Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Crossfit log for Wednesday, April 20th

Woke up like an hour before my alarm, ugh.

Given my schedule these days, I can't afford to miss any classes, so I got myself to the box this morning 

Warm up was 4 minutes of 8 side lunges, 8 glute bridges and 8 kips swings.

Started with 3 rounds of alternating (which apparently was supposed to be 4 rounds)
- Hip Belt Squat 12 reps, using same weight per set 
- rest 1 min 
- Landmine Row (Single Arm) 8 reps, using same weight per set 
- rest 1 min

used the 32kg kettle bell for the squats and 20kg of plates for the rows.
Then got through 2 of the 3 rounds of 
- Front Racked Barbell Box Step Up 16 reps (8 each side) 20 inch box
- rest 1 min 
- Strict Pull-up at bodyweight 
- rest 1 min

Used women's bar 35# for the step ups and did 5 pull ups per round.

The WOD was good. 

 5 rounds for time of: 
- 12 Overhead Squats, 95#/65# 
- 8 Pull-ups 
- 4 Handstand Push-ups

But 5 rounds is a lot.  Used women's Rx for the bar and the OHS were solid.  The best I've ever done.  Pull ups were a snap. 

Tried HSPU with an abmat, go trough 2 rounds like that, then did the bear push ups variant,  straddle stance, hands as close to feet as possible, push up as vertical as possible.  Did that for the last 3 rounds.  

11:33 happy with that.  Wasn't last.

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