Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Crossfit log for Wednesday, January 23rd

Almost didn't go again this morning. Went to bed still feeling queasy. Watched the Maltese Falcon until nearly midnight, I even turned off my alarm at around 2:00am when I woke up, thinking I wouldn't risk it. But my brain woke me up at 4:55 just before my alarm would've gone off so I figured since I was awake anyway I'd give it the old college try.

Wasn't stellar, but it I got it done. Didn't feel like total crap, but I was nearly at 100% that's for sure.

WOD Wednesday, we actually did a skill instead of strength. Tricep dips with kipping (a fortuitous video on the crossfit youtube channel provided some guidance)

Then we went into Fight Gone Bad.
Knowing I wouldn't be hitting any PR's today I took it fairly easy (as easy as you can doing FGB), rowing sucked, wall balls were okay, push press were surprisingly good, sumo dead lift high pull weren't fun, and shockingly, my box jumps really suffered. Scored 206, nearly 30 points off my PR, but it's done.

Fight Gone Bad.

3 rounds for score: 5 minute (1 min at each station) + 1 minute rest between rounds.
-wallball 20# med ball 10' target (1 rep = 1 point)
-sumo dead lift high pull 75# bar (1 rep = 1 point)
-box jumps 20" box (1 rep = 1 point)
-push press (1 rep = 1 point)
-row (1 cal = 1 point)

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