Friday, 11 October 2013

Crossfit log for Friday, October 11th

OMG, I hate push ups.

We did bench press for strength, 4 sets of 8 reps.  I settled on 135# and it was a good choice.  Could only manage 6 reps on the last set.

The WOD was a benchmark workout called Cindy.

20 minutes AMRAP
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats.

In a recent workout I discovered that in order to be efficient and not miserable, 3 burpees was my limit.  We did a workout that had 3 burpees, 6 box jumps and 9 wall balls, and I found the burpees were easy in such a small number.  A week later we did a similar workout with 4 burpees and 6 box jumps and 8 wall balls, but added 10 kettle bell swings.  The burpees sucked.  So 3 is my limit.

Today I think I found my magic number for push ups: 7.

The first 6 or 7 rounds, I'd start to notice that I wasn't enjoying myself at the 7th rep.

In later rounds  I found I could struggle to get to 7 unbroken, but 8 was a stopper.

Pull ups were a snap, so much so I had to practice my butterfly kip to slow them down otherwise I'd get frustrated that I was back on push ups so soon.

Squats are pretty quick to, but as the rounds ticked by I found myself slowing... until I spotted Adam out of the corner of my eye just ripping through them, so I stepped it up to match, and a bit more.

Of course he noticed and stepped it up too, then I had to match him, and 15 reps were done.  I tried to keep that level of intensity for the rest of the workout.

Made 14 rounds plus 13 reps (5 pull ups, 8 push ups).   I'm pretty sure that's a personal best.

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