A day late with this post, I think I was too bummed about the workout to want to post about it, but you can't just post about the good ones.
Warm up was 15 kettle bell swings + 300m run x 2
Dynamic stretching and handstand work.
Then this shoulder activation drill. Sit on floor, bend one knee, rest elbow on knee, pull shoulder back and down rotated forearm in front of chest with small weight.
Couldn't acheive the postion. Hips/hams/lumbar wouldnn't allow me to even get my elbow on to my knee.
Was not happy. With last physio being zero progress and then a new (known but not often exposed) weakness was a slap in the face.
I need Friday's physio to be good news, I've been doing the homework like crazy and I've been hating it. Usually I don't mind but this round is not fun for some reason.
And the WOD, another long grinder that I had to ask for a time cap so I could have an out. So they capped it at 30 minutes.
30 wall balls 20#/14#
30 box jump overs 24"/20"
30 cal row 30cal/20cal
30 shoulder to overhead 95#/65#
30 burpees to plate
30 toes to bar
30 burpees to plate
30 shoulder to overhead 95#/65#
30 cal row 30cal/20cal
30 box jump overs 24"/20"
30 wall balls 20#/14#
60 burpees. Great.
Used women's Rx for everything except split the differnce on the calories, I did 25.
Used a 14# ball, 20" box, 65# bar.
Didn't help.
Hit the cap part way through the wall balls, so they said just keep going and finish it. At that point, I didn't care either way.
I guess 31:11 dead last is still better than DNF.