Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Crossfit log for Wednesday, February 18th

So after nearly a week of no Crossfit, only strength work, going back today was really rough.

The work was a grip strength killer.

Started with dead lifts vs pull ups on 1:00 rest

- Dead lifts @ 70% of max: 9-7-5-7-9
- pull ups ctb if you can: 5-10-15-10-5
- rest 1 minute between sets

So down up pyramid on the dead lifts versus an up down pyramid on the pull ups.

The second 7 deadlifts was only 6 and the last 9 were only 5.  On the pull ups too, the 15 was only 13, and the second 10 was only 8. Meh.

It still sucked.

The WOD started off with more grip strength work:

For time
- 5 rope climbs
- 20 hand stand push ups (scaled to 11)
- 25 power cleans 135# (scaled to 115#)
- 30 bar facing burpees

Rope climbs weren't too bad. I was hoping to do 15 hspu, but after #11 I was done. (cutting them to half the reps was a scaling options, so that helped my decision).

Power cleans really sucked.  The dead lifts killed my grip and my pull, and the pull ups and rope climbs finished off whatever grip I had left. (even typing this hurts!)

The burpees were a slow relentless train wreck.  But I got'em done.

18:48. Ugh.  Glad that's over.

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