Friday, 29 April 2016

Crossfit log for Thursday. April 29th

Having trouble getting it off bed these days. But I managed to get myself to the box.

The warm up was 4 minutes of 9 wall balls, 5 pull ups and a shuttle run.

Strength work was thrusters, 3 rep max.

Worked with Kamil, up to 175#. Kamil managed 185#, but I couldn't quite get it. Oh well.

The WOD was Jackie:
1000m row
50 thrusters 45#/35#
30 pull ups

Finally broke 10 minutes. 9:54.  Row was 4:00,
Started the thrusters at around 4:35, did the first 25 in 1:10ish. Resting at 10 and 20 reps in the front rack. Walked away for a few seconds. Then did 5, 5, 5 and 10 putting down the bar twice in that time.  Got to the pupils at 7:10, and managed 1 rep.

Regrouped, got through 10 pull ups, then in increasingly smaller sets, finished them up at 9:54.

Was getting worried that I wouldn't break 10. But i did. Wo

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Crossfire log for Tuesday, April 26th

Well I guess progress isn't always in the form of faster times or heavier weights.

Today we did Nancy. A WOD that presents a conundrum. Run in lifters or overhead squats in runners.

As a (former) runner, minimalist no less,, I just can't run in lifters. So given the progress I've made in mobility, I figured it was time to try overhead squats in my nanos.

Tried with empty bar, and shockingly, was able to get down. Called out to coach Connor, to check my depth and he said it was good.

Wow. I guess it's a go.

Nancy. 5 round for time:
- 400m run
- 15 overhead squats 95#/65#

I split the difference and did 75#. That's 75 reps!

The run sucked way more than it should have. I really need to start running again.

The OHS, were... fine. Like really fine.

Coach said, and I quote: no questionable reps.

Speechless. Finished in 21:19. Ahead of Kamil and Justin.

Monday, 25 April 2016

Crossfit log for Monday, April 25th

Revisited Open WOD 12.3

Complete as many rounds as possible in 18 mins of:
- 15 Box Jumps, 24"/20"
- 12 Push Press, 115#/75#
- 9 Toes To Bars

Last time I did this I used 95#.   My guiding principle is to do women's Rx, but I've said that I'll always do Open WODs Rx, to be able to compare.

My out for Rx is that I didn't do the Open in 2012, my desire to go women's Rx was trumped by Kamil doing 95# and 24" box.

Conveniently I've  done this workout 5 times and each time I used 95#. November 2014, March 2014, July 2014, August 2014 and January 2015.  March 2014 was my previous best at 5 rounds + 15.  My last attempt was a dismal 4 + 35 (one short of 5 rounds)

Today I made it thought 6 full rounds plus 8 box jumps. 

Gotta be happy with that.  Pretty big PR.

Afterwards I had a physio appointment and found the erector trigger point that was hurting my mid back during overhead work (or handstand work) that started at the Competition a couple of weeks ago. Very happy to have that taken care of.

Crossfit log for Saturday, April 23rd

Saturday morning workouts are not my cup of tea, but with my schedule and missing too many morning workouts I had little choice.

Partner WOD.  I worked with Kiza.  For the warm up you need to work with someone other than your WOD partner.  I worked with Maks, doing 1 shuttle run, 10 push ups and 10 kettle bell swings.

Then the WOD started, alternating full rounds between partners. I went first, Kiza kept count.

Part 1:
14 rounds for time of:
- 2 Farmers Walk (Kettlebell)s, 24/16 kg
- 10 Double Kettlebell Deadlifts
- 5 Handstand Push-ups

Part 2:
14 rounds for time of:
- 7 Double Kettlebell Front Squats, 24/16 lbs
- 3 Shuttle Runs
- 5 Pull-ups

I used Rx kettle bells Kiza used 12kg, when she could find some, 9 when she couldn't.  Surprising number of women's didn't go Rx, so there was a shortage.

Part one was okay. Farmer walks were okay,  deadlifts a bit harder, handstand push ups, I used an ab mat. Made it through, some weren't pretty and took a lot out of us.

Part two was harder,  squats were hard.  Cleaning them was the easy part for us, most other seemed to have trouble with that part. 3 shuttle runs was 1 too many.  Pull ups were find. Only 5.  Kiza did 3 per round and didn't miss any!

We finished in 39:37

Happy with that. 

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Crossfit log for Thursday, April 21st

Another MAP session today.

MAP 3, to be precise, 90 seconds on , 90 seconds off for 6 rounds

First one was with a partner.  Didn't like that as much.   Had to match pace with the other person.

I worked with Mike, since Coach Alex made Kamil work with Martin (poor Kamil, Martin really pushed him).

6 rounds  90 sec on 90 sec off:
- 20 alternating burpees to plate
- AMRAP partner wall balls

We managed low to mid 20s of wall balls each round, 17, 21, 23, 22, 25, 24

Part two was individual.

6 rounds    90 sec on 90 sec off:
- 7 toes to bar
- 7 power snatch 75#/55#
- AMRAP thrusters  45#/35#

Thrusters were: 15, 13, 5, 10, 13, 0

Went hard on round 5 and had nothing left for round 6.  Bad pacing.

Grip strength started to be a factor around round 4.   Toes to bar suffered on round 3 and round 6, but the rest were unbroken.

Split the difference on the snatches and did 65# using a women's bar.

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Crossfit log for Wednesday, April 20th

Woke up like an hour before my alarm, ugh.

Given my schedule these days, I can't afford to miss any classes, so I got myself to the box this morning 

Warm up was 4 minutes of 8 side lunges, 8 glute bridges and 8 kips swings.

Started with 3 rounds of alternating (which apparently was supposed to be 4 rounds)
- Hip Belt Squat 12 reps, using same weight per set 
- rest 1 min 
- Landmine Row (Single Arm) 8 reps, using same weight per set 
- rest 1 min

used the 32kg kettle bell for the squats and 20kg of plates for the rows.
Then got through 2 of the 3 rounds of 
- Front Racked Barbell Box Step Up 16 reps (8 each side) 20 inch box
- rest 1 min 
- Strict Pull-up at bodyweight 
- rest 1 min

Used women's bar 35# for the step ups and did 5 pull ups per round.

The WOD was good. 

 5 rounds for time of: 
- 12 Overhead Squats, 95#/65# 
- 8 Pull-ups 
- 4 Handstand Push-ups

But 5 rounds is a lot.  Used women's Rx for the bar and the OHS were solid.  The best I've ever done.  Pull ups were a snap. 

Tried HSPU with an abmat, go trough 2 rounds like that, then did the bear push ups variant,  straddle stance, hands as close to feet as possible, push up as vertical as possible.  Did that for the last 3 rounds.  

11:33 happy with that.  Wasn't last.

Monday, 18 April 2016

Crossfit log for Monday, April 18th

I really need to stick to women's Rx. 

Got my ass handed to me again.

Strength was 3 rounds of alternating stuff leg deadlifts, sumo stance, 12 reps vs 8 strict handstand push-ups.  On 1 min rest.

Worked with John who usually sites the 6:30 class, so that was nice.

12 reps is a lot, stuck with 95#. Had to stop the deadlifts about 4 inches from the floor, my lumbar world start to flex otherwise.  I did the straddle position handstand push up variant. 

Part 2 was 3 rounds of 8 clean grip deadlifts vs 10 single arm dumbbell press, each arm. Upped the weight to 185# and used 35# for the presses, focus was on position for me. It was a good weight.
Then the WOD. A chipper
- 30 pull ups
- 40 thrusters, empty bar
- 50 ball slams
- 60 wall balls

Did 21 pull ups unbroken, then 6 and 3.  Then the thrusters smoked me. Ball slams gave me some recovery, but not enough, wall balls.

John who broke the pull ups 12, 10, 2, 2, 2, 2 got to the thruster seconds behind me.  So that was a waste of effort for me.

Finished in 13:30

Dead last, despite coming off the pull ups first. 

I really need to stick to women's Rx.

Crossfit log for Saturday, April 16th

With so few workouts last week i decided to do the Saturday morning WOD.

Kiza went at 9, i brought the kids and did the hand off, then joined the 10am class.

There was only one other guy in the class, so we naturally paired up. His name was Silver. A bigger guy is never met do i assumed r relatively new. Apparently him and his wife used to go to Fortis.

There WOD was 2 parts,
14 rounds partners alternate full rounds
- 7 burpees over bar
- 5 thrusters 95#/65# (we did 75#)
- 40 double unders Silver did singles

Rest 2 minutes
14 rounds partners alternate full rounds
- 9 box jump overs 24"/20" (we did 20")
- 1 rope climb
- 12 wall balls 20#/14# (we did 14#)

Coach put a 40 minute cap

We did the first half in 26:55 with the rest that left only 11 minutes for part 2.

I smoked part 2. We got 8 full round in that 11 minutes.

As much as i hate being the weak link, i don't much like being the strong one either. Silver worked really hard and didn't get as much break as i got. I tried to slow down on the first half, but i had to get my work in.

I think we both got a good workout in.

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Crossfit log for Tuesday, April 12th

Really didn't want to get up this morning, but since Kiza is away again, this was my last chance until Friday.

So I got up.

Warm up was 4 minutes of shuttle run + 5 push ups.

Strength work was out of the ordinary,  first 3 alternating sets of 6 deficit deadlifts and 8 landmine presses each arm, on 1:00 rest between each set.

Used 205# for the deadlifts and a 25# and 15# plate for the landmine presses.

Part two was another 3 alternating sets of 10 double kettle bell swings and 8 weighted dips.  Again on 1:00 rest between each set.

Used 2 16kg kettle bells and a 25# plate for the dips.  But I didn't make it through the last set.  Meh.

WOD was a core killer

Did women's Rx + 10# (easier to load the bar)

3 rounds for time:
-  7 shoulder to overhead  155#/105#  - did 115#
- 10 toes to bar
- 20 abmat sit ups.

First round was a breeze.  Going back to the t2b after the sit ups was a rude awakening.

Managed to keep moving  finished in 8:03. 

Core will be sore for a couple of days I suspect.

Thursday, 7 April 2016

Crossfit log for Thursday, April 7th

Almost didn't make it out of my driveway with that crazy snow storm in April, 2 days after I put on my summer tires!

But I made it, albeit a bit late.

Skipped the warm up.

Strength work was 3 sets of 10 dumbbell rows, 7 front squats and 30 second side plank each side, with 1 minute rest between.

Used 70# dumbbell and 165# on the bar.  Last round I tried the 100#.  Managed 3 reps each side. We have nothing between 70# and 100#.  So then I did 6 more reps each arm at 70#

The WOD as another MAP workout, this one a MAP 1, so 30 seconds on 30 seconds off.

Part 1
4 rounds:
- 30 second ARMAP double unders,
- 30 seconds rest
- 30 second AMRAP burpees to target beyond max reach.
- 30 seconds rest

Part 2
- 30 second ARMAP calorie row,
- 30 seconds rest
- 30 second AMRAP wall balls  20# ball
- 30 seconds rest

Did okay.  When I didn't flub the double unders I got about 30 reps/round.
Burpees were 9, 9, 8, 8.
Calories went 10, 10, 8, 8
and wall balls were 15, 15, 14, 14.

Not bad for consistency.

Monday, 4 April 2016

Crossfit log for Monday, April 4th

It's been a rough week,  I missed too much Crossfit.  I did you to the Y yesterday abut I have yet to log that visit.  I'll get to it later.  In case I don't it was heavy back squats (2 singles at 305#), 5 sets of 5 strict press at 95# and farmer carries with suitcase carries, 1 set at 70# and 1 set at 100#.  Plus some mobility work

Today we started a new programming session, called MAP (maximal aerobic
2 rounds for time of:
10 Muscle Snatches, 45/35 lbs
7 Strict Pull-ups

MAP 3 (part 1)
For 6 rounds  90 seconds of:
- 7 Power Snatches, 75/55 lbs
- 9 Box Jumps
- Row for calories in remaining time.

Rest 90 seconds between each round.

Rest 5 minutes

MAP 3 (part 2)
For 6 rounds 90 seconds of:
- 5 Bar Facing Burpees
- 7 Thrusters, same bar as part 1.
- Row for calories in remaining time

Rest 90 seconds between each round.

Really caught up to you around the 5th rounds.   Good workout.

Managed 58 calories for part 1, 57 calories for part 2.  Not bad.

Friday, 1 April 2016

Mobility and strength work for Friday, April 1st

Did a bit of a rush in my mobility work, but worked everything.

Breathing drills with a plate on my chest.  Hands locked out overhead holding a dumbbell.

Did my rotational thoracic spine work, focusing on my left which seems to be not quite as far along as my right.

Then I did some overhead squats. 

Worked up to 155# for a single.  Hit triples at 115# and 135#.

Felt my position was better than before, but overhead stability still needs work.

Baby steps.

After that I tried some overhead lunges with an empty barbell.  That felt pretty good.  Locked out.  May have had to over extend my lumbar a bit. But much better than 16.1.

I even tried a few steps at 95#.  That was heavy.  But much more stable.  I'll have to revisit that workout in the near future.

Progress is good.