Friday, 27 February 2015
Crossfit log for Friday, February 27th
15.1 was announced last night and gearing up for tomorrows attempt we did an easier version today, to get the muscle patterns and to get a feel for how it's going to go tomorrow.
We did 4 round of
- 9 toes to bar
- 6 dead lifts
- 3 snatches
- rest 2 minutes
using the weight you plan to use tomorrow, since I'm doing Rx for every workout I can, I used 115#, between the 3rd and 4th round there was no rest, to get the full experience of going back to the t2b right after the snatches. (sucked).
The snatches were harder than I expected. 115# is just too heavy to do them easily.
Thankfully, on coach Alex's recommendation I checked to see if split snatch is acceptable and it is. So that's good news for tomorrow.
It took me 10:12 to do the 4 rounds, so I think my game plan will be go for 5 rounds, on 0:30 - 0:45 rest between rounds. If the snatches go better with the split, the toes to bar will quickly become the limiter.
I'll have to dig deep.
We finished off the day with 1000m row at conversational pace, rest 4 minutes and repeat.
So 2000m of rowing over the span of 12 minutes to flush things out.
Feeling good. Tomorrow should be interesting.
Thursday, 26 February 2015
Strength log for Thursday, February 26th
Worked up to 185#, then got the weight belt out for a double at 225#.
Added 10s and did a single at 245#.
Then I just went for it. Swapped the 10s for 25s and squatted 275#.
Couldn't believe it. So after a few minutes, I did it again.
Feeling good for Monday's back squat PR attempt.
Progress update.
New Front Squat PR.
Bench: 230# November 19, 2014 (up from 225#)
Dead Lift: 365# September 17, 2014 (up from 355#)
Press: 145# September 9, 2014 (up from 140#)
Back Squat: 305# February 23, 2015 (up from 300#)
Front Squat: 275# February 26, 2015 (up from 265#)
Overhead squat: 145# February 19, 2015 (up from 125#x4)
Power Clean: 195# Nov 25, 2014 (up from 185#)
Power snatch: 140# Dec, 5, 2014 (up from 125#)
Push Press: 185# (up from 175#) Sept 15, 2014
Clean: 205# (up from 191#) Dec 13, 2014
Jerk: 205# (up from 185#) Dec 13, 2014
Snatch: 135# (up from 130#) Nov 21, 2014
Clean and Jerk: 205# (up from 175#) Dec 13, 2014
Wednesday, 25 February 2015
Strength log for Wednesday, February 25th
I'll be winding down my strength work cycle shortly when I hit my squat goal of 315# (hopefully next Monday) but I'll be well short of the goal I had set myself for strict press of 165#
I don't know why I chose 165#, I guess it sounded like a good solid number. The squat made sense, 3 plates, but 165#? I doubt I'll ever know.
The most I ever hit was 145#, and I haven't been able to reproduce that since last September. The day first got it on September 9th, I got it twice and once more 20 days later.
Today I couldn't even put 140# over my head. I even revised my goal going in from 3x3 @ 125# to 120#, and it was a good thing I did.
I need to back through my logs and see what I did leading up to that PR.
Crossfit log for Wednesday, February 25th
I guess with the Open starting this week, the programming will be less taxing.
We started with a light push press versus regular pull up with 1 minute rest between
4-5-6-7-8 push press at 55% of max ( did 95#)
vs. pull ups AMRAP but not for max, more like 70% effort. (did 10 per round)
Then we still had plenty of time for the WOD, a 9 minute AMRAP of:
-10 overhead squats 75#
-30 double unders
Shoes were an issue. Opted for my lower lift trainer, easier for the double unders, but harder for the OHS.
Worked out. Sort of.
First round 10 ohs, not too bad, 75# is fairly forgiving. 28 double unders, first round done in 1:07. This is going to be epic.
But not. Round 2 the ohs were still good, but already harder than round 1, then the double unders fell apart. OMG! If I could get 8 in a row it was a miracle!
Ended up just finishing 4 rounds.
Which I guess is s a mixed blessing, had the double unders gone really well, I likely would have it a wall on the OHS, who knows.
Monday, 23 February 2015
Strength log for Monday, February 23rd
Despite this morning's 3x5 @ 70% work I still managed to pull off a great squat workout.
Worked up with empty bar, 135# x5, 185# x5, 225# x2
Got my weight belt and hit 275# for a single, then 295# and finally 305#!
Bam PR!
It went up well and I was ready to try 310#, but the Dave arrived and was of the mind that I wouldn't notice the 5# difference, go for 315#
3 plates. This has been on the list for a long time. I want this pretty badly.
So I went for it. Got out of the hole, but jambed in the middle, tried to squeeze the glutes to get under the bar more, pulled on the bar to straightenout, but I wasn't moving.
After a good 4 or 5 seconds just stuck there, I finally succumbed to the obvious reality that it wasn't going up today. But it was way closer than I expected.
I'm glad I tried and saw just how close it was. Sometime you have to get out of your comfort zone to truly see what you are capable of.
Next week for sure. Then I can close the chapter on strength development without regret.
Epic days.
Progress update.
New Back Squat PR.
Bench: 230# November 19, 2014 (up from 225#)
Dead Lift: 365# September 17, 2014 (up from 355#)
Press: 145# September 9, 2014 (up from 140#)
Back Squat: 305# February 23, 2015 (up from 300#)
Front Squat: 265# January 26, 2015 (up from 255#)
Overhead squat: 145# February 19, 2015 (up from 125#x4)
Power Clean: 195# Nov 25, 2014 (up from 185#)
Power snatch: 140# Dec, 5, 2014 (up from 125#)
Push Press: 185# (up from 175#) Sept 15, 2014
Clean: 205# (up from 191#) Dec 13, 2014
Jerk: 205# (up from 185#) Dec 13, 2014
Snatch: 135# (up from 130#) Nov 21, 2014
Clean and Jerk: 205# (up from 175#) Dec 13, 2014
Crossfit log for Monday, February 23rd
Started with an exhausting EMOM of 5 squat cleans plus 3 jerks at 50% - 60% of clean and jerk max.
I opted for just under 50% at 95# and had two 10# plates on stand by if I felt good.
They weren't needed. First round I was systematic but not fast, which left me only 20 seconds of rest.
Next round I picked it up as much as I could and bought myself an extra 10 seconds.
Third round after I finished I ran to blow my nose. Fourth round I was completely out of breath.
5th round I think I did on jerk. 6th I stopped at 4 cleans. 7th I did 4 cleans but did the jerks. I think I did the 9th and 10 complete, but I don't remember the 8th at all.
Then we did 3 sets of 5 back squats at 70%, again I rounded down t 205# from 210#. Only 3 sets of 5 was a breeze at that weight.
Then the WOD: 10 minute AMRAP of:
- 15 power cleans 95# (scaled to 75#)
- 12 pistols / 15 air squats (did the air squats)
- 9 toes to bar
Almost made 4 rounds. The cleans got really hard at the end, but the t2b are what killed me.
Friday, 20 February 2015
Strength work for Friday, February 20th
After yesterdays breakthrough lift and a massage at noon into my armpits and surrounding shoulder tissue I though it would be interesting to see what I could muster.
The goal wasn't to go heavy, but to sit in the bottom and work the position.
Empty bar went really well, so did 65#, and 95#.
At 115# it got harder as it was, well, heavier, and my shoulders were getting fatigued.
I was able to get really deep. Deeper than my lifts yesterday, but obviously not as heavy.
After that I did some work on my pistols, using a low bench. Not having much success, when Duane came along to give me some pointers.
We did some floor exercises and found some really sticky spots for me to work.
I'll try them out this weekend and report back.
Thursday, 19 February 2015
Crossfit log for Thursday, February 19th
Woke up with a sore lower back from the dead lifts and sore shoulders from the pull ups and hspu, and sore legs from the front squats.... you get the picture.
But I rolled out of bed anyway and went through my morning routine and found myself at the gym at 5:25.
We started with 15 minutes of work to find 1 rep max overhead squat.
I've tried a number of times since my last success of 125# for 4 reps to find a my true 1 rep max and have struggle to get to 125# for one.
But not today. I used a similar format to my previous success. Basically moving up in weight doing 4 reps until I got to 115# where I did a single.
Then I immediately went to 135#. It was do or die time. I somehow managed to keep it stable right into the bottom, fought there for several seconds to make sure I was as deep as I could get, from there it was easy to stand it up.
Bam. 135#. So naturally I had to go for more! I put 145# on the bar and tried again. The 15 minute timer range just as I was taking the bar off the rack and I started my squat. Position wasn't right so I stood up and started again, usually a sign of imminent failure, but not today.
I got to the bottom and hung out there briefly and stood it up! It was epic. PR by 20#. Couldn't be happier.
Then we did the WOD.
It was a partner WOD with 4 rounds of cash in before the scoring started: Ugh.
20 minute time cap
Partner WOD, 4 rounds of:
- 15 toes to bar
- 20 back squats 135#/95# (scaled to 115#)
- 25 box jumps 24"/20"
- 30 dead lifts 135#/95#
remaining time: AMRAP
- 150' overhead walking lunges 45#/25# (scaled to 35#)
- alternating plate burpees.
I was really hoping we wouldn't make it to the burpees. Alas.
Worked with Lana again. She went first and pretty much did half the reps each time (alternating rounds she'd do 7 or 8 t2b and 12 or 13 box jumps). I'm not sure how she scaled her weights.
4 round was a lot. I rebounded all but a handful of the box jumps. Squats were okay, dead lifts too, at that weight. T2B got rough at the very end.
Lunges were okay, only because we only did it once.
We got to 21 burpees, and that was plenty.
Stoked about the PR.
Progress update.
New Overhead Squat PR.
Bench: 230lbs November 19, 2014 (up from 225lbs)
Dead Lift: 365lbs September 17, 2014 (up from 355lbs)
Press: 145lbs September 9, 2014 (up from 140lbs)
Back Squat: 300lbs February 16, 2015 (up from 295lbs)
Front Squat: 265# January 26, 2015 (up from 255#)
Overhead squat: 145# February 19, 2015 (up from 125#x4)
Power Clean: 195lbs Nov 25, 2014 (up from 185lbs)
Power snatch: 140lbs Dec, 5, 2014 (up from 125lbs)
Push Press: 185# (up from 175#) Sept 15, 2014
Clean: 205# (up from 191#) Dec 13, 2014
Jerk: 205# (up from 185#) Dec 13, 2014
Snatch: 135# (up from 130#) Nov 21, 2014
Clean and Jerk: 205# (up from 175#) Dec 13, 2014
Wednesday, 18 February 2015
Strength log for Wednesday, February 18th
First real test of the repaired weight belt with new Velcro with longer strip for more contact surface.
Worked well. In as much as it didn't pop off on the heavy 255# and failed 275# lifts.
After peeling back to 225# I did 5 sets of 3 which felt harder than they should have, but the belt held and I got em done.
Felt productive.
Crossfit log for Wednesday, February 18th
The work was a grip strength killer.
Started with dead lifts vs pull ups on 1:00 rest
- Dead lifts @ 70% of max: 9-7-5-7-9
- pull ups ctb if you can: 5-10-15-10-5
- rest 1 minute between sets
So down up pyramid on the dead lifts versus an up down pyramid on the pull ups.
The second 7 deadlifts was only 6 and the last 9 were only 5. On the pull ups too, the 15 was only 13, and the second 10 was only 8. Meh.
It still sucked.
The WOD started off with more grip strength work:
For time
- 5 rope climbs
- 20 hand stand push ups (scaled to 11)
- 25 power cleans 135# (scaled to 115#)
- 30 bar facing burpees
Rope climbs weren't too bad. I was hoping to do 15 hspu, but after #11 I was done. (cutting them to half the reps was a scaling options, so that helped my decision).
Power cleans really sucked. The dead lifts killed my grip and my pull, and the pull ups and rope climbs finished off whatever grip I had left. (even typing this hurts!)
The burpees were a slow relentless train wreck. But I got'em done.
18:48. Ugh. Glad that's over.
Tuesday, 17 February 2015
Strength log for Tuesday, February 17th
Maybe that morning bun I had yesterday is the key.
Today's workout wasn't a resounding success like yesterday.
My last to really good squat days started with a decidedly non-paleo morning bun from Bridgehead, a spiral of artificially induced happiness that only pure sugar (and apparently cocaine) can provide.
In any event, my strict press needs work.
I worked up to a heavy single. Maxing out at only 135#, 140# was a no-go.
Peeled back to 130# (90% of max) for 3 sets of 3 and set two was a set of two.
So I peeled back more, to 125# for the last set and was able to fight my way to 3 reps.
Not happy with this, but it is what it is. Maybe start calculating my weights based on 140# instead of 145#. We'll see.
Done. Did some muscle up progression work and a bit of pistol work.
Monday, 16 February 2015
Strength log for Monday, February 16th
3 days off seems to have paid off.
Went to the Y at lunch for some back squats. Week three, although I shouldn't call them weeks since often miss a week these days. Part three, or step three, or workout three.
5 sets of 3 at 85% of max, 250#, planned to round up to 255#. But following my current program, I worked up to a heavy single first.
Now my belt isn't working, the Velcro gave out, and I hate the buckle belt at the Y, it's too think at the front, so I wore my belt with the Y belt over top, to hold the Velcro in place. It worked beautifully, although I probably looked like a stooge.
I'm glad I though of it because I was able to quickly work my way up to a fairly easy 295#. Time for a PR attempt I guess. I had 305# on the bar, but at the last minute I decide to be conservative and try for an even 300#. Straight down and straight up, slowly but no sticking points. I likely would've made 305# but I'm glad I chose not to.
Then I peeled of to 255#, which happens to be 85% of 300#, so there!
Did my 5 sets of 3 and called it a day. Gotta be happy with that.
Progress update.
New Back Squat PR.
Bench: 230lbs November 19, 2014 (up from 225lbs)
Dead Lift: 365lbs September 17, 2014 (up from 355lbs)
Press: 145lbs September 9, 2014 (up from 140lbs)
Back Squat: 300lbs February 16, 2015 (up from 295lbs)
Front Squat: 265# January 26, 2015 (up from 255#)
Overhead squat: 125# January 23, 2015 (up from 115#) *4 reps.
Power Clean: 195lbs Nov 25, 2014 (up from 185lbs)
Power snatch: 140lbs Dec, 5, 2014 (up from 125lbs)
Push Press: 185# (up from 175#) Sept 15, 2014
Clean: 205# (up from 191#) Dec 13, 2014
Jerk: 205# (up from 185#) Dec 13, 2014
Snatch: 135# (up from 130#) Nov 21, 2014
Clean and Jerk: 205# (up from 175#) Dec 13, 2014
Thursday, 12 February 2015
Strength log for Thursday, February 12th
Not surprisingly I didn't PR. Hit 185# without a problem, and jumped to 205#, my current PR and just couldn't get the second pull to go anywhere.
Oh well. I felt better afterwards but now at my desk I still feel sore.
Need a long weekend. Oh look there's one starting tomorrow!
Crossfit log for Thursday, February 12th
I may need to book a massage.
I was late getting out of the house, fell asleep after the alarm and woke up 20 minutes later than usual. Rushed out the door, at 5:30 as class started.
Got on the highway and was stuck behind a snowplough. Finally walked through the gym door at 5:45.
Had to bail on the strength work (1 rep max clean, bummer).
Lana was happy to see me. She had been alone and it was a long rough partner WOD.
So we setup and worked together through a gruelling filthy fifty partner WOD:
2 rounds for time, partners share the work:
- 50 box jumps
- 50 pull ups
- 50 kettle bell swings
- 50 walking lunges
- 50 knees to chest
- 50 push press
- 50 good mornings
- 50 wall balls
- 50 burpees
- 50 double unders
Yeah, that was no fun. The first round was rough. We started the second round but were running out of time so coach cut it off at 30 minutes. Which took us to 49 kettle bell swings.
Total score 649. Ugh. Didn't scale enough, but I don't know where I could've scaled more! Did 75# on the push press. Maybe I could've done 20kg kettle bell instead of 24kg. Lower the box for the box jumps?
I don't see what we could've done. We worked hard, that's what counts.
Wednesday, 11 February 2015
Strength log for Wednesday, February 11th
Two days of heavy front squats Monday and yesterday. I want back squat day to be on relatively fresh legs.
Did press yesterday at noon, so overhead and bench aren't logical.
I should have just worked on the rings, but instead decided to work on overhead squat.
Wouldn't be heavy since even going for a PR is only 135#, not a taxing squat on the legs.
Taxing on the shoulders though.
Everything was looking good up to 115#. Jump 125# to avoid extra fatigue and hey, I did 4 at 125# just over a week ago! This should be a snap.
Nope. Nevermind getting out of the hole, I couldn't get into the hole.
Still worked hard though. Threw in the towel after two failed attempts.
Tuesday, 10 February 2015
Strength log for Tuesday, February 10th
Goal: hit 1 heavy single then peel back to 85% of max for 5 sets of 3.
Fought hard to hit 140#, haven't done that in a while. Was glad once I got it overhead.
Then peel back to 125# (rounded up from 123# which is 85% of 145#), but after 3 sets it was clear I would be able to finish at that weight.
So I made the hard choice to peel back 5# to 120# (so effectively rounding down from 123#, an acceptable alternative), and I was able to complete the last 2 sets without problem.
I think it was the right call, rather than fight and fail at 125#. Given over head is my weak link strengthwise.
I'm happy with that workout.
Crossfit log for Tuesday, February 10th
What do we do the day after I do heavy front squats at the Y? Yep, front squats.
From the ground though , so limited by how much you can clean. 4 sets of 5 vs chest to bar pull ups on 1 minute rest.
Didn't do too well on the ctb. 4 or 5 each round. For the squats I did 135# 155#, 165#, 165#. Happy with that. One round 3, my left hand slipped on the clean, leaving me with my right arm front rack and left arm sticking out straight! So I dropped it and had to clean it again.
The WOD was a 9 minute AMRAP of:
- 15 wall balls 20# ball
- 30 double unders
Manged 4 rounds + 13 wall balls
Stupid double unders. I think the longest string I got was 10. Whatever.
Monday, 9 February 2015
Strength log for Monday, February 9th
I worked up to a heavy front squat, was at 255# planning to go for 275# pr attempt when my belt popped off at the bottom and I had bail.
I wasn't very happy, but thought it was a fluke or I hadn't tied it properly.
I decided today wasn't the day to PR and peeled back to do 3 sets of 5 at 80% (215#).
First set, third rep, belt popped off again. This time I didn't bail and managed to stand it up. I was really unhappy at this point.
Went and borrowed the leather belt from the Y front desk, which is either too loose or too tight. But manged to get my 3 sets of 5 in, starting over, got an extra three reps in.
After that, I set up the rings and the band and did some muscle up progressions: pull ups with false grip as high as I could.
Needs a lot of work, but it's a start.
Crossfit log for Monday, February 9th
Let's see if I can do better this week.
Started of with a 12 minute EMOM alternating:
-5 touch and go squat snatches @ 60%
-max reps toes to bar
Did 75# and 5-6 t2b.
Followed immediately by 7 min to establish 1 rep max overhead squat from the ground. Hit 105#, but couldn't manage 115#. Two attempts. Ran out of time
The WOD was 3 rounds for time:
- 12 bar facing burpees
- 9 unbroken touch and go power cleans 95#
- 7 shuttle runs
- 5 muscle ups, scaled to ring dips
Burpees suck.
Power cleans were the easiest part
Shuttle run was the length of the gym and back=1. Started to suck at the end.
Dips were fine.
Burpees slowed me down the most.
Finished in 15:21.
Thursday, 5 February 2015
Strength log for Thrusday, February 5th
Did strict press. Followed yesterday's squat recipe. Worked up to a heavy single then peeled off for reps
The planned workout was 3x5 @ 80% = 115#.
Worked up to 135#, which went up far easier than last time. So I tried 145#, again to repeat my squat workout by hitting my current 1 rep max.
140# would've been a smarter choice. 145# didn't go.
Peeled back to 115# for 3 sets of 5.
Failed on the last rep of the last set. So I think I'm happy with that. If you're gonna fail, that's the one you want to fail on.
Crossfit log for Thursday, February 5th
Thankfully only a day late, I still remember the details of yesterday's workout.
Started with 4 sets of 5 heavy front squats vs strict handstand push ups(or harder than usual scaling) for max total reps over 4 rounds.
I knew I was doing strict press at noon, so I kinda went soft on the hspu.
Warming up the squats I decided to do a couple of presses to warm up the shoulders for the hspu. The girls were looking at me like "did we miss something on the board, there's no pressing in the workout". I had to explain myself, right before bashing my nose with the bar on the way up! Ouch.
Settle on 75% of max aka 198#. Did the first set at 185#, and tried a strict hspu with an ABMAT, wasn't happening, so I did a couple kipping and moved on.
The upped it to 195#, where I had planned to stay, but everyone else was adding weight. (and by everyone else I mean one guy). So after 1 or 2 half-assed hspu I moved up to 205# and then 215#
215# was rough. Got through 4 reps okay, but the fifth wasn't getting past halfway. Bailed. Still good work.
The WOD was not fun. But good.
5 rounds for time:
- 3:00 AMRAP
--- 3 power cleans 155# (wisely scaled to 135#)
--- 6 hand release push ups
--- 9 air squats
- 1:00 rest
First two round I went pretty hard, touch and go cleans, fast squats. Got just over 3 rounds. Round 3 I had little left and 2 more rounds to go. I think I got through 2 rounds and 2.
Picked it up a bit for the last 2 rounds 2+12 and 2+11 for a total 245 reps.
Wednesday, 4 February 2015
Strength log for Wednesday, February 4th
Back squat day.
Working the plan. Work up to 1 heavy single, then week 2 rep work (3 sets of 5 at 80%, 235#)
275# went up pretty easy. So I decided to go for my current PR, 295# which I haven't hit since September. Stopped me in my tracks halfway up, and for a moment I considered the possibility that I might not make it. But I just kept pushing and started to move again, then I was up.
Then I peeled off to 235# and did my 3 sets of 5 without issue.
After that I did 3 sets of 3 muscle up transitions with my toes on a bench behind me.
I need to keep doing this until my hands are used to it. It's harder on my hands than my shoulders, which I won't make progress until it's the other way around.
Baby steps.
Tuesday, 3 February 2015
Strength log for Tuesday, February 3rd
Quick session at the Y.
Brought my gymnastics rings and worked on assisted muscle up transitions.
Rough. Rough on the hands with that false grip. I'll try and do more. I'm not sore today, so I need to work harder on this.
Wasn't satisfied with only doing rings work, so I worked on some power snatch with overhead squats.
Didn't go so well, so I called it a day and hit the steam room.
Crossfit log for Tuesday, February 3rd
Need to keep this streak going.
Started with the new concept called the primer.
3 min AMRAP of work related to the Open workout. We were doing 14.2: overhead squats and chest to bar pull ups, so the primer was:
3:00 AMRAP
- 5 squat snatches
- 4 burpee pull ups
It really sucked during, but it also really helped for the WOD.
Open Workout 14.2
In 3 minutes perform 2 rounds of
- 10 overhead squats @ 95#
- 10 chest to bar pull ups.
At the end of 3:00 if you have finished the 2 rounds you have 3 minutes to do 2 rounds of
- 12 overhead squats @ 95#
- 12 chest to bar pull ups
keep adding 2 reps per 3:00 successfully completed. If you finish before the 3:00, rest until the 3:00 is up.
Last time I got 23 reps at Rx then switched to the scaled option on that day (front squats and regular pull ups for an additional 27 reps).
Today, I was focused on beating my previous best, which I misread and thought I had to beat 27, not 23.
Did that and more, made it to 33! Two solid rounds of 10 OHS at 95#! Pretty stoked. The second time at the pull up bar, my first rep was nowhere near chest to bar! I had to laugh. Managed to get 3 slow and difficult reps.
I peeled off weight and tried to hit some OHS at 75#, so focused on beating my previous, I hadn't formulated a plan for scaling the second 3:00. So after 3 failed attempts at an OHS at 75# I just stopped.
Really I'm happy with my score. 10 rep PR. OHS have come a long long way.
Monday, 2 February 2015
Crossfit log for Monday, February 2nd
Okay, then let's start off the month right.
Got a bit of a sleep in and went to the 6:30am class. Interesting to see the 5:30 crew finishing up dripping in sweat.
So we started with
Clean and Jerk 5-5-5-5-5 touch and go
1 min rest
Burpee box jumps 7-7-7-7-7
1 min rest
double unders 40-40-40-40-40
1 min rest
Cycle through each station and rest for 5 rounds.
95# on the C&J was maybe too light but at the end I was glad.
Burpees went really well
Double unders were hit and miss.
The WOD was horrible:
8 rounds for time (yes 8)
- 5 front squats 155# (wisely scaled to 135#)
- 5 handstand push ups (not so wisely scaled to only 1 abmat)
The first 5 rounds were actually okay, it wasn't huge volume per round, but round 6, 7 and 8 got progressively harder, especially the hspu. And hold the front rack after them was torture.
Glad it's over, not even sure of my time, close to 16 minutes I think.
Thankfully I had the wisdom to jump on the rings and hang there for a minute to reset my shoulders. Felt much better after that.