Kiza thought I should redo 14.5
She felt I could've paced myself better, and she was probably right.
But decided not to.
The alternate workout started with 5 sets of 3 heavy dead lifts. Worked with Mitch and we quickly got to 275# and started our working sets.
It may have been a bit heavy for 5 sets, but thankfully we were asked to judge the athletes that were doing 14.5
I was judging Kamil, who had done the workout right next to me last week and beat my almost 2:00. I was 26:59 and he was 25 and change.
I would like to thank Kamil for making me feel much better about my decision not to redo this workout. Before the first round was over it was a sufferfest.
He did manage a better time (23:57 I think) so not quite 2:00 better than his previous effort. But I don't think it was worth that kind of pain for the love of 2 minutes. I'm much happier having done the alternate.
The WOD was half Mary (10 minutes, instead of 20 of):
- 5 handstand push ups
- 10 alternating pistols (or in my case 20 air squats)
-15 pull ups
Haven't done regular pull ups in a long while, having to break up chest to bar throughout the Open is a different beast than string 15 reps.
HSPU went okay, one abmat, better than last time, so progress of sorts.
I should really work on my pistols. One day.
Pull ups were unbroken for the first two rounds, round 3 was 10 and 5, round 4 was unbroken. Then I made 3 handstand pushups.
Total score: 4 rounds + 3. Not bad.
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