Thursday, 28 July 2016

Crossfit log for Thursday, July 28th

That was hard.

So the schedule had a 10 minute EMOM of 2 pause squats at 70% of max followed by a heavy set of 8 reps. 

Planned 215# for the EMOM and 245# for set of 8.  We just did 8 rep max and I hit 255# so 10# less should be fine right.

Wrong.  After 10 sets of pause squats my legs were smoked.  I was lucky to make 8 with the 215# from the pause squats.  Even walking it back to the rack was dicey!

Which didn't help the WOD at all.

Partner WOD with Vero.  Women's Rx all the way!

3 round for time of:
- 60 partner wall balls  14#
- 20 partner dead lifts 235#
- 200m partner run with tether.

She ran me into the ground.

First round was actually okay.  We went unbroken.   Decided to break the deadlifts in 2 sets of 10 for round two.

My hams were smoked at this point and I had to drop the second set of 10 at 5. So we did 10, 5, 5.

Revised plan for deadlifts 4 sets of 5.  Run sucked.  No legs left.

Wall balls were unbroken, last round of dead lifts, breaking up didn't help ended up being 5, 5, 5, 3, 2.  Without hams, my back started picking up the slack and that's never good.

Run was the worst,  Vero wouldn't let me stop. 

We were 14:30ish  not sure.  I must have writhed around on the floor for 10 minutes!  The next class was looking a bit worried. 

Glad that's over. 

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Crossfit log for Wednesday, July 27th

Glad I went, but not a very gratifying workout.

After a warm up of 2 round of 10 empty beer overhead squats, 10 snatch grip behind the neck press and 10 kip swings we did some snatch balance.

OK, this post was gratifying.

I think this is the first time I've done snatch balance at the box.
We were supposed to do 4 sets of 6 at 70℅ of snatch max, but my squat snatch max is only 95# (or maybe 115# is have to look it up).

So I did empty bar, 65# twice, 75# which started to get ugly, tried 85# which was a non starter.  OEM back to 65#, but my shoulders were done.

After that was a horrible 24 minute EMOM of alternating:
- 15/12 cal row
- 7 burpee chest to bar pull ups
- 15 sit ups

Started with 14 cal, and but that became 12 at the half and 10 by the end.

Burpees were 5 instead of 7, but there was a couple of 4s in there.

Sit ups were almost all 15, with a14 and a 12 in there somewhere.

No score.  Just work.

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Crossfit at the Y log for Tuesday, July 26th

Slept in today, so when I saw the that the WOD was  Y friendly, I decided to do it at lunch.

I did the 4x6 strict press after my physio homework and the bicep and tricep openers from Strongfit. 

Did 95# and failed on the last rep of the last set. 

Position overhead felt good though. Maybe the physio and openers helped.

Didn't to the rows from the program.

The WOD was

-150 double unders
3 rounds of:
- 10 power cleans  135#/105#
- 10 ring dips
- 150 double unders

I had my rings, so I brought them, but my rope was at home.  I knew the Y has some decent ropes, but once I got there nobody knew where they were.  As luck would have it one of the Daves has a few, and today he had a good one with him.  He graciously lent me one and I was able to do the WOD.

Ugh, be careful what you wish for.  The double unders were rough, the cleans were rougher, the dips were okay, but harder than I would have liked, and the last set of double unders were brutal, those alone took 6 minutes!



Monday, 25 July 2016

Crossfit log for Monday. July 25th

Just me and coach Alex this morning. That was a bit weird, but kinda nice too.

Strength was 1 rep max pause front squat+ front squat.
245# was good and hard.

After that was 3 rounds of 10 good mornings (95#) vs 5 strict knees to elbows on the rings, keeping hollow. 

Forgot about the hollow part on the first round, glad I remembered, they were easier that way.

The wood was really good.
4 round of:
-10 unbroken front squats  155#/105#
-9 handstand push-ups
-7 pull ups

Initially planned to go 135#, but 4 rounds, man, and every I stray to far from women's Rx, I regret it. Finally decided on 115#.  Could have done a bit heavier.  Maybe even 135# but it would've sucked so bad.

Did bear hspu, which allowed me to keep moving.  Pull ups were a snap.

Finished in 7:35.  Happy with that.

Crossfit log for Saturday, 23rd -client appreciation day?

So Saturday was the client appreciation BBQ at Physics.

After back to back workouts, I wasn't feeling particularly appreciated, well no more than any other day at Physics.

I arrived late, so finding partner was a problem until Jon shower up even later.

The first WOD, we did the scaled version, power clean ladder. 7:00 plus 2:00 AMRAP if you finish the ladder.

Ours was 7 minutes to do power cleans at:
-95# for 12 reps
-115# for 10 reps
-135# for 8 reps
-155# for 6 reps
-165# for 4 reps
If you finished before 7 minutes which we did easily, you got 2 minutes to AMRAP 185#

Sadly, we did know that you had to wait until the 7 minute mark to start the AMRAP,  so our first 7 reps didn't count only the last 10. Bummer.

The second WOD was not fun. Share the work as needed:
-60 thrusters 95#/65#
-60 toes to bar
-100 wall balls. 20#/14#
-100 sit-ups
-1 mile burden run with heavier med ball.

Thankfully there were no heavier need balls left so we ran with the 20# ball.

Jon wanted to do Rx. Wouldn't have been my choice but I didn't mind.

Thrusters we traded of at sets of 6 reps.

T2B sets of 5

Wall balls sets of 10

Sit-ups sets of 20 with a set of 10 each at the end.

Then the horrible no good very bad run in the hot sun, with that fucking med ball.

Man was I glad that was over.

The food was good, so I guess that made me feel appreciated.

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Crossfit log for Thursday, July 21st

Finally got back to the gym today.  Feeling a bit more normal now.

Strength was 4 sets of 6 back squats at 75%.  Did 215#

Followed that up with 4 sets of 6 sumo dead lifts at 75%, also did 215#

WOD sucked.

Felt drained, need to look at my nutrition, I'm not eating well these days.

For time:
1000m row
30 in place front rack lunges  135#/95#
10 muscle ups

Row was ok.  Back was sore at the end. 

Lunges sucked,  did 10, 10, 6, 4  at women's Rx.

Tried a bar muscle up, but had nothing in the tank, resored to ring dips which I finished in like 10 seconds. 


I have nothing in between  dips and muscle ups.  unless I combined dips with chest to bar or something. 

Oh well.  First day back in the books.  Can't complain.

Mobility at lunch.

Thursday, 14 July 2016

Crossfit log for Thursday, July 14th

Well that's wasn't fun.

Fell back to sleep after my alarm, 20 minutes later than usual. Hustled, made it 3 minutes late.

Coach Nikki wanted my to do burpees, not happening.

Did the warm up on my own, 15 jumping air squats, 8 reverse plank march.

Started with 8 rep max back squat. Made 255#. Man that was rough.

Then 3 rounds of 20 banded kettle bell swings, rough on the shoulders vs 5 back squats. 185# never felt so heavy.

Then the horrible WOD

3 rounds thankfully
-run 400m
-30 abmat sit-ups
-12 UNBROKEN per cleans at 135#/95#

Was going to do 115#, then came to my senses and went with women's Rx, but then Kamil was doing 115#, so i added 10#beer side took match him.

Running on square legs sucked

After the first round it was clear 115#was a mistake. Coach Nikki peeled the 10s. Better after that.

Still took like 19:05. 

What a suffer fest

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Strength log for Tuesday July 12th

Missed Crossfit. Did the strength component St the Y

8 rep max push press. Mistakenly thought 165#
was a reasonable goal.

Worked up in descending sets, 5@115#, 4@135#, a double@155# felt good.

Plank was 3. 2, 1, 1. 1 for the 8 reps @165#

Ended up being 3. 2, nope.

Then super set 5 close grip bench vs 5 strict pull ups.
Did 95#-115#-135#-145#-145#(4)
And 5-5-5-5-1 for the pull ups

Haven't logged heavy at the Y in agreed, and it showed. But even that felt good. Looking forward to my next strength cycle

Crossfit log for Wednesday, July 13th

That was not fun, not by a. long shot.

Warm up was 2 rounds of 10 air squats, 10 push ups, 10 good mornings.

Then work up to a heavy single, power clean and jerk. 155#went up fine, 185#, did not.

Then right into the WOD from hell.

24 rounds of
- 6 wall balls
- 3 handstand push-ups
- 1 clean and jerk

Rounds 1-10 - 135#/95#
Rounds 11-18 - 155#/105#
Rounds 19-24 - 185#/115#

Men's Rx was not happening, women's Rx was a joke, so i did 95#-115#-135#. Wish I'd started at 115#. Hindsight.

I thought with an abmat, and a good look if survive the hspu, and none of the scaling options were appealing. Lasted 3 rounds. Then i did push ups with my feet on a bench. Ugh.

Started to really suck at round 13, got a second wind that lasted to round 20, then slugged to the end.


Monday, 11 July 2016

Crossfit log for Monday, July 11th

Tired and sore, but somehow managed to get out of bed nonetheless.

Small group today. Just Fallon and Dave.

Started with back squat for 1 heavy rep.  275#was way harder than it should have been, and 295# didn't go up at all.  Not surprising I guess, i haven't really been squatting lately.

After that, ugh, kettle bell overhead walking lunges 3x75' Sucked

Don't quite have the mobility to lock out and you quickly run out off arms that way.

Was glad when it was over.

The WOD was a good one.
21-15-9 thrusters 95#/65#
3-2-1 rope climb

Did 75# and broke them up 16, 5 then 11,4 and 9

Rope was slow and steady except the last round which was go time.

Didn't even look at the clock i was so smoked, but was around 8 minutes.

Very happy with that.

Crossfit log for Saturday, July 9th

Skive my mother in law was in town,, Kiza and I went to Crossfit together.

Partner WODs are better when you bring your own partner.

It was a 30 minute AMRAP alternating full rounds of:
- 5 pull ups, 10 push-ups, 15 air squats
- 1 hang clean and jerk 95#/75#

Increase weight each round 10#/5#

Kids struggled s bit on the "Cindy" part so to keep the rest balanced I used the pull ups to practice my butterfly kip.  Managed to string 3. Not bad.

I did then men's increment (10#), but started at the women's weight (75#) and that worked perfectly.

We did 18 rounds, plus I did the pull ups and 7 push ups of round 19.

Pretty sore after 97 push ups!

Thursday, 7 July 2016

Crossfit log for Thursday, July 6th

That was my kind of workout.

For the warm up we did downward dog into plank for 8 reps. Coach Nikki gave us some variations and suggested I bend my knee a bit more and lift my heels to get my head through my arms and lock my back straight. Felt really good. I may add this to my regimen.

We started with my favorite, back squats, 1 heavy set of 8, 10# more than last week.

I did 235#. Coach Nikki asked if my squat came naturally. Ha!  So she asked is it was just volume or what. So i told her a bit about my adventures in physiotherapy. She was impressed at my dedication be and that my squat looked really good, especially at 185#, where she said my back was straight as a board. 

Then we did 4 sets of 6 deadlifts at 75%,  rounded down to 255#.  So hard to keep my lower back straight in the bottom. Grrr

Stopped after 3 sets.

The WOD was good and hard
-25 thrusters 95#/65#
-30 abmat sit-ups
-20 thrusters 95#/65#
-25 abmat sit-ups
-15 thrusters 95#/65#
-20 abmat sit-ups

Did women's Rx and was thankful. But 9:36. Not last.

Good and sweaty.

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Crossfit log for Wednesday July 6th

A bit of s strange day back at the gym.

Started with a 14 minute AMRAP of alternating tasks
Odd: 3 overhead squats, increasing weight
Even: 5 started box jumps, higher than WOD height

I did 65#-75#-85#-95#-105#-115#-125# for the OHS, in my nanos! Solid.

Did 30" for the box. Good enough for me.

Then the less fun part

3 round, ran out of time for 4 rounds, of:
50m asked pull sprint
300m run
3:00 rest

The sled pull with 115# of plates on the sled was fine. The run after, not so much.

Glad it's over.