Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Crossfit log for Tuesday, July 2nd

Wow. I felt like a sloth this morning.

Really hammered the shoulders today.

Strength was strict press 4 sets of 8-12 and strict pull ups 4 sets of 5-10.

I decided to go lighter on the push press to aim for 10 reps, I'd done 95# for 3 sets of 8 always failing to make the 8 on the last set. So I went with 75#. I also decide to use the blue band for my pull ups. Unassisted I can do 5 or 6 reps for the first round anyway, then it quickly falls apart. With the band I aimed for 8 reps per set.

I warmed up with 65# and two blue bands, then did 10 push press at 75# and 8 pull ups, no prob, pull ups felt easy. Second set I probably didn't rest enough, I struggled to get 9 push press, but the pull ups went okay. Third I rested a bit more, hoping to get 10 again, but 9 went up, 10 just wouldn't go. Pull ups were harder this time, but managed 8. Last set was a solid 9, but 10 just wouldn't go again. Had to work really hard on the last two pull ups, but managed to do all 8.

Naturally the workout required lots of shoulder. It wasn't pretty.

WOD was 3 rounds
35 wall balls
25 push press 75#
15 knees to elbows

followed by 50 double unders.

Wall balls were torture, push press even worse. toes to bar quickly became knees to elbows and even that sucked. I was getting lapped. Last round and switched to a 14# medicine ball, and wow, what a difference, I should've started with that! I wish someone had a 65# bar ready, I would've switched to that too. Coach ended up capping it at 22 minutes.

Thanks GOD! It was horrible.

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