Monday, 22 February 2016

Accessory and mobility log for Monday, February 22nd

Went to the Y to work on mobility and then got the crazy idea to try an overhead walk with kettle bells hanging off the bar for shoulder stability.  

Strongfit use a yoke for this kind of overhead work, but I've seen a few guys do this with hanging kettle bells.  (Like this) but used a barbell and 16kg kettle bells.  Too heavy.  Was going to go lighter until new guy, "fitness trainer" called me on it saying it was way too risky and proceeded to suggest alternate exercises.  I wasn't going to argue and wasn't really planning on doing this drill anyway, so I moved on, but I still a little angry that he called me on it. And he approached me like he was curious about the drill.  (Even he admitted that it was a dick move to broach the subject like that, and I know he meant well, but if there is a next time, I'll shut him down).

Next time I'll use the 12kg kettle bells and one of the lighter mobility bars. And I'll not double up the band so the kettle bells will be closer to the floor in case I have to bail.

After that I did my grip strength drill with my make-shift wrist roller,  did 2 reps at 17.5# and 4 at 25#.  Forearms were toast after that.

Then I did my thoracic mobility drill but didn't do the hip drill because I didn't bring my resistance band.


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