Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Writing catalyst

Clearly I don't post regularly.

Although I do log my workouts daily.  I've decided that must subject my readership to my workout log as an intro to my blog posts as a last resort to get me writing.

To my RunningMania.com peeps, the workout portion of my posts here will be identical to my Crossfit log on the forum (but with unrelated bonus material)!

I have a lot to post about lately, so much so that I've shied away from posting at all for lack of ability to prioritize it all.

There's the house rebuild, there's Fan Expo this last weekend, our new car (new to us that is), my upcoming eye surgery, Dexter developing an attitude, Delilah starting school, Clarisse starting highschool, Caleb learning to drive

I'll just have to work my way through it all.  So here we go.

Yesterday's workout left me exhausted (which the runningmania crowd already knows), which is unusual.  My workouts usually energize me for the day.

I guess two days on my feet at Fan Expo in Toronto with Caleb, plus four to five hours of driving each day, took a lot out of me.

Today was a different story. I got a good night's sleep and the workout was a good one.

Well not the strength part.  We did "Turkish get ups". Ugh.  We had 10 minutes to find our 4 rep max.  I managed 20kg, but it cost me, with two minutes left, I couldn't even sit up with the 24kg kettle bell.

The WOD was unclear.

It was 4 three minute rounds of
-3 cleans at 135lbs (not long ago this was my maximum for 1 rep)
-6 handstand push ups (just learned to do these a couple of weeks ago)
-40m sprint

Isabelle, the morning coach, doesn't do the programming, her brother Frank does. At first we thought it was 1 round then rest for the remaining time, but we were finished with half the time remaining, and noticed it said "for max reps" on the side.  So round two we did as many rounds as possible, but there was no indication of rest between rounds. We just slugged out the rest as an 8 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible).

I look forward to finding out what it was supposed to be.

I really enjoyed the cleans. They were hard, but I'm must've done fifteen of them. Considering they were my max a couple of months ago, I take that as a sign of progress.

1 comment:

  1. Turns out it was supposed to have a 1:00 rest between rounds.
