Finally a workout that didn't nearly kill me!
I guess with the Open starting this week, the programming will be less taxing.
We started with a light push press versus regular pull up with 1 minute rest between
4-5-6-7-8 push press at 55% of max ( did 95#)
vs. pull ups AMRAP but not for max, more like 70% effort. (did 10 per round)
Then we still had plenty of time for the WOD, a 9 minute AMRAP of:
-10 overhead squats 75#
-30 double unders
Shoes were an issue. Opted for my lower lift trainer, easier for the double unders, but harder for the OHS.
Worked out. Sort of.
First round 10 ohs, not too bad, 75# is fairly forgiving. 28 double unders, first round done in 1:07. This is going to be epic.
But not. Round 2 the ohs were still good, but already harder than round 1, then the double unders fell apart. OMG! If I could get 8 in a row it was a miracle!
Ended up just finishing 4 rounds.
Which I guess is s a mixed blessing, had the double unders gone really well, I likely would have it a wall on the OHS, who knows.
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