Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Accessory log for Wednesday, February 24th

Quick trip to the Y and it was a good one.

Started with landmine rows but had overhead carries with suspended kettle bells version 2.0 on my mind.

I did on set each side of the land mine rows with empty bar then jumpe right into a working set with 60#, might have been a big jump.  But I got through 6 reps each side.  Felt a bit anti-climactic so I did another set of 8 each side with just the 35# plate.   Felt a bit better after that.

Then I go the bands and a weighted bar I assume they use for bootcamp classes or something.  (I'll next time what they are actually for) 

It weighs about 10#, not quite a long as a barbell, so my hands were a bit closer together, but not too much. Started with 12kg kettle bells, since the 16kg ones last time were so heavy. 

With the lower weight of the bar and possibly because my grip was closer, the 12kg wasn't enough.  Bumped it up to 16kg ~35# per side plus the 10# bar makes for 80#.  That was challenging.

The other thing I changed up was not doubling up the bands, so the the kettle bells hung almost to the floor instead of around my waist. 

This made is easier to drop, and with the lighter bar made the swinging less violent.

So I did 4 sets of carries the width of the gym and back.  1 trip with 60# ish and 3 trips with 80# ish.  Really challenging. Obliques were fire, traps and shoulders too. 

The guy from last time showed up after my second trip, so I got to give him the "I worked out the kinks" jab. 

All is well.

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