Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Crossfit log for Wednesday, July 15th

Early morning class with Clarisse today. 

A lot of volume, but I wasn't able to do it all. 

My wrist is still a limiter and when we started the 50 wall ball warm up, I felt some serious tightness in my right hamstring/aductor.

So much so, I was worried about injuring myself if I went hard, so I made it to 30 very slow wallballs and stopped as it wasn't getting any better and time was almost up.

The warm up was:
- 50 wall balls
- 20 strict pull ups. 

After stretching a bit, I was running out of time for the pull ups, so I did a quick set of 5 to at least feel like I did something and moved on to part 2

Part 2
- Speed lifts  (aka fast deadlifts) at 65% of max.

I worked with Matt a bit lower than my 65%, 225# (instead of 235#), and that went well.  I tried to imagine cleaning that weight.  It sure seemed heavy.

Thankfully, wrist and ham/aductor didn't play into it.

Part 3 was 4 rounds of 3:00
- 75 double unders
- 7 muscle ups  (or 7 dips + 7 pull ups)

If you weren't finished the double unders after 1 minute, stop.  Dips and pull ups weren't an issue, but the double unders sucked.  I didn't even count my first round, I doubt I made it to 30.  Second round was 54, third was 68, and last was 30 something.  Meh.

The actual WOD was a 21-15-9  that I scaled to 15-12-9 of
- toes to bar (which I further scaled to knees to elbows)
- burpees

I was able to string more knees to elbows than t2b, so that made sense, but I ran out of steam at 15 on the first round of what was meant to be a sprint. So that's when I decided to scale to 15-12-9.

Burpees were really rough, couldn't drop because of my wrist, couldn't bounce back because of my ham/aductor.  It was horrible.  But I got it done.

Time was 8:08.

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