Monday, 6 July 2015

Crossfit log for Monday, July 6th

Wow! What an exhausting morning.

We started with 8 sets of 2 back squats at 60% of max, so 195#.

That went well.  But that was followed by strict press, 5 sets of 4 at 80%.

Which is like 110#, but I hate dealing with fractional plates, so I did 115#.

Yeah, that didn't work out so well.  4 set stalled at 2 reps.  Peeled back to 105# for set 5, no issue.  110# likely would have been perfect.  Go figure.

Then the "pre-WOD" was a 4 rounds on 3:00 of
- row 250m
- 25 wall balls
- rest remaining time.

This was crazy.  The first round was okay, even went unbroken on the wall balls. But, the next three rounds were a sufferfest.

The last round was so slow, but three minutes is a ton of time when you don't have to get back to the rower.

The actual WOD was a 6min AMRAP of:
- 6 handstand push ups (scaled to 5 with 1 abmat and a thin 5# plate)
- 4 high box jumps (36"/30") (everyone did 30", that was enough).

The hspu scaling worked well for 3 rounds, I ran out of arms on round 4 and after too many re-tries, I did the last 2 reps as regular push ups.

Box jumps were fine. Missed only one, and didn't hurt myself as a result.

A lot of volume for a Monday.

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