Wednesday, 29 July 2015
Crossfit log for Wednesday, July 29th
Today started with a muggy 400m run followed by 50 push ups (of which I did less than 20, wrist is still sore, and I suck at push ups).
Strength work was deadlifts, 7 heavy singles at 85%. I worked with Kamil and wasn't feeling like pushing so I settled for his 85% at 275# rather than mine (305#).
For the WOD we did 15.3
14 minute AMRAP of:
- 7 muscle ups (scaled to ring dips)
- 50 wall balls 20#
- 100 double unders.
Dips were fine, only 7. Wall balls were just tedious.
Double unders went pretty well. Took three sets to get to 50, so I decided one more set, wherever I get, that'll be my number. I got 40.
So with only 10 left to get to 100, I just finished them off.
Second round was similar, couple of big streaks amid some shorter ones.
Made 2 full rounds and 1 dip.
Rough, but gratifying.
Clarisse did very well. Singles instead of double unders and bar dips with a band. She did like 3 rounds + 11 reps. Crazy.
Tuesday, 28 July 2015
Crossfit at the Y log for Tuesday, July 28th
Clarisse decided to join me at the Downtown Y at lunch time. When I looked at the workout from this morning, there was nothing we couldn't do at the Y. So we got in our Crossfit workout together.
Started with a 500m row and 45 hollow rocks. Hurts so good.
Main workout was a 10 minute EMOM of squat snatch at 80% of max.
Clarisse wasn't happy because there are only men's bars at the Y. But she managed.
She did 65# and I did 115# (which meant slapping on and peeling off 25# plates each time. Wrist wasn't an issue. I was catching them with a straighter wrist than usual, but it was working well, so be it.
I set the timer and she went at the start of the interval and I went at the 0:30 mark.
We did well. She missed once, on the 8th round.
After that was supposed to be a 2km time trial, run or row (if it's raining).
I rowed which fell apart at the 700m mark. She ran on the treadmill. So real time trial to be had.
I blame the poor maintainence on the rower. Or the humidity, everyone was dripping sweat down there today. Or maybe my blood count isn't back up to normal yet. Anyway, 8:49 for a 2km row sucked. Sucked bad.
I really like working out with Clarisse. She's making tons of progress.
Monday, 27 July 2015
Workout log for Monday, July 27th
Sore wrist, failed back squat from this morning.
I think the wrist, which was way better last week, may be sore because of the round of golf I played with my Dad on Saturday.
It didn't hurt during, but was often uncomfortable. Likely I aggravated it. That explains much.
So I mobilized the joint. Rolled the forearm, inner and outer. Worked on snatch grip presses with an empty bar. Twirled around a 5# dumbbell.
Decided to do some rows on the TRX and some dips on the bar dip station.
Felt productive at least.
Hit the steam room and mobilized the wrist some more.
We'll see how tomorrow feels. Physio with Rob on Thursday. Looking forward to that.
Crossfit log for Monday, July 27th
Clarisse came with me again. She's a trouper.
We started with 100 double unders and 30 dumbbell box step ups. Went okay.
Wasn't a fan of taxing my grip in the warm up knowing what was coming.
Strength work was 1 rep max back squat. I was hoping to get up to 315# again, but I wasn't happening.
I made too big a jump I think from 275# to 305# and coach bailed me out too soon. I might have fought it up. Tried a second time and made sure he gave me time, but it wasn't happening. Oh well, I hit 305# last week at the Y. So I know I have it in me. Maybe I'll try a double at like 295# or 300# later this week.
Clarisse fought hard to stand up 165#, a huge PR for her. #proudpapa.
The WOD was DT. 5 rounds for time, 12 deadlifts, 9 hang power cleans, 6 push press. Rx is 155# for men, 105# for women.
I wanted to attack this one at 115# and try to beat my 12:08 from June 5th. But it wasn't to be. Dead lifts were fine, but the first clean in warm up and my wrist just said nope.
The shoulder to overhead was worse. So I dropped it 105# (women's Rx) and tried that. It was a bit better.
First round, deadlifts: good, cleans: okay, presses: not fun but I composed myself and managed so slowly get the 6 reps done.
Round two, deadlifts: good, cleans: okay, until the last one, getting ready for the press I must have caught it differently knowing what was next, and a sharp pain shot through it.
Coach came over and suggested doing dips instead of presses, so spare my wrist, and then it occured to me that I had no trouble with dumbbell presses, so I did that. At first I grabbed 35# dumbbells, but that was too light. In my mind 50# was too heavy, because the recent strict presses we've been doing, forgot that it was push press. So immediately after round 2, I got out the 50# dumbbells which works out to 100# over head, not far off the barbell I was using.
The rest of the workout went well. Finished in 11:28
After we did 1 min max muscle ups, did pull ups, 30 seconds rest, 1 minute max pistols, did air squats, 30 seconds rest, 1 minute handstand push ups, did paralette push ups.
Exhausted, sweat bucket.
Friday, 24 July 2015
Crossfit log for Friday, July 24th
5 bloody rounds for time of:
- 400m run
- 30 box jumps
- 30 wall balls
Thursday, 23 July 2015
Strength log for Thursday, July 23rd
Worked up to 305#.
It almost didn't go, but as Seb said after the fact that "Everything was locked in, I hoped you wouldn't bail", I held it and just kept pushing and finally it went up.
I'm happy to know my form held, even in the most difficult part of the lift.
Then I peeled back to 235# for 5 sets of 4.
Felt good to lift heavy. It had been a while.
Crossfit log for Thursday, July 23rd
Should have gone yesterday, 4 days away is a lot, but I'm glad I didn't. Slept in after all that travel, then went to physio, which really helped my wrist. Definitely on the road to recovery.
At noon I donated blood, which was scheduled, not even Y workout yesterday, so the wisdom of going this morning was sketchy to say the least, but as I said, delaying it would be pointless.
Halfway through the warm up I was already revising my goal for the WOD.
50 wall balls unbroken and 40 hollow rocks. After the wall balls, with 14# unbroken, I couldn't catch my breath. 1000m row was not going to be fun.
After that we did 4 sets of 3 cleans, touch and go, at 75% of max. Settled on 145#, and it went surprisingly well. Wrist was wrapped, but still.
Then the WOD: "Jackie"
- 1000m row
- 50 thrusters 45#
- 30 pull ups
Used every trick in the book. Knee sleeves for the row and thrusters, grips for the pull ups, went easy on the row, stopped after only 10 thrusters, rested with the bar overhead. Everything trick I could think of. Didn't help. Not enough red blood cells.
Tried to keep the row under 2:00/500m for the first half, then it was survival mode, mostly around 2:14-2:19/500m.
Took forever to catch my breath enough to tackle the thrusters. Did 10, rested at the top, and 10 more, then had to drop it. 10 more dropped and again 2 more times. Not too chabby.
The pull ups, where I usually shine, were horrible, even with the grips. which I wasn't really used to, but I had nothing, struggled with sets of 4 to 6 reps until I go to 30, in 13:36.
Whatever. I'll take it. Still better than the first 3 times I did it back in 2011. Hurrah for fitness.
Tuesday, 21 July 2015
Loon lake workout log for Tuesday, July 21st
Day two at Loon and my wrist has definitely taken a setback.
I needed to do something relatively light so strict press made sense.
Plan was to go for a triple or double at 125# and them 3 singles.
The triple was rough, do I decided to peel back to 105# and do 5 sets of 5.
This was s good idea. Easier on the wrist and good and hard workout.
Happy with that.
Loon lake workout log for Monday, July 20th
After two solid days of sitting in a van driving to Thunder Bay, I pulled out my new toy for some lifting.
The evening before leaving I went to Fitness depot and bought reasonable quality women's Olympic lifting bar and put it in the back of the van (along with 10#, 25# and 45# bumpers). So I could leave my bar at home and Clarisse will be able to use it from now on.
The plan was 5 sets of 6 back squats at 60%, which would be all the weight I brought, 195#.
Sadly with my wrist even cleaning 175# was too much, I managed 2 sets at that weight and may have been a mistake, Rob well let me know Wednesday if i made it worse. I peeled back to 145# for 4 sets.
It'll have to do, unless I were to buy a squat rack for camp, somehow I think that won't fly.
Ended up finding one of my wrist wraps afterwards which would have made a big difference. Oh well.
Friday, 17 July 2015
Crossfit log for Friday, July 17th
Looks like I failed to publish this one.
Another workout with Clarisse at 5:30am
We started with one of these new warm up sets of 500m row and 50 strict push ups. After about 20 reps, he said, by strict they mean only chest touches the ground at the bottom, no hips, no abs, no hand release.
I put my hands on the edge of a 10# plate so my wrist wasn't bend so far back.
After about 30 reps, coach called time to start the next part.
Strength work. Back squats, my favourite. 5 sets of 6 at 55%. Clarisse did 75# I did 175#. I worked with Kamil, who was doing 145#, so added and removed two 15# bumpers as needed.
The WOD was an insidious little piece of work. It was a 20 minute AMRAP of:
- One Arm Dumbbell Snatch (Alternating) 70#/50#
- Pull-ups
- Row for calories
Did women's weight for the snatches. Went well. Switched hands on the way down for some touch and go action.
Pull ups were good too, went unbroken every round until 16, where I stopped at 10, and finished with sad 3 and 3.
Rowing for calories sucks, no matter what.
Got hard at the round of 12, then it was hold on for dear life and just keep moving.
Finished 7 rounds + 32 (16 dumbbell snatches and 16 pull ups)
Not too shabby.
Clarisse scaled the dumbbell to 25# and made 8 rounds + 18 snatches and 9 pull ups.
Thursday, 16 July 2015
Crossfit log for Thursday, July 16th
Took a hot Epsom salt bath last night with the jets blasting my wrist and my right hamstring.
It seems to have helped, hams weren't an issue today. The volume was the issue today.
When I looked at the WOD yesterday, there was nothing that my wrist couldn't handle, so I really couldn't justify not going, especially since I haven't been to the Y at all this week.
There was nothing particularly hard, except maybe the foods and the heavy kettle bell, but the was just a ton of stuff.
The WOD is called "Beast 12". No idea why, maybe because there are 12 stations. It's a chipper for time:
- 25 Walking Lunges
- 20 Pull-ups
- 50 Box Jumps, 20"
- 20 Double Unders
- 25 Ring Dips
- 20 Knees To Elbows
- 30 Kettlebell Swings, 32kg
- 30 Sit-ups
- 20 Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans, 35#
- 25 Back Extensions
- 30 Wall Balls, 20#
- 3 Rope Climbs, 15 ft
Took me 25:49, about a minute slower than Kamil, only 12 seconds behind Kyle. Martin, the ninja, finished it in an inhuman 17 minutes and change.
The dips are where things got real. Then the kb swings, which were heavy and 30 bloody reps.
The dumbbell cleans were also rough, even if there were only 20.
Climbing the rope after the wall balls wasn't fun until your heart rate came back down.
It wasn't too bad, all told.
Wednesday, 15 July 2015
Crossfit log for Wednesday, July 15th
A lot of volume, but I wasn't able to do it all.
My wrist is still a limiter and when we started the 50 wall ball warm up, I felt some serious tightness in my right hamstring/aductor.
So much so, I was worried about injuring myself if I went hard, so I made it to 30 very slow wallballs and stopped as it wasn't getting any better and time was almost up.
The warm up was:
- 50 wall balls
- 20 strict pull ups.
After stretching a bit, I was running out of time for the pull ups, so I did a quick set of 5 to at least feel like I did something and moved on to part 2
Part 2
- Speed lifts (aka fast deadlifts) at 65% of max.
I worked with Matt a bit lower than my 65%, 225# (instead of 235#), and that went well. I tried to imagine cleaning that weight. It sure seemed heavy.
Thankfully, wrist and ham/aductor didn't play into it.
Part 3 was 4 rounds of 3:00
- 75 double unders
- 7 muscle ups (or 7 dips + 7 pull ups)
If you weren't finished the double unders after 1 minute, stop. Dips and pull ups weren't an issue, but the double unders sucked. I didn't even count my first round, I doubt I made it to 30. Second round was 54, third was 68, and last was 30 something. Meh.
The actual WOD was a 21-15-9 that I scaled to 15-12-9 of
- toes to bar (which I further scaled to knees to elbows)
- burpees
I was able to string more knees to elbows than t2b, so that made sense, but I ran out of steam at 15 on the first round of what was meant to be a sprint. So that's when I decided to scale to 15-12-9.
Burpees were really rough, couldn't drop because of my wrist, couldn't bounce back because of my ham/aductor. It was horrible. But I got it done.
Time was 8:08.
Monday, 13 July 2015
Crossfit log for Monday, July 13th
It's feeling much better than Friday, but it still has a ways to go.
We thankfully started with back squats. No wrist involvment.
Did 5 sets of 5 at 77% a few pounds more than my usual 75% for that rep scheme, so I was a nice challenge.
I took the time to work up to a heavy single at 275# before peeling back to 245# for the working sets. Made the first set easier, but the last set harder, much harder.
Part two was strict press 5x5 at 80%. Chose 110# as my target weight. Taped up the wrist good and tight and worked up uncomfortably to 95# for 3. Did one sets at 110#, but it wasn't fun. When I set up for set 2, it was just too tender, so I bailed and dropped to 105#. Still wasn't happening.
We were running low on time anyway, since I did that heavy squat during warm up, so I just bailed.
The WOD was actually okay on my wrist (which I kept wrapped), although I couldn't do the legless rope climbs.
10 min AMRAP of:
- 1 legless rope climb (scaled to regular rope climb)
- 15 wall balls 20#
- 12 box jump overs 24"
Rope climb was fine. Two pulls each time.
Wall balls I was worried about my wrist, but it was fine. When I catch them, my wrist is almost completely straight, so there was no pain at all.
The box jumps were rough, especially the first round, I just couldn't get going with the lateral rebounds. Rounds 2 and 3 were much better/faster, round 4 I was running out of gas.
Managed a fifth rope climb seconds before the buzzer, so 4 rounds + 1.
We didn't have time to the 50 handstand push ups, which I wouldn't have been able to do anyway, althought I thought about using more abmats and the parallettes to keep my wrist straight, but I didn't come to that because we were out of time.
Thursday, 9 July 2015
Olympic lifting log for Thursday, July 9th
Since hitting a new PR on the power clean last weekend, matching my current squat clean, I figured it was time to retest my clean.
Worked up pretty fast with a small complex of clean+hang clean+clean at 95# and 135#. Dropped the initial clean at 165# and 185#.
Was really slow on the pull at 185#, so I did that again just a 1 clean. Was so-so, faster then the first time anyway.
So I decided to get on with it and went straight to 205#, hoping to try for 215# afterwards.
I committed to getting under the bar, but I was slow and caught it funny on my left wrist.
I don't think it's bad, but I'll make an appointment with Rob right away, I suspect it will be worse in the morning once it's cooled off.
Damn it.
Did some strict press, just to feel it out, and it didn't impinge my movements, but it definitely didn't feel right.
Wednesday, 8 July 2015
Running log for Wednesday, July 8th
This was my first run since June 16th. It's hard to be motivated when you are building back up your endurance and there are other areas that need work.
The the canal route again, but a bit further, to almost 3.5km out, almost 3.5km back. I turned around at 21 minutes, figuring my average pace would be close to 6:00/km, and it was. The way back I was shade faster finishing the run in 41:42
Didn't need to stop, no walk breaks, only stopped for lights, once on the way out and once on the way back.
Focused on keeping the pace manageable. I think I was successful.
Crossfit log for Wednesday, July 8th
Stumbled my way to the gym on time.
Started with 50 wall balls and 50 abmat sit ups. I wanted to go unbroken, since I did 50 unbroken wall balls at 14# last time, I was ready to try at 20#.
Nope. 37 was all she wrote. Finished off the balance and started in on the sit ups.
Finished in just over 3:00.
Strength work was 1 rep max dead lift. Again, didn't meet my goals. I want to at least repeat my max, which I haven't come close to since hitting it at the beginning of the year.
My most recent max is 345#, which I've hit for multiple reps on at least on occasion, so jumping from 345# to 365# was likely unwise, but whatever, you only live once.
I'll start building again, see if I can get a bit closer to 2x bodyweight.
The WOD was actually pretty good.
Chipper for time:
- 40 calorie row
- 30 shoulder to overhead
- 20 toes to bar
- 10 dips.
Everything went well. Row was steady, just under 2 minutes, started to fade at the end. STO went well at Rx 95#, first set of 15, second 10 then 5. Breaks were probably a bit longer then necessary. T2B were 6, 6, 3, 3, 2 and the dips were 5 strict and 2, 2, 1 kipping.
Glad to be done in 8:26.
Tuesday, 7 July 2015
Olympic lifting log for Tuesday, July 7th
After working up to 115# I started doing singles at 125#, 135# and 145#.
Finally decided to go big at 155#.
I caught it pretty high, but caught it very solidly.
I will need to work this more, because there is no way I'll be able to pull that kind of weight to get under it as high as I did, but that is the most I've ever put overhead in a snatch grip.
So I'm happy with that.
I should be able to catch a legit 145# soon. (without my knee touching the ground as my last 2 attempts, which I've still counted as my current PR)
Crossfit log for Tuesday, July 7th
Delilah's 4:03 wake up, helped me get out of bed not long after the alarm finally went off.
Today we started with the oh so fun 100 double unders and 40 push ups.
Can you combine any two things that suck more than that? I don't think so.
Then we did snatch, singles at 80%, 85%, 88% and 90% of max.
I did 115#, 120# and 125# (3).
Plan was to go 130# for the last, but I missed all three attempts at 125#. I wasn't jumping with the bar, and I wasn't committing to getting under it. Until the last attempt that, is, it was so much more powerful that it practically flew away from me, it was all I could do to hold on to it!
So I have a better snatch in me, I just need to put all the pieces together.
The WOD was not fun.
3 rounds for time of:
- 25 pull ups
- run 400m
- 10 snatches 115#/75#
Went with women's Rx, this allowed me to keep moving where anything heavier would have bottlenecked me.
The pull ups were rough after the first round and the run sucked, but the snatches were okay. I arguably could have done 95#, but whatever.
20:46. Last, of course, but a really good workout.
Monday, 6 July 2015
Skills log for Monday, June 6th
Did the standard routine:
- holds 3 sets of 10 seconds.
- tucks 3 sets of 3 hold for 3 seconds
- dips 3 sets of 5
- reverse row sit backs, 3 sets of 3
- pull ups 3 sets of 3
Ridiculously hard.
Crossfit log for Monday, July 6th
We started with 8 sets of 2 back squats at 60% of max, so 195#.
That went well. But that was followed by strict press, 5 sets of 4 at 80%.
Which is like 110#, but I hate dealing with fractional plates, so I did 115#.
Yeah, that didn't work out so well. 4 set stalled at 2 reps. Peeled back to 105# for set 5, no issue. 110# likely would have been perfect. Go figure.
Then the "pre-WOD" was a 4 rounds on 3:00 of
- row 250m
- 25 wall balls
- rest remaining time.
This was crazy. The first round was okay, even went unbroken on the wall balls. But, the next three rounds were a sufferfest.
The last round was so slow, but three minutes is a ton of time when you don't have to get back to the rower.
The actual WOD was a 6min AMRAP of:
- 6 handstand push ups (scaled to 5 with 1 abmat and a thin 5# plate)
- 4 high box jumps (36"/30") (everyone did 30", that was enough).
The hspu scaling worked well for 3 rounds, I ran out of arms on round 4 and after too many re-tries, I did the last 2 reps as regular push ups.
Box jumps were fine. Missed only one, and didn't hurt myself as a result.
A lot of volume for a Monday.
Sunday, 5 July 2015
Team Sauvé does Isabelle's birthday WOD Fest
Packed up the kids at 9:30 and headed to Physics Crossfit for the Annual Pic-Nick and WOD fest for Isabelle's birthday.
It was a great day, with plenty of PRs and plenty of great and silly costumes.
We got into the first wave, since Kiza had a Spartan Race in the afternoon with her co-workers. (yes, she is that crazy).
The WOD had three parts. 10 minutes to establish a 1 rep max power clean. Clarisse just failed at 125# and had to settle for 115#. Kiza got her PR at 130# and I barely made my PR at 205#. Pretty good.
Then we had 2:00 rest before starting the killer part:
12 minute AMRAP of synchronized:
- 9 dead lifts 95#/65#
- 7 hang cleans
- 5 burpee box jumps.
All movements were done in pairs as 1 team member rested, so someone had to go twice in a row (which sucked).
Partners had to be locked out at the top together. So a faster lifter or burpee box jumper had to wait at the top for the other person to lock out before starting the next rep.
We did well. Even kissed Kiza at the top of the box jump. The hardest part was changing the weights for one of the bars, adding and removing 30# depending on if I was in the mix or if it was Kiza and Clarisse.
No idea how many rounds we got.
Then another 2:00 rest before headed out for a 2km run (likely more than 2km) which we finished in 14:09
Then Kiza took off to be a Spartan while I kept score for the runners on the subsequent waves and Clarisse kept an eye on the kids.
After some great food we headed home shortly after 2:00 where I plopped the kids down in front of a movie and had a nap, thinking how glad I was that I wasn't doing a Spartan Race.
Progress update.
New Power Clean PR.
Bench: 230# November 19, 2014 (up from 225#)
Dead Lift: 365# September 17, 2014 (up from 355#)
Press: 145# September 9, 2014 (up from 140#)
Back Squat: 315# March 2, 2015 (up from 305#)
Front Squat: 275# February 26, 2015 (up from 265#)
Overhead squat: 145# February 19, 2015 (up from 125#x4)
Power Clean: 205# July 4, 2015 (up from 195#)
Power snatch: 140# Dec 5, 2014 (up from 125#)
Push Press: 185# Sept 15, 2014 (up from 175#)
Clean: 205# Dec 13, 2014 (up from 191#)
Jerk: 205# Dec 13, 2014 (up from 185#)
Snatch: 145# Apr 23, 2015 (up from 135#)
Clean and Jerk: 205# Dec 13, 2014 (up from 175#)
Friday, 3 July 2015
Strength log for Friday, July 3rd
Not sure why. I felt the need to do something heavy overhead.
Maybe not such a good idea after all the handstand push ups and dumbbell presses this morning, but hey, whatever.
Worked up to 185# for a single. Failed on first attempt, got my weight belt and tried again and I got it.
Peeled back to 145# for 3 triples.
Happy with that, given my level of fatigue.
Crossfit log for Friday, July 3rd
The key to the success of this strategy is that I genuinely forget that I've set it that way.
So when I fell asleep immediately after my alarm went off, and woke with a start at 5:18, jumping out of bed, hastily dressing and quickly descending the stairs, it was to discover that it was in fact 5:05am and I still had plenty of time to make my coffee (thank goodness for Keurig - yes I know I'm an environmental heathen, it's my guilty pleasure, sorry) and OJ with supplements and get to the gym before 5:30.
We did a variation of last weeks light squats and dumbbell press.
5 sets of 6 back squats at 50% of max, just like last week. I did 155#. Working with Kamil who did 135#, we just added and removed some 10s as the case dictated.
Then we did the dumbbell press. Last week I stuggled with 50# for 5 sets of 3, this week was 5 sets of 5, so 50# was not a likely choice, the next weight down is 35#, so I started with that, which was too easy, so the second set I tried 50#, made 4 reps, couldn't get the fifth up. Did 35# for the third set, and notice Mike was doing them with a bit of a split in his legs. Thought that might help, so I tried d50# again, with legs split. Nope. Got 3. So I finished off with the 35# dumbbells and was happy with that mix.
The WOD was a partner gasser. Worked with Kamil again. Partner B rests while partner A works, then switch. Alternating full rounds for 16 minutes of:
- 100ft farmer carry with 24kg kettle bells
- 8 handstand push ups
- 8 box jump overs.
Farmer carry was a breeze. Handstand push ups were to be fast and unbroken, scale accordingly, so I use 2 abmats, but round 3 I felt like that was too much scaling, so I shed 1 abmat, round 4 too, round 5 I struggled through 6 reps, and finally added the abmat back for the last 2 and kept it for round six.
Box jump overs I did sideways and was pretty quick. We managed 12 rounds, so 6 each and Kamil did the farmer carry and 2 push ups. Not bad.
Heart rate was up there.
Thursday, 2 July 2015
Crossfit log for Thursday, July 2nd
Then I spent the afternoon at Calypso water park with the little kids and Kiza until the rain came. Up until that point, it was a blast. According to the kids it was the "Best Day Ever".
Follow that up with a dog wake up (we are dog sitting), a Dexter wake up and a Delilah wake up, when my alarm went off at 4:50am, there was no way.
Dex slept in until 8:45! By the time I got everyone delivered and was on my way to the bus it was almost 10!
Hey wait, there's a Crossfit class at 10! Change of plans, going to Crossfit before work. Since I was technically on call yesterday, in case of cyber attacks, I have no qualms arriving late, and I'll work through lunch, since I clearly won't be going to the gym.
So we did a 500m row + 5 rope climbs for time to "warm up"
Finished in 5:08. Lack of tape on the ropes made it hard to know when you were at the top. I used the Force.
Dead lifts were the strength work and I was a little bit worried. I pulled something last time and wasn't back to normal for several days. (That was 3x3 at 315#).
Today was 1 at 80%, 2 at 85% and 1 at 90%. I felt that more recent deadlifts and pulls had gone well, pull moving day yesterday. So I decide to use my real 1 rep max to calculate the weights. 80% of 365# is 292#, so I did 295#, 85% is 310#, so I did 315#, and 90% is 329#, so I did 330#.
Went well. No issues. Felt strong. I'm going to try and do some dead lifts at least once every other week to try and maintain.
The WOD was rough:
8 bloody rounds of:
- 16 air squats
- 8 toes to bar
- 4 power cleans 155# (scaled wisely to 135#)
14:40 just wanted to beat Kamil who went 14:50ish but I don't know what he had on the bar (It was less than 155# but other than that I know nothing).
Toes to bar sucked so bad. Squats were fine. Could've gone faster, but I needed to save some juice for the rest of the work, especially 8 rounds worth.
Cleans were okay.