Made up my own WOD today.
It was harder than I expected it to be.
wanted legs and core so I decided to do squats and toe-to-bar. I
wasn't sure how many to do, one frequent formula is three rounds of
21-15-9. Then I looked around at some crossfit sites to see what they
were doing. main site: rest day (of course), had: 5 rounds each for time of (3 Front Squats 70% 1RM, 6 Box Jumps 30″/24″, Row 9 cals (I don't know what that is)).
So I thought, 5 rounds for time sounds good but how many???
So then I went to, they were doing (10Min AMRAP - 5 Thruster, 10 Burpees) AMRAP - yuck, burpees - hmmm
I scrolled down and yesterday they had: 5 rounds for time of: 5 Cleans, 10 Box Jumps, 15 Pushups.
Ah ha! I'll do 5 rounds for time of 5 squats (weight to be determined), 10 toe-to-bar and 15 burpees. Sounds great!
get to the gym and part of my warm up I do some air squats and GHD sit
ups and hip extensions and I try a couple of toe-to-bars. Um... yeah...
not doing 5 rounds of 10 of those.
So as I start doing squats
with just the bar (then adding a little weight to find what I can
handle), I'm rethinking my custom WOD.
Final decision: 5 rounds for time of 5 squats (settled on 115lbs), 5 toe-to-bar, and 5 burpees.
could have done more burpees, but I wanted numbers that were either the
same all round, or all incremental. So 5 rounds of 5 each was the
formula I chose.
It was very challenging. I did it in 9:15, I'll
have to try it again some day to see if I can do it faster. The squats
were rough, but the T2B were worse. The burpees just tired me out.
So I'll call it a success!
Yay me!
Oh and I almost forgot to add I did 500m on the rowing machine to cool down.
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