Saturday, 8 December 2012

Crossfit log for Saturday, December 8th

We had a weightlifting competition today at Crossfit.

Each of the 4 waves took 16 minutes to reach or beat their PR in the snatch, then then they had 16 minutes to reach or beat their PR in the clean and jerk.

So not quite the same as an Olympic lifting competition where you only get three lift in each. It was much more free form and I probably did 5 or 6 lifts of each

I PR'd both lifts, snatching 115# (my previous was 110#) and 160# clean and jerk (the previous best I can find in my log is 135# which at the time felt easy but I failed at 155# without trying 145# first) so huge PRs.

The jerk at 160# was a fight, I didn't quite get under it and didn't lock out my arms, so I stood there red faced fighting to get my arms locked inching it up for a good 10 seconds before I managed it. I knew I didn't have enough time on the clock for another attempt and I had already missed my first attempt at this weight. Everyone was screaming and cheering me on and when I finally locked out, I felt like a rock star. It was awesome.

Of course a minute later Ann lifts a 165# like it's nothing. But that's okay, I'm used to getting chicked (both at running and at Crossfit). Only 2 girls beat me on the snatch and 2 on the c&j. I was 15th in each event out of 28 competitors

I'm very happy with this.

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