Thursday, 23 July 2015

Crossfit log for Thursday, July 23rd

Well there was no point delaying the inevitable.

Should have gone yesterday, 4 days away is a lot, but I'm glad I didn't. Slept in after all that travel, then went to physio, which really helped my wrist. Definitely on the road to recovery.

At noon I donated blood, which was scheduled, not even Y workout yesterday, so the wisdom of going this morning was sketchy to say the least, but as I said, delaying it would be pointless.

Halfway through the warm up I was already revising my goal for the WOD.

50 wall balls unbroken and 40 hollow rocks. After the wall balls, with 14# unbroken, I couldn't catch my breath. 1000m row was not going to be fun.

After that we did 4 sets of 3 cleans, touch and go, at 75% of max. Settled on 145#, and it went surprisingly well. Wrist was wrapped, but still.

Then the WOD:  "Jackie"
- 1000m row
- 50 thrusters 45#
- 30 pull ups

Used every trick in the book. Knee sleeves for the row and thrusters, grips for the pull ups, went easy on the row, stopped after only 10 thrusters, rested with the bar overhead. Everything trick I could think of.  Didn't help. Not enough red blood cells.

Tried to keep the row under 2:00/500m for the first half, then it was survival mode, mostly around 2:14-2:19/500m.

Took forever to catch my breath enough to tackle the thrusters.  Did 10, rested at the top, and 10 more, then had to drop it. 10 more dropped and again 2 more times. Not too chabby.

The pull ups, where I usually shine, were horrible, even with the grips. which I wasn't really used to, but I had nothing, struggled with sets of 4 to 6 reps until I go to 30, in 13:36.

Whatever. I'll take it.  Still better than the first 3 times I did it back in 2011.  Hurrah for fitness.

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