Today was crazy strength work day: Press - Pull super sets
all 'A' stations, rest 10 seconds between
-rest 2 minutes
-do all 'B'
stations, rest 10 seconds between,
rest 2 minutes. Repeat 2 more
A1 handstand push ups, AMRAP minimum 5 reps (if you can do more than 5 reps, increase difficulty: fewer abmats/greater deficit)
A2 Weighted bar dips (using weight belt, vest, dumbbell or chains) AMRAP minimum 8 reps.
A3 Weighted push ups (using plate or chains) AMRAP minimum 10 reps
B1 Legless rope climb x1
Neutral grip pull ups, AMRAP minimum 5 reps (if you can do more than 5
reps, increase weight: using weight belt, vest, dumbbell or chains)
B3 Feet elevated ring rows, AMRAP, rings to chest.
Handstand push ups was able to do 5 reps with only 1 abmat, so yay!
climb made it to the top the first and third attempt, the second I got 2
thirds of the way up and then used my legs, not sure what happened. It
was really hard.
Push ups sucked, as did the pull ups and the ring rows.
Did bar dips with chain. I'm guessing it's around 20lbs.
The WOD after all that was:
run 400m (more like 330m)
30 clean and jerk 95#
run 400m
10:57 Second run was rough.
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