Thursday, 3 December 2015

Crossfit log for Thursday, December 3rd

This is a delinquent post.  I'll have to search my memory to provide any useful commentary.  Thankfully the workout is available at Beyond the Whiteboard.

Coach Connor added a warm up with I think was a mistake, but whatever.

We did 3 rounds of 10 strict press (empty bar), 15 push press, and if memory servers 5 burpee box jumps.

I arrived at the last minute and by the time I got setup, I only had time for two rounds, and the second round I did only box jumps.  Fuck burpees.

We started with 2 rep max push press.

I had recently maxed out at 175# for a single at the Y so I made that my target.  Working with Kamil, we both hit 165# with not too much fight.  Kamil thought we'd just done 175#, so set us up for 185#, I just figured he wanted to go big (or go home), so I ran with it.  We both failed on the first rep.  Then he realized his math mistake. We had a good laugh, and called it quits

Then we did close grip bench press for 4 sets of 4.  I did the first 2 sets at 145# then when I upped it to 155# on set 3, I was too close to the rack and after hitting it twice, I re-racked it and set up again for 4 which were rough, essentially doing 6 reps.

I was going to go for 165# on the last set but with the screw up on set 3, I did 155# again and it went smoothly.

The WOD was a revisit of CrossFit Games Open 13.2
Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 mins of:
- 5 Shoulder-to-Overheads, 115#/75#
- 10 Deadlifts, 115#/75#
- 15 Box Jumps, 24/20 in

I had only found one record of this workout in my log, from last October where I scaled the bar to 95# and 4 rounds plus 24.  So I was moderatly happy with my new score of 4 + 28, 2 reps shy of 5 rounds.

But I just looked again an found my original 2013 Open log entry.  I did 115# (because there was no choice in the Open back then) and I got to 6 box jumps, so 4 + 21, with an extra 10# and with Strep.  I even re-did it on the Saturday, to have 2 extra days of anti-biotics and some rest, and hit 5 rounds plus 24!  A full round more than last October at 95#. 


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