Thursday, 29 September 2016

Crossfit log for Thursday, September 29th

Well I guess two in a row was all I'm gonna get.

Today sucked on so many levels.

Warm up, felt a pull in my right groin/aductor, doing the side lunges. It was 3 shuttle runs, 10 air squats, 10 barbell pressed and 10 side lines x2.

Skill work was snatch: 7 sets of 3. Probably didn't warn up enough, might have done 4 sets, maybe 5, of mostly missing the first sometimes missing the second and usually getting the third. Still needs work.

The the WOD.
100 burpees for time.

I thought it was a joke, it wasn't. I'm never doing that again.


Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Crossfit log for Wednesday. September 28th

Two good workouts in a row, who knew?

Warm up was row 200m, walking lunges and 20 DUs. X2

Dynamic stretching with pull up drills, want into it.

WOD was a 12 minute AMRAP of
- 30 air squats
-15 push press 95#/65#

Air squats are a breeze, push press got hard quicker than I expected. Did 75# instead of women's Rx, extra 10# made quite the difference.

Made 6 rounds plus 22 squats.

After WOD was partner row 4000m. Switch every 250m. Sucked.

Done. Satisfied.

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

CrossFit log for Tuesday, September 27th

That was my kind of workout.

Warm up was air squats, pull ups and burpees.

I did the fascial release on my hip, using the voodoo band, that made the dynamic stretching way better, and i still hijacked the inch worm for my physio homework

We worked on false grip kipping and L-sits

Skill work was 7x 3 squat cleans plus 1 every 90 seconds. Did 135#.  Last 4 sets were touch and go.

WOD was short, 6 minute cap
5,4,3 squat clean 225#/155#
3,2,1 rope climb

Did women's Rx. Wise choice. Spilled my first clean, and spilled my next to last, with like 30 second left, got capped half way up the rope on the last climb.

I could have gone harder, but we haven't done workouts like this in ages so it was hard to gauge.

It was good.

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Crossfit log for Thursday, September 22nd

Another pyramid chipper. 

Warm up was shuttle run, "table tops", mountain climbers x4.
Dynamic stretching. Strict rings knees to elbows.

WOD was
-10 muscle ups (scale to 15 dips)
-20 dumbbell snatches 70#/50#
-30 box jumps 24"/20"
-80 wall balls
-30 box jumps 24"/20"
-20 dumbbell snatcher 70#/50#
-10 muscle ups (scale to 15 dips)

Dips were once again harder than they had any right to be.
Scaled snatcher to 45#
Used men's box height
Used women's med ball. Good thing.
Resorted to bar dips for the last 7 reps



Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Crossfit log for Tuesday, September 20th

95# thrusters never felt so hard. Well maybe 5 years ago. I wonder if opening up my thorax is recruiting the muscles that should have been working all along and they aren't happy about it.

That sure would explain a lot.

Warm up was 3 rounds of 10 wall balls, 10 side lunges and 5 burpees.

Used the stretching to open my thorax a bit. Every little bit helps.

Skills was strict rings knees to elbows, hollow body. No arm bend makes it tough.

WOD was rough.
3 rounds
-21 chest to bar
-15 thrusters  135#/95#
-50 double unders

Regular pull ups, women's weight.

First round was okay, pull ups unbroken, thrusters sucked, broke them up right away. Double unders were not pretty.

Got worse from there.



Monday, 19 September 2016

Crossfit and physio log for Monday, September 19th

Well I got some positive news at physio on Friday.   After mobilizing my upper thorax for a bit and doing a couple of drill I got my range to 45 degrees, only 5 to go to achieve "normal" range.

But the big motivator was that I shouldn't be using my workout time to do mobility work, I should be working out, and using the mobility work between sets to help the lifting.  Best to do work that requires thoracic mobility and use the drills to warm up and in between sets. 

That will help with my feelings of insufficient workouts.  Maybe I'll start my strength cycle now.   That would certainly make me feel better.

Today I took advantage of the dynamic stretching to do the piece I hate the moste, the inch worm, and co-opt it to to mobility work.

On of the drill Rob gave me was inch worm but with a rounded back and shoulders pressed forward.  Which I did today, and instead of the push up I just let my shoulders sag when I was in the plank and then pressed them out again before resuming.  Gave me a reason not to hate it so much.

Then we did 6 power snatch singles at 85% every 75 seconds.  I did 115# for the first two and wasn't landing them nicely, so I dropped to 105# and that was a lot better.   I need focus on consistent quality of my lifts, worry about weight later.

The WOD was horrible again. 

I thought it was 5 rounds but when I saw the 20 minute cap I knew something was off.  Looked again it was 10 rounds of:
- 10 cal row
- 15 push ups
- 15 sit ups

Should have scaled the push ups to 10, but whatever, everything else was good.

Finished round 7 with 5 seconds left.   That was a lot of push ups.

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Crossfit log for Thursday. September 15th

Sure is a lot of suck going on at Crossfit these days.

Warm up was working lunges, push ups and glute bridges.

Stupid dynamic stretching again and handstand practice followed by stupid internal shoulder rotation drill.

Then right into the WOD.

4 rounds is
- run 400m on the stupid route through the gym and down the stairs. Whatever.
- 5 muscle ups
- 7 strict handstand push-ups
- 9 unbroken power cleans 115#/75#

Tried to work on my butterfly. Stupid mistake, switched to regular pull ups.

Get on box for hspu took to long, switched to bear style

Cleans were fine. Tested at the top for a beat.

20:53. Dead last yet again.


Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Crossfit log for Tuesday, September 13th

A day late with this post, I think I was too bummed about the workout to want to post about it, but you can't just post about the good ones.

Warm up was 15 kettle bell swings + 300m run  x 2

Dynamic stretching and handstand work.

Then this shoulder activation drill.  Sit on floor, bend one knee, rest elbow on knee, pull shoulder back and down rotated forearm in front of chest with small weight.

Couldn't acheive the postion.  Hips/hams/lumbar wouldnn't allow me to even get my elbow on to my knee. 

Was not happy. With last physio being zero progress and then a new (known but not often exposed)  weakness was a slap in the face.

I need Friday's physio to be good news, I've been doing the homework like crazy and I've been hating it.  Usually I don't mind but this round is not fun for some reason.

And the WOD, another long grinder that I had to ask for a time cap so I could have an out.  So they capped it at 30 minutes.

30 wall balls 20#/14#
30 box jump overs  24"/20"
30 cal row  30cal/20cal
30 shoulder to overhead 95#/65#
30 burpees to plate
30 toes to bar
30 burpees to plate
30 shoulder to overhead 95#/65#
30 cal row  30cal/20cal
30 box jump overs  24"/20"
30 wall balls 20#/14#

60 burpees.  Great.

Used women's Rx for everything except split the differnce on the calories, I did 25.

Used a 14# ball, 20" box, 65# bar.

Didn't help.

Hit the cap part way through the wall balls, so they said just keep going and finish it.  At that point, I didn't care either way.

I guess 31:11 dead last is still better than DNF.  


Monday, 12 September 2016

Crossfit log for Monday, September 12th

There wasn't much on the board, but I was shaking by the end.

Warm up was 4 rounds of 10 wall baka, 5 burpees followed by dynamic stretching.

Instead of handstand work we did, pull up drills. One plus one. One kip swing, one pull up. Harder than you'd think. Your mind really doesn't want to do just a kip right after a pull up.

Strength work was 5 rounds of 1 clean plus 2 jerks at 80%, rest as needed. I did 155#, failed on the last jerk.

WOD was 6 rounds, 1 minute on, 1 minute off, max reps squat cleans. 225#/135#

Did women's Rx for 34 reps (8-6-5-5-5-5)


Thursday, 8 September 2016

Crossfit log for Thursday, September 8th

Well that sucked even more than yesterday.

Warm up was 10 dumbbell step ups, 10 side lunges, 5 ring rows

WOD was horrible

- dumbbell snatch 70#/50#
- ring dips
- box jump overs
- ab matt sit-ups

Women's Rx on snatch. Fine
Dips sucked. Fell apart in round one
Box jumps were stupid, no rebound, no lateral jumping, had to turn and face the box.  Just stupid.
Sit-ups, whatever.
Once everyone finished and I was reduced to singles on the second round of dips and couldn't lock out the 20th, I bailed. Fuck that shit.


Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Crossfit log for Wednesday, September 7th

Ego is taking a beating during this mobility phase.

Warm up was 4 rounds of 10 wall Bala and 5 burpees.  Dynamic stretching. Handstand hold

Strength work 6 sets of 4 back squats, progressively heavier.
205#-215#-225#-235#-245#-255#(2) so I guess I'll count my last warm up set at 185# as first working set.
Maybe if I'd had my belt.

Kamil pulled off a 265#, I'm usually a stronger squatter, so I'm a bit pissed. But he had his belt. So it's okay I guess

WOD looked great on paper.
4 rounds
- 15 cal row
- 50 double unders
- 10 overhead squats 95#/65#

Made a tactical error. Choose 75# for the ohs and decided to wear my lifters.

Forgot my rope, so used a gym rope.

Combination of lifters and unfamiliar rope didn't work very well at all.

Everything else was fine. After two rounds of struggling coach said drop the number of DUs, it read taking too long.  So i did 30 the last two rounds

Finished in 1327

Not my best showing. Should have worn the nanos and worked harder on the ohs.

Oh well.

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Crossfit log for Tuesday, September 6th

Well that was a good workout.

The first half was way better then then second.

Warm up was a 4min 5 shuttle runs + 20 double unders followed by dynamic stretching.

part 1:   5 rounds   15 min cap
- 10-8-6-4-2  bench press 205#/115#
- 5-4-3-2-1 rope climb

rest 5 minutes
part 2: 5 rounds
- 10 sumo dead lift high pull  95#/65#
- 10 wall balls  20#/14#

Women's Rx again. Wish I could scale my body weight for those rope climbs though!

Probably could have done 135# for the bench, but the goal was to move fast.

Started 20 seconds after Kamil, we shared a bar and I let him go first, rather than starting on rope climb I just waited for him to finish his 10 reps and remove 0:20 from my score.

Finished the first half in 13:09, minus 0:20 = 12:49   a minute ahead of Kamil :)

Part two... sucked.  Should have used women's med ball.  Kamil started part two a minute behind me and finished before me!

Finished at 26:14 minus 0:20 25:54, after Kamil, but with the 20 second adjustment just before him. 

Friday, 2 September 2016

CrossFit lug for Friday, September 2nd

Thursday off might have been a good thing.  Felt pretty good this morning going in, once i got out of bed that is.

Warm up was partner route 400m vs 5 squats and 5 burpees, which i did 8 squats and 4 burpees. Twice through.

WOD was two parts
4 rounds of
- 18 bench press 135#/95#
- 18 toes to bar

Rest 5 minutes

- power snatch 95#/65#
- abmat sit-ups

Women's Rx for weight, between Kamil, Dave and I, we shared 2 benches.

1st round unbroken, then, 10,8, and 9,6,3 and 8,5,5

Tires to base were 8,5 then 7,5 hanging singles, then 4,4,4 and finally 5,4,3

Finished in 12:15

Started up at 17:15

Snatchers went 11, 10 then 9,6 then 7,5 and 9

Sit-ups were no fun.

Post two took 10:11 for s total of 27:26 including the 5 min rest.