The actual workout was a 14 minute AMRAP, teams of two, share the work.
- 2 rope climbs (Rx was 4)
- 10 push ups (Rx was deficit handstand push ups, a show stopper for me)
- 16 goblet squats with a 24kg kettle bell (Rx was 32kg).
Sadly we were three guys and four girls and both guys were doing Rx. So I just did my own little AMRAP for 14 minutes doing half the reps.
I took my time between stations, to kinda emulate waiting for a partner to finish, but not too much. I was fairly consistent throughout.
Hands are raw from the rope.
Had a nice complement on my Squat form from Kamil. Nice when peer notices. I've been working hard on my form, it hasn't been for nought.
He said I look like a diagram of squat form. :) Sweet.
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