated to a green, so by round 3 I had both blue bands going.
Tried to start with one unassisted then 3 with one band and the rest with both.
Unassisted lasted 2 rounds, then it was straight to the single band for 3 reps, the the double band for 4 reps.
Man that sucked. 5 minutes rest isn't enough.
Push press go really hard to lock out on the last few reps by round 4 of 6.
Kipping pull ups went shockingly well. 10 unbroken except for round 5.
Man I was wiped.
13:15 + 5:00 rest + 12:37
total 30:52
Crossfit log for Wednesday, August 24th
Finally remembered it.
Warm up was 25 wall balls, 30 second arch hold, 30 second hollow body hold for 5 minutes. Then the dynamic stretching.
Then 7 rounds of 2 power clean and jerks every 90 seconds, I did 125#
Then the WOD was a 15 minute AMRAP of:
- run 285m
- 20 push ups
- 20 sit-ups
Sucked. Made 3 full rounds, plus the run and 5 push ups.
Tuesday, 23 August 2016
CrossFit log for Tuesday. August 23rd
Low volume day. Thankfully.
Warm up was 5 minutes of 5 burpees (yuck), 5 pull ups (yay) and 30 double-unders (meh)
Again with the dynamic stretching and handstand walk progressions. I was going to try a freestanding handstand in the middle of the floor, which wasn't too bad, but unstable, so I used the instability to try and walk, and managed a few feet. So yay me.
Then we did a 10 minute EMOM of 6 touch and go power snatch. Just like 2 weeks ago. Upped it to 75# from 65#, got rough at the end. But I managed to hold form. Focus was on bar path and catching under the bar. Got praise on both points from coach Nikki.
Finished up with 4 sets of 8 back squats. Same weight each set. Focus was on bar path.
Used 195# (60℅-65℅ of max).
Good choice, only started to fall apart on the last few reps on the last set. Praised again for form and bar path.
Nice to not be exhausted, and to be praised for quality of movement.
Monday, 22 August 2016
CrossFit log for Monday, August 22nd
- 15 call row
- 20 handstand push ups
- 15 call row
- 20 thrusters 95#/65#
- 15 call row
- 20 lateral burpees over bar
Tuesday, 16 August 2016
Crossfit log for Tuesday, August 16th
Barely made it on time.
Warm up was 3x 40 double unders and 15 wall balls.
Then that damn dynamic stretching shit.
WOD was a small chipper:
40 alternating dumbbell snatches 70#/50# did 45#
20 muscle ups did ring dips.
30 clean and jerks 185#/ 115# did 115# bailed at 10
Monday, 15 August 2016
Crossfit log for Monday, August 15th
Warm up was bar muscle up progression drills from seated. I lack the coordination to throw my shoulders over the bar. At least I know.
We did that twice with 500m row after each drill .
Then the dynamic stretching work. Had trouble pulling my right knee to my chest. May have to have Rob look at it.
The WOD was 5 rounds for time (16min cap):
- run 400m
- 6 muscle ups/CTB/pull ups.
Run turned out to be 285m, so the cap didn't factor in.
Started with CTB, but only the first round, it was supposed to be fast, so I resorted to regular pull ups.
12:25 ish.
Then we did 5 sets of 3 power snatch at 70%. Did 95# pretty solid, maybe could have gone heavier. But meh.
That was it. Sweat fest, but not too painful.
Friday, 12 August 2016
Crossfit log for Friday, August 12th
8 rounds for time:
- row 200m
- 5 muscle ups (scale to ring dips).
Round 6 got really hard to do the dips. Arms will suck this weekend.
Finished about 30 seconds behind Kamil, in 15:35
After the the real suck started: 10 minute EMOM of 7 power cleans.
Thankfully I scaled to women's Rx at 95#, I had nothing left at round 6.
Round 7 I did only 5 reps, round 8 I did 6 reps, round 9 I did zero reps and finished off with a full 7 thanks to the extra rest.
Wednesday, 10 August 2016
Crossfit log for Wednesday, August 10th
Yesterday I went to the Y to do my physio homework (negelected while on vacation) and found with the break I was a bit more mobile than usual. Bonus.
I also need to lift something, so I did 3 sets of 8 back squats at 185# (after a couple of warm up sets at 45#, 95# and 135#). Felt it a bit in my quads this morning.
Naturally, we had back squats today.
Warm up was 50 double unders + 5 strict pull ups. Tried a drill for the DU with a band around my arms at the elbows to keep my arms from going wide, which may explain my constant missing at around rep 9 or 10.
After about 10 attempts at stringing 2 together I took the damn thing off and threw it across the room and pumped out 50 unbroken. Then 41 + 9 and another 50 unbroken.
So I guess technically it worked.
Then we did the new dynamic stretching drill that have been added in my absence. (yay, welcome back, not).
Frankenstein walk, straight legs, straight arms overhead, touch opposite hand to toes each step for 25' and back. Then squeeze knee to chest, and drop it down into a lunch with hands overhead stretch. Then inchworm, hand walk to extend, do a push up, feet walk to flex, legs straight, repeat 25'. Then pistol walk: cross legged sit to parallel with foot on opposite knee, alternate for 25'. Finally shoulder stretch on wall.
Then the work started.
10 minute EMOM of 6 power snatch. Might have succeeded at 75#, but hedged my bets and stuck with 65#. Form held, heart was racing. So good I guess.
Then 6 rounds of snatch balance. 4-4-2-2-2-2
This is the second time I've done these, since I've been able to actually do them. It went well until the last set.
Did 45#, 55#, 65#, 75#, 85#, 95#(x)
75# was the best set. 85# was okay, 95# ran out of shoulders.
After that came the back squats. 3 sets of 15 reps at 60%, I did 155#, should have done 165#, but was glad for my maths error. We alternated these with 3 sets of 12 dumbbell bench press (of which I only did 2 sets with 30# dumbbells).
Legs will be toast tomorrow and Friday.