Thursday, 12 December 2013

Surgery Day.

4:48am - awake before my alarm. Dreaming of quite the adventure getting to the hospital, running through a rain soaked triathlon sidewalk sale, through an old drunk couple's living room, and a construction site. Only to find the hospital overrun by mutants (not the x-men kind).

5:51am - on a bus. Must remember to get off at Hurdman and not go into work. Reading Dance with Dragons.

6:16am - half an hour early at the hospital. Oh well. I'll read some more. 

6:47am - check in. Meet Linda one of the nurses. Go through the questions and info about how things will proceed. 

7:04am -  change into gown.  Take the time to remove my long underwear for the bus ride here, don't want to be that toasty once I'm on the stretcher.  Stow my lunch and clothes.

7:20am - blood pressure is nice and low  124 over 68.  Then the waiting begins.

8:40am - Listening to the patients brief the nurses about their conditions was sobering.  I was easily the healthiest person on the floor.  High blood pressure, high blood sugar, high cholesterol, back spasms were just a few of the ailments that had to be considered going into surgery. Thankful for my health.

8:55am - Karin, the nurse from my pre-op briefing last week shows up. Had a quick chat, she hijacked my care from Linda. 

9:15am - Dr. Wilson, the anaesthesiologist finally shows up, likes the look of my throat, easy intubation.  A few minutes later an orderly comes by to wheel me to the pre-op area.

Here I see Dr. Delpero.   He's a soft spoken mild mannered former Colonel, with a very calm demeanour.  I like him.  A good role model for the students under his wing.  I hope they appreciate him.

I also meet a different Linda and Marie-Eve, two french nurses who go through the usual identify verification questions as Dr. Wilson put the IV in my hand.

Next thing I know, I'm being wheeled into the OR and I hardly had time to take in the room and I was out.

Next thing I know I'm waking in recovery.  Nurse Karin is there, taking my vitals. Helping me sit up. (She noticed my Superman tattoo and ask to snap a pic)!

Rested for a little while and before noon I was with Kiza, headed to the car.

My eyes were sore, but not unbearably.  Vision was same as before.  The images from my double vision were much closer than ever.  Remains to be seen how close once the muscles settle.

The car ride was rough, I began to feel nauseated as we arrived home and was thankfully able to make it to the sewer grate before tossing my cookies.

I spent the rest of the day in bed, mostly sleeping.

So a fairly uneventful experience, truth be told.  I hope the results turn out good.

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