Sunday, 28 February 2016

Crossfit Open 2016 log for Saturday, February 27th

Well that was an unmitigated disaster.

16.1 was announced Thrusday.

A whopping 20 minute AMRAP of
25' overhead walking lunges 95#/65#
8 bar facing burpees
25' overhead walking lunges
8 chest to bar pull ups

Every 5' of lunges counts as a rep. so 26 reps per round.  Also if you drop the bar on the lunges you have to go back to the last completed 5' marker.

Spent two days worrying about pacing the burpees or running out of chest to bar pull ups. Needn't have worried, the lunges killed me.

Couldn't lock out so after two rounds the muscle fatigue settled in and I had to repeatedly drop the bar.  Was hoping to get at least 5 rounds, didn't even make 4.

CTB went really well.

Nothing like a kick in the teeth to refocus your training. Luckily I have an appointment with Rob Crispo Monday.  I'll give him the details and look at chipping away at this limiter.

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Olympic lifting log for Thursday, February 25th

Slept in. Missed Crossfit. Went to the Y for some work.  They did power snatch and burpees with kettle bell swings. So I worked on snatch. Screw the burpees.

Started with power snatch, doubles, at 65# for a few sets, 95# for 2 sets and 115# for two sets.  Felt good.

The pull was strong, no pain in my lower back at all.

Moved on to snatch balance.  Had trouble balancing in the bottom at first.  But it worked out as I worked up to 135#.

Finally moved on to snatch. Did a couple of really solid reps at 95# and 115#.  Caught them right in the slot.  It really feels effortless when you catch it right.

Bumped it up to 135# and caught one ugly one and one really nice one. So I decide to try 145#.

First attempt my knee hit the ground. So I didn't even bother standing it up.

Tried again and bam! Caught it a touch forward, but I was locked out and no knee touch! Stood it up legit 145#.  Now I can claim my PR at 145# for realz!

Tried 150# twice, and just couldn't get under it.  Same deal as 145#, knee on ground on the first and caught forward on second but couldn't recover this time.

I was starting to tire as well.  Soon. 

New(old) snatch PR.  
Bench: 230# November 19, 2014 (up from 225#)
Dead Lift: 365# September 17, 2014 (up from 355#)
Press: 145# September 9, 2014 (up from 140#)
Back Squat: 315# March 2, 2015 (up from 305#)
Front Squat: 280# September 29, 2015 (up from 275#)
Overhead squat: 155# September 22, 2015 (up from 145#) 
Power Clean: 205# July 4, 2015 (up from 195#)
Power snatch:  140# Dec 5, 2014 (up from 125#)
Push Press: 185# Sept 15, 2014 (up from 175#)
Clean: 225# Dec 31, 2015 (up from 215#)
Jerk: 220#  Jan 5th, 2016 (up from 205#)
Snatch: 145# Feb 25, 2015 (up from 145# but not really)
Clean and Jerk: 205# Dec 13, 2014 (up from 175#)

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Accessory log for Wednesday, February 24th

Quick trip to the Y and it was a good one.

Started with landmine rows but had overhead carries with suspended kettle bells version 2.0 on my mind.

I did on set each side of the land mine rows with empty bar then jumpe right into a working set with 60#, might have been a big jump.  But I got through 6 reps each side.  Felt a bit anti-climactic so I did another set of 8 each side with just the 35# plate.   Felt a bit better after that.

Then I go the bands and a weighted bar I assume they use for bootcamp classes or something.  (I'll next time what they are actually for) 

It weighs about 10#, not quite a long as a barbell, so my hands were a bit closer together, but not too much. Started with 12kg kettle bells, since the 16kg ones last time were so heavy. 

With the lower weight of the bar and possibly because my grip was closer, the 12kg wasn't enough.  Bumped it up to 16kg ~35# per side plus the 10# bar makes for 80#.  That was challenging.

The other thing I changed up was not doubling up the bands, so the the kettle bells hung almost to the floor instead of around my waist. 

This made is easier to drop, and with the lighter bar made the swinging less violent.

So I did 4 sets of carries the width of the gym and back.  1 trip with 60# ish and 3 trips with 80# ish.  Really challenging. Obliques were fire, traps and shoulders too. 

The guy from last time showed up after my second trip, so I got to give him the "I worked out the kinks" jab. 

All is well.

Crossfit log for Wednesday, February 24th

Woke up at around 2:30 and had a hard time falling back to sleep. When my alarm finally rang at quarter to five, I was torn, and took a long time to decide.

Since this log entry exists, it's clear the my decision was to get up and get going.

It was an interesting day at the box.  Improvised warm up of push ups, air squats and shuttle runs before jumping right into WOD #1:

3 rounds for time 15-12-9
- power clean  115#/75#
- jerks 115#/75#

Split the difference at 95#, tried to see how far I could get without putting the bar down.

Turns out the answer to that is 30 reps.  I got through the first round completely unbroken, but going back to power cleans after the jerks (technically push press, but I digress) was just too rough apparently.

Even once I started, I got to 9 and put it down before the last 3, and tried to go straight into the jerks, but after only 1, I had to put it down.  Regrouped and hammered out the 12.  For the 9s at least I had the wisdom to stop at 8, and use the 9th to go into the jerks when I was ready.

So hammering the first round cost me, but I'm glad I did it.  Finished in 5:55ish.  Happy with that.

The second WOD which we started only after an extended break was a 20 minute EMOM:
- odd minutes 5 deadlifts, start light and add weight as you went.
- even minutes 10 box jumps

Worked with Kamil and Justin,  they shared a bar and Justin started on the box jumps.

I went immediately after Kamil on the deadlifts, but somehow they both had a box and the box jumps were taking more time than the deadlifts, so if I wanted to finish in time, I did my box jumps at the same time as Kamil.  This gave me a bit longer break before the deadlifts but a shorter one before the box jumps.  Worked out.

We started with only 115# on the bar, then round 2 went to 135#, then 155#, 185# and 205# where we stayed until the last round where Kamil went up to 225#, so I followed suit.

The last 5 minutes were getting rough as fatigue set in.

My back actually feels better now than it has in a while.  So I guess it was a good call to go today.  Yay.

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Crossfit log for Tuesday, February 23rd

Finally my kind of workout.

Jumped right into a row interval session, 1 minute on, 1 minute off for 6 round or 12 minutes.

Got some pretty good splits in the low 1:40s

Skills was a clean and jerk complex: 1 power clean + 1 hang clean + 1 jerk. Work up to 1 heavy set.

165# felt good, 185# felt heavy so i stopped there.

Finally the WOD. 7 minute AMRAP of increasing reps by 3:  3, 6, 9, 12... of
-thrusters 95#/65#
-pull ups

Choose women's Rx, to keep the bar moving. Did as well as is hoped, 5 rounds+5 thrusters.
95 reps. Same volume as Fran plus 5 thrusters.

Good workout.

Monday, 22 February 2016

Accessory and mobility log for Monday, February 22nd

Went to the Y to work on mobility and then got the crazy idea to try an overhead walk with kettle bells hanging off the bar for shoulder stability.  

Strongfit use a yoke for this kind of overhead work, but I've seen a few guys do this with hanging kettle bells.  (Like this) but used a barbell and 16kg kettle bells.  Too heavy.  Was going to go lighter until new guy, "fitness trainer" called me on it saying it was way too risky and proceeded to suggest alternate exercises.  I wasn't going to argue and wasn't really planning on doing this drill anyway, so I moved on, but I still a little angry that he called me on it. And he approached me like he was curious about the drill.  (Even he admitted that it was a dick move to broach the subject like that, and I know he meant well, but if there is a next time, I'll shut him down).

Next time I'll use the 12kg kettle bells and one of the lighter mobility bars. And I'll not double up the band so the kettle bells will be closer to the floor in case I have to bail.

After that I did my grip strength drill with my make-shift wrist roller,  did 2 reps at 17.5# and 4 at 25#.  Forearms were toast after that.

Then I did my thoracic mobility drill but didn't do the hip drill because I didn't bring my resistance band.


Crossfit log for Monday, February 22nd

Back/hip still not 100% and shoulder still a bit tight in some positions but I got to the gym anyway.  Felt better than last week so I really had no excuse.

I also forgot to set my alarm but woke up on my own 26 minutes after my alarm would've rang.

Spent all of 10 seconds contemplating going back to sleep, but I hadn't gotten my clothes ready the night before, so if I was going, it had to be now.  So up I got and hustled out the door in record time.  Arrived at the gym 1 minutes late. But thankfully went unnoticed.

It was an okay workout.  Warm up was 3 rounds of 10 scap push ups, 10 empty bar overhead squats and 10 burpees.  First round of OHS sucked, but go way better for rounds 2 and 3.  Skipped the last 10 burpees because there would be some in the WOD, no point wasting them now.

Skill work was snatch.  Quickly work up to 80% and do 6 singles, rest as needed.

Did 105#, and all but 1 landed pretty solidly.  I was very satisfied with my lifts.

Strength work was back squats, 5 triples.  I usually do that volume at 85% of max (~ 265#), my last warm up was 225# but rather than jump 40# I did the first set at 245#.  Felt heavy, but I still went to 265# for the second set.  That was really heavy.  But I kept it there for sets 3 and 4, but the fourth sets was rough and time was running out, so for the last set I dropped it back to 245#. 

Still happy with that.

The WOD was not fun. 
10 minute AMRAP of:
- 15 snatches  75#/55#
- 30 burpees over bar lateral
- 60 double unders.

I was still tying my shoes then the clock started (thanks coach), so I was behind.  My choice of weight was bang on, I split the difference and went with 65# and just hammered them finishing first. of the four of us at class.

The burpees were another story.  As expected my lead evaporated. 30 is a lot. 

Double unders sucked, took me to 35 reps before I got my shit together and finished off  with 25 in a row.

Second round of snatches weren't as fast, but I got through 10 fast then had to put it down, and finished off with 5 quick ones.  Got through six more stupid burpees and finally time was up.

Glad that's over.

Friday, 19 February 2016

Crossfit log for Friday, February 19th

After the monumental snowfall on Tuesday, and shovelling a metric ton of the white crap out of my driveway and much of my street, I was in no shape for Crossfit Wednesday or yesterday.

I went to the Y and rolled out my glutes and back and did some physio homework.  I also improvised a wrist roller and rolled some kettle bells and dumbbells up to 25# or 12kg.  Pure torture.  I need to make a better one.  Maybe this weekend.

So today I finally got back to the box. 

Warm up consisted of 8 minutes of 2 lengths bear crawl, 4 shuttle runs and 16 air squats.  I did 2 rounds an resumed rolling my glutes.

Strength work was close grip bench for 5 sets of 5.  (Did 155#, 155#, 185#(4), 165#, 165#), followed by dumbbell walking lunches 5 sets of 10 steps.  I managed 2 sets at 45#. Meh, core was sore.

Finally the WOD was a 10 minute AMRAP of :
15 push ups
10 calorie row
15 alternating dumbbell snatches 70#/50#

Did 45#.  Managed 2 full rounds and 35 reps.  Just glad I survived.

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Crossfit log for Tuesday, February 16th

Lesson learned, when updating your blog on your phone, save before you put it down.  Let see if I can remember what I wrote.

So it's a good thing I started my policy of doing Open WODs at Rx.  Today we revisited 13.4, a 7 minute AMRAP of increasing triples of clean and jerk @ 135# and toes to bar. (which is almost the same as 12.5 which we did in January 22nd, except it's a 9 minute AMRAP)

The last two times I did it (January and May 2014) I scaled the weight to 115# and regretted it both time because I haven't retested my original score from the 2013 Open of 31 reps.  For 12.5 I scaled even further to women's Rx with the extra 2 minutes I made 74 reps, so 4 full rounds plus 14.

I made 42 and 38 reps respectively at 115#, so today I got to see what I could muster at Rx. 

7 minute AMRAP of:
3 - 6 - 9 - 12 - 15....
- clean and jerk 135#/95#
- toes to bar.

As I did for 12.5 I broke up the t2b in sets of 3 from the get go. The c&j I did singles starting round 2, because 135# is heavy and t2b are tiring.

Made it through 3 full rounds and 5 clean and jerks for 41, beat my performance from 2013 by 10 reps. Not too shabby. 1 rep shy of my best at 115# from last January 2014 too!  I'll take it.

Then we did a three position snatch for max weight: high hang, hang and ground.  I maxed out at 115#, pretty much as expected.

And finally we did 3 sets of 5 front squats with no pause at the top.  I meant to do 80% (or 225#) but go the math wrong and did 185#.  Meh.  It'll do.

Monday, 15 February 2016

Olympic lifting log for Monday, February 15th

Since Crossfit was closed today, I made sure to get to the Y.

Decided to work overhead.  After going my new thoracic mobility drills to replace the bretzel, I started going some strict press and jerks.

Started doing 3 press + 3 split jerks at 65#, 95# and at 115# I did 3 sets.

I skipped the strict press on the last set and then started adding weight for just jerks triples. Did 135#, 165#, 185# for a double and finally 205#.

The first rep at 185# failed to lock out, caught it a bit forward but I somehow managed to catch it in a front rack while still in a split.   Tried again and got it.

Same thing happened at 205#, except even the second time I failed and dropped.

I gave it one more go, with pointers from Dave to keep my dip more upright so the bar wouldn't drive forward, and a firm commitment to get under it, I caught it.

My shoulders were a bit fatigued by now so it was really hard to keep it stable as I stood it up, but it was there. 

I hesitated a bit on whether to try again, since I didn't want to go any heavier and saw no point in repeating the 205#, so I called it a day.

Dave suggested peeling back for some doubles, so I tried 185# and failed to lock the second one and dropped again. Then I was done.

Felt good until it got heavy.  

Friday, 12 February 2016

Crossfit log for Friday, February 12th

Hard workout this morning.

Did 2 of the 3 rounds of warm up with 10 empty bar thrusters, 25 foot bear crawl, 2 shuttle runs and 10 kips swings.

Strength was back squats 5 sets of 3.  Did 255#, but ran out of time so I counted the last warm up set at 225# as a working set. 

Glute a bit sore, maybe hamstring. Booked a short physio appointment to needle it next Wednesday.

WOD was 7 rounds for time (I really don't like 7 round WODs).

- 7 power cleans 95#/65#
- 7 thrusters 95#/65#
- 7 burpees over bar


Used women's Rx, cleans were a snap, thrusters were a snap for the first round. Burpees suck monkey balls. Going back to the thrusters after burpees sucked.

I rushed through the bar work and took it easy on the burpees, trying to rest at the bottom and moving fast to the bottom of the next rep. Until the last round where I hammered the burpees.

13:09  (or maybe 13:19, I know there was a 9 but my brain was a bit fuzzy).

Good workout I guess. Just not fun.

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Crossfit log for Thursday, February 11th

Disappointing day at Crossfit.

Despite needling at physio yesterday, despite rolling out my back and glutes repeatedly, I couldn't get my clean on this morning for the 1 rep max test.

Maxed out at 205#.  Might have been able to hit 215#, but I feeling weak in my lower back and didn't want to risk hurting myself. So I bailed.

The WOD was 11.2 from the first Open.
15 minute AMRAP:
-9 deadlifts 155#/105#
-12 push ups
-15 box jumps.

Did Rx, because it's an Open WOD.  155# got heavy near the end.

The push ups were the tricky part, first two rounds I did 6 and 6, then I was going to go 4, 4, 4 for round three, but got to 5 reps before I remembered, so I did 5, 4, 3.  Round four I did 4, 4, 4 as planned, then round 5 I screwed up my math.  I must have got confused with the 9 dead lifts, I was going to do 3, 3, 3, 3 but that somehow got turned into 4, 3, 2, 1,  which was only 10, but somehow 4, 3, 2 was 9 so I was good. doh.   Didn't make to the push ups on round 6.

Box jumps were okay.

Managed 5 rounds + 5 deadlifts, minus 3 push ups apparently.

Meh.  Need the bad ones to appreciate the good ones.

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Accessory and Endurance log for Wednesday, February 10th

My visit to the Y was not fun, but necessary.

Did my tabata run a day  late because of work, I missed yesterday's lunchtime workout.

Bumped the speed to 12.2 kph (4:55min/km) and it went well, as well as such a torture session can go.

Was going to do heavy cleans, but my post physio back is a bit sore and we are doing 1 rep max cleans tomorrow morning.  So I wasn't very motivated.

I did some landmine rows, a la Strongfit, 1 set of 8 with the empty bar, 1 set with a 35# plate and a final set to failure with a 35# and a 25# plates. 

I tried some cleans after that but it wasn't feeling right.  The pull was fine but catching wasn't right.  So I bailed on that and did some seated pulley rows 90# for 8, then 150# for 5 sets of 5.  (maybe 4 sets, I may have lost count)

And steam and done.

Crossfit log for Wednesday, February 10th

Overhead squat day.

Warm up was 10 empty bar OHS, 10 scapula push ups, 10 kip swings. for 3 rounds.  I think I did two, after spending time on the floor rolling out my glutes and back.

Strength/skill works was 1 heavy overhead squat.

Got up to 135# without issue.  Decided to try for 155#, my current max that I haven't hit in ages. It was a bit shaky, and I bottomed out right at parallel, so maybe not a great rep, but way better than recent efforts. 

I had physio right after Crossfit and worked even more new drills to improve my overhead position.  In time,  I have no doubt this will be limited by my strength, not my mobility.

Next we did 5 max sets of handstand push ups.  I wanted to do sets of 4, but I came off the wall at 3 the first set.  So I did 4 the next set.  But then the third was a struggle to get 3.  The fourth I failed on the second rep, so I called it quits.

All this overhead work was going to make the WOD suck so bad.

10 minute AMRAP:
- 10 ohs 95#/65#
- 10 toes to bar

Ugh.  First rep I had to bail.  Couldn't stabilize the shoulders even at women's Rx. T2B sucked, first round was 5 and 5, but that quickly became 3, 3, 4, then 3, 3, 2, 2 and 3, 2, 2, 2, 1

Managed 4 full rounds and raced Kamil in round 5, I finished the squats first, but he was faster on the t2b, but then he faded, and then I faded, we both finished 5 with 3 or 4 seconds left and he dropped off the bar, all I had to do was 1 more rep to beat him, but I couldn't get my legs to go, I got them half way up and had nothing left, and the buzzer went off.  

Tied.  I can live with that.

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Crossfit log for Tuesday, February 9th

Oh man, that was a kick in the teeth.

Warm was ok,  4 minutes of 1 shuttle run, 10 good mornings, 10 seconds ring hold at the top.

The EMOM was rough at the end. 
12 minutes of :
odd minute: max set of ring dips (pick a number of reps you can sustain, I did 7)
even number: 5 heavy touch and go dead lifts.  Kamil, Jocelyn and I shared a 225# bar.  (Jocelyn flipped the even/odd sets, I just waited for Kamil to finish, there was plenty of time).

Last round I on I could only muster 5 dips. So I'll call that a good choice.

The WOD was horrible.

5 freaking rounds for time:
- 30 kettle bell swings 24kg/16kg
- 15/10 calorie row
- 30 double unders

The row off the kettle bell was really rough on the upper back.  Even splitting the difference and using the 20kg kettle bell, I was suffering by round 3.

Didn't even finish round 5 as they capped it at 20 minutes.  At the end I had no shoulders left to stabilize the kettle bell, so I just stopped with half a minute left.

4 rounds and 18 kb swings.  Horrible.

Maybe I should have gone women's RX with the yellow kettle bell and only 10 calories. 

Thinking about it now, I definitely should have done that.  Oh well.

Accessory and strength log for Monday, February 8th

Slept in this morning.  Much needed. So the Y was accessory work and overhead squats.

I worked every problem area, shoulders, hips, aductors, thoracic spine, the works.

I did the "tricep opener", "bicep opener" and "shoulder opener" from Strongfit Accessory Work playlist , sadly the videos have been removed, but thankfully I got to watch them.

Did breathing into my lower back while in a supported deep squat with feet and knees together, to relax my mid back.  Did bretzels, rolled around.  Did some weighted lateral stretch of the aductors. Did some of the old Ido Portal squat drills. 

Did some long pause back squats to get into that deep strong position.  Then started on the OHS.

Squat position was pretty good.  Better than it has been.  Worked up slowly.  Big sets at lower weight.

Got up to 115# for triples, the singles at 125# and 135#.  One of these days, I'll have a breakthrough.

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Endurance and fail log for Thursday, February 4th

Well that sucked.

Thursday 2km row time trial.  Scraped in under 8 minutes at 7:57 (5 seconds worse than last week). 

Started out strong.  Too strong perhaps.  Focused on form and was able to pull under 1:40/500m.

Naturally that didn't last, but I was well under 2:00 at 500m.  That buffer wasn't enough.


Then I worked on power snatch.  Took my time warming up, but had no energy.  Maxed out at 115# doing triple.  Bailed after the first rep.

Moved on to RDLs, but that was no better, my warm up set of 8 at 185# was all she wrote, didn't even load the bar at 225#.

Called it a day.

They can't all be good.

Crossfit log for Thursday, February 4th

Well, that's what you get for doing a partner WOD. 

After the 3 rounds of weighted plank holds (45#, 45#, 70#) for 30 seconds and 10 walking lunges with 45# dumbbells, and after the 5 sets of 3 front squats (205#, last two sets with belt).  We did this little gem:

10 rounds for time (10-9-8-7--5-4-3-2-1) of:
- hang power cleans 115#/75#
- lateral burpees over bar.

Partnered with Kamil.  Jerk made me do Rx.  I was perfectly happy to go Women's Rx, but nooooo, Kamil had to go Rx. I wasn't about to wimp out on that.

First two rounds were okay.  He started.  I did my round of 10 and rested while he did his round of 9. Then I did my nines and collapsed to the floor.

Thankfully at 8 reps of each, I still had time to partially recover before my turn. But the rounds of 7, 6, 5 and 4 where horrible, still a lot of reps, and nowhere near enough recovery time.  At least 3, 2 and 1 were over quickly.

Still took us 13:32.

The weight wasn't much of an issue, so I guess Rx was fine. 

Man I hate burpees.

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Strength and accessory log for Wednesday, February 3rd

My trip to the Y had to not involve my back.  I wanted to stretch it and roll it out but not tax it so I could work out the tightness.

I wanted to do some accessory work too, so I decided on some strict press/push press work (despite the hspu stuff from this morning), and some supinated barbell rows.

It wasn't a great workout, but I got it done.  I stretched my back in a feet together squat, holding a post, breathing into my lower back between sets.  I rolled it out a bit with the peanut.

Maxed out the strict presses at 125# and the push press at 155#.  Did a warm up set of rows at 145#, 3 sets of 3 at 175#, wasn't great. Then peeled back to 155# to failure at 6 reps.

I tried some straight arm pull downs on the pulley machine, I'd like to work these in as accessory work. We'll see.  Did a set of 8 at 75# and tried a working set  at I think 105#, the labels are gone on the stack, but that was too much so I dropped it what I can only guess was 90# (I may be totally wrong on these numbers except the 75#)  and managed 5 reps. 


Rolled out my back some more with the peanut and then rolled my glutes too.  Back feels way better now.  So there's that.

Crossfit log for Wednesday, February 3rd

Back is still tight, tired Ruth the idea of starting in bed, but finally just got up and got to it.

As usual, I'm glad I did. It was a hard workout, but good.

The 7 minute warm up was a bust. Two rounds of 9 power snatches, 15 power cleans and 21 jerks. Max overhead squats with remaining time.

Ha. Barely made one round.

Strength work was 3 sets of 3 heavy thrusters. Worked with Kamil. Do I used his weight, 135#. My back was glad for it.

The WOD was a partner workout, share the reps
-40 cal row
-40 handstand push ups
-30 cal row
-30 handstand push ups
-20 cal row
-20 handstand push ups
-10 cal row
-10 handstand push ups

Coach Alex just did the crossfit gymnastics trainer course, so new rules on scaling. No more ab mats, use either a box to lighten the load or in a bear crawl position. Kamil and I opted for the latter.

We didn't scale the volume.

It went very well. We finished in the mix at 11:42

First round we alternated sets of 10 hspu, but after that is was sets of 5, and that worked really well.

Good workout.

Strength and endurance log for Tuesday, February 2nd

Once again I managed to force myself onto the treadmill for my weekly tabata torture session.

It was set to metric, so my plan to go to 7.3mph was out the window. That would have been 5:06/km. I didn't know what that was in kph, do I went with what I did know: 12kph=5:00/km. So that's what I did. It ducked as usual, but I did it, much like last week, no hesitating, no extra break. Glad I pushed the envelope.

Then I did some squats, forgot my belt, do I decided on 5x5 at 225#. Would have gone higher with my belt, but in warm up I did 3 at 225# and realized I wouldn't be going any higher.

My back is still tight from the deadlifts on Monday. And after 3 sets of 5 I was not loving it, so I called it.

Good enough for an off day.

Then I did my physio hip homework and hit the stream room.

Monday, 1 February 2016

Accessory log for Monday, February 1st

Went to the Y.  Tons of people, the new year's resolution crowd hasn't given up completely yet.

Did supinated barbell rows.  Warm up was empty bar for 10, 135# for 8. Then sets at  155# 3-5-5-5

That'll do.

After that I did some clean and jerk but wasn't into it, so I hit the steam room and then I left.


Crossfit log for Monday, February 1st

Slept like a rock, but it seemed to go by in a blink. Alarm went off and I could've sworn I had just gone to bed minutes earlier.

Thankfully I hadn't seen the workout or I might well have gone back to sleep.

Warm up was two max sets of double unders for 2 minutes, on 1 minute rest.

Strength work was Deadlift for 1 heavy set of 5.

Wasn't planning on doing any heavy deadlifts until after the open, but I figured a test now might not be a bad idea. Managed 315# for 5, but man that was heavy.

Back was a bit tight after that, just in time for the WOD.

Deadlifts 245#/165#
Ring dips


Arms were still toast from Friday's push ups, and back was tight from today's strength work.

Scaled the weight to 205# (should have gone lighter) and bar dips, hoping to do all the reps.

Horrible. Dips became  21-9-6. And even that ducked. Once I started focusing on engaging my hands it went better but man that was tough.

