Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Crossfit log for Wednesday, October 25th

So I've essentially done nothing since Fran. I was so sore, I spend Sunday and Monday either stretching or rolling around on a tennis or street hockey ball, to work out the kinks in my lats, traps and chest.

I was feeling better this morning, except for Delilah 4am accident, and she wouldn't go back to sleep again. Grrr. (Turns out she did fall asleep just after I left for the gym).

It was good to be back.

Strength work was barbell rows. Hard on the hamstrings.
4 sets of 8 to 12 reps. Settled on 75#
Did 8 - 12 - 9 - 12

WOD was 5 rounds for time of:
15 wallballs
15 med ball cleans
with a 20# medicine ball.
Time: 12:41

We were supposed to go lighter on the wall balls, but the girls were using the 14# one for their med ball cleans, so Kamil and I decided to just use the 20# ball for the whole thing.

Holy crap 20# is heavy! But I got 'er done. Lots of hip action on this one. Dead lifting the ball, drive with the hips and shrug to get it in the air, then get under it into a deep squat, the back up driving with the hips, then the wallballs are all about hip drive. So 30 hip drives per round x 5. Thats 150 hip drives under 20# load. Ugh.

I stretched my hip flexors at lunch, but after I ran 5km.

Ran 12:22 out and 12:18 back. Felt really good. I haven't been running enough lately.

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